Chapter 5: A Solid Promise

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About not letting the boy effect him... he's getting to him again. Especially with this display. Rico was a well trusted officer, and was one of Levi's most faithful companion's.  And now her body is cut up and sliced. Her head is dismembered from the torso. Her wrists, slit. Bruises litter her dead body and her eyes... Gone.

Levi says nothing. He would ask Rico to write things down but he doesn't. The reson for that is obvious. Levi breaths in a breath and puts on his gloves. He kneels down and looks around her body. It's everywhere. He looks at her cuts,  bruises and examines where her eyes were gauged out.

Another writes it down.

It's not the same but Levi pretends it doesn't effect him and looks over her body. It's when they get to her bum that Levi stops abruptly.

'Xoxo ~E.G.J'

Levi blinks and stands.

"Eren. Grisha. Jaeger. E.G.J." he says before storming out of the crime scene. Boiling with fury. With embarassment. He Hates Eren. He hates him.  He will kill him.

The day has been rough for Levi. Eren this. Eren that. This teenager is a complete psycho. A murderous, perverted  psycho that takes every opportunity to mess with Levi's head. What bugs Levi even more is that when he asks around about Eren Grisha Jaeger, everyone claims they've never heard of him. He's asked civilians and everyone. He checked on street cams near Rico's death. There isn't a single hint of evidence it was Eren, aside from the initials. It's driving Levi into insanity. Hatred. Anger. It all boils inside of him. He needs to catch this bastard and he needs to do it quick. Innocents are at stake. It's his job to keep those that are innocent safe from criminals. Yet Eren Jaeger has slipped away twice, infiltrated his home and office, completely exposed Levi to everyone  at his work. The detectives mind needs to calm. Down.

Levi takes a deep breath. He checks the time. It's been 6 hours of internet surf for him. Social media. News websites, anything to get a lead. He's found zilch.

"Levi, please go home. You need to rest," Armin says as he knocks on the man's door.

"I'm not risking more humiliation. Armin. You don't have to wait for me. Everyone else has gone home. Ill lock up. You go too." Levi says. Resuming his rearch and looking over the shots of Rico. Why can't he get this case...

"Alright... well, if anything happens, don't hesitate to ask for help," Armin reminds Levi before exiting the room.

The lights outside the office flicker off as Armin locks up most of the station. Levi sighs and continues his work. Maybe he was searching wrong. Maybe if he looked for relatives?
Levi begins to resear h some more for another hour only to have a hand tap at his leg from under the desk.

It comes as such a shock that Levi jumps back from his chair after kicking his leg up and hearing a grunt from under the table. He kicked someone.
He stands up and takes a deep breath before Eren Jaeger comes out smiling.

"YOU!" Levi's eyes darken and he grabs a coffee cup that someone left for him. He hurls it at Eren who ducks and it smashes on a wall. Levi hates Eren. HATES HIM! He wants him dead and he will kill him.


Levi gets shoved up against the wall with a hand clasped over his mouth. Eren's eyes turn narrow. Very dark glance from the teen that usually smirks playfully. Eren glares down at Levi very harshly ad the man under his hand muffles out curses. Levi silences for one second to catch his breath and almost finds the look Eren is showing to be intimidating. Until the boy laughs and releases him.

"Haha! I almost had you there, huh?" The boy chuckles and sits on Levi's desk casually.

Levis breath picks up and he growls and throws himself at Eren. Tackling him off the back of his desk and they flip. Though Eren's head hits the ground, both their legs are propped up on the desk.
Levi growls a grunt and squirms off Eren. Levi grabs the tape dispenser off the desk and throws it down beside Eren's head who gasps in shock. Levi is furious.  Eren can see that. But he only finds amusement in it.

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