Chapter 21: Gotcha

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The two glance at each other wide eyed before they slide across the walls in absolute silence.

Levi glances to Eren and he glances to Levi before Levi takes in a loooong sigh and hands Eren a gun.

The boy takes it all too quickly for Levi's liking, however, they have a job to do. For now, Eren is Levi's partner, so Levi has to take the liberty of gifting Eren, an ex murderer, a weapon for defense.

Eren is quick to move. Taking long strides that are as silent as an expert thief. Levi can barely hear his footsteps, let alone his breath. Levi has always wondered how Eren was able to get into places unnoticed. Out of everything they had asked Eren, they neglected to ask Eren how. How he was able to stay in the dark for so long. How he was able to go without being caught.

Eren stops his quiet strides until he reaches the window which has been smashed. He glances to Levi and nods his head to the door before gripping hold of the frame, and with incredible strength, he jumps up and pulls himself in, not knocking any of broken shards out of place.

Levi pulls himself up after him. Eren is incredibly agile. Levi can admire that. At least he's not working with a klutz.

Levi pulls his lips to Eren's ear to whisper quietly. "I'll go to the otherside. You go to this side and we'll watch" Levi says quickly.

"Don't make too much noise," Eren muses quietly before he does a swift and quiet roll on the ground and slipping off almost out of sight in the dark shadows. Eren leaves Levi's side following orders like he was told, leaving Levi to wander the dark hall on his own. The first thing he notices. The dust has been shifted. A hand print has been captured by the small particles on the stair railing,  sliding upwards. It could be from earlier today when the hall was open. Or... it could be their killer.

Levi blinks his eyes and pricks his ears. That's when he hears a man's voice totering. Thomas.

He slips to the side. He can't even see Eren he's that well hidden. It takes him a while but he notices him crouched under a stair. Concealed by the shadows.

Levi slips behind a curtain and stares carefully down into the middle of the hall.  Down the stairs. Where Thomas mutters things.

The muttering man comes forth into the great Hall,  staring at the window that has been shattered.
"Grr... damn kids," the young man mutters to himself. "Always throwing rocks."

The man proceeds to grab a broom and sweep off the mess. Clink, the pieces make when they scratch against one another. Almost drowning out the sounds of high heels, clicking on the marble floor with power. Eren glances to the curtain Levi's behind. He hopes to God he heard that too,  Thomas however is too busy.

Levi peeks out subtly. Concealed by the shadow of the corner. He watches as a woman apears in the doorway. He pulls out his gun slowly. That's when she gasps loudly and squeals. Running down the halls to Thomas and leaping into his arms.  "Baby! I missed you!" She kisses his lips smearing her lipstick on his mouth. Levi glances to Eren in confusion.

Eren however begins crouching down low to the ground, prowling almost like a lion about to kill his prey.  His eyes dark and dangerous, glancing over at the two making out. He needs to see her face. The hair is similar but who can say? Eren's eyes are darting all around the place as he watches Thomas and presumably Cake. He grips his gun tightly.

The woman detaches herself from Thomas and Eren gets a flash of her face. That's her alright.

Levi thinks to himself for a while about how Cake used to act.

"Come, Honey" Thomas holds out his hand and walks with Cake to the door. That's when Levi dashes from the curtain. Eren looks at him confused. Levi remains undetected. He's now right beside the couple and looking for Eren for a signal. But for what. Eren doesn't understand. What does Levi want him to do?

Cake then pulls Thomas in for a hug. A knife slips from her sleeve and Eren sees her pulling it out.

It makes sense. He watches until the knife is raised slightly behind Thomas before flicking his hand. Levi jumps out from behind the pillar and tackles the two to the ground. He hovers above them both but holds Cake down. Especially the wrist that holds the knife.

"EREN!" he yells out to him for back-up to come out.

However something isn't right. Eren is gone. He's not in the usual spot, and all three heads are looking around for him. Levi turns his head behind him, until he hears Cake scream. The knife she had is now being pushed into her own wrist as Eren stands above her, boot sitting on the knife and forcing it into her. He's angry. This girl has gotten him so much trouble.

"EREN!" Levi shouts and Thomas yells in fright. Levi stands up and grabs Eren pushing him against the wall. "THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?"

Cake shrieks and leaps to her feet.

"SHE'S GOING TO ESCAPE!" Eren growls, running quickly, pulling out handcuffs he stole from Levi in that short moment. He shoves Cake against the wall and cuffs her quickly. However there is so much more that he wants to do to her. Especially after killing all those innocents.

Cake starts to weep and Levi growls and grabs Thomas. Cuffing him too.

"Sick bitch." Eren scowls in the girls ear. "How dare you use my name for your evildoing."
He pulls on the cuffs hard, almost snapping her arms off before he harshly storms away with Levi following along with Thomas.

"He was involved too" Levi sighs. "i didn't realise until i saw them kissing. But a lot of the murders had to have been done by a second person. Cake has a shop to run. She knew she was suspected. That's where her little boy toy would come in,  hmm?" Levi walks them to the car. "She had you on her list as a victim the whole time. She decided to kill you off so that no one would suspect the plan. Which is why I know for sure there's another guy." Levi looks at Eren. "She wouldn't kill off her accomplise if she didn't have a backup guy."

"I'm innocent!" Cake screeches.

"Tch! Don't be stupid!" Eren growls pulling harshly on her hair so she faces upwards. He takes out the knife Cake had and presses it against her throat.
"We saw you hold this exact knife up to him. Don't be a stupid cow and accept your punishment. Before I give you a different one," he presses the knife harder against Cake's skin but not breaking it. This is what she gets for using E.G.J.

"Eren stop it" Levi slaps him in the back of the head. "You're being stupid"


"Shut up. Shut up all of you, you're giving me a headache" Levi moans.

That's when he gets a call.

Eren glances, everyone else glances to Levi's ringing phone.


Levi pulls it out "hello?... what? No but we... E.G.J...? Shit... okay" Levi hangs up the phone and looks at Eren. "Another murder... at sword art botanical gardens... the opposite side of town."

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