Chapter 32: Tell Me Everything

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"Get your hands off me!" Levi kicks one of the bimbos in the jaw and they advance on him. He growls as one cuts his arm. He hisses in pain and shoves her hard into a wall making her moan out in drama.

"Would you stop resisting you little fucker!" One of the girls growls. They both go to try and hold down the aggressive Levi. But the thing about Levi is...he's aggressive. He kicks and curses at them.

"Grr! If you don't get him to be still, we'll never be able to test him! "

"Eren was even a little more submissive then this guy and this guy is small as fuck."

"Yes, but Eren was also drugged," Cake reminds her sister. The girl nods in agreement.

"Unfortunately that made him softer than puddy."

"Good thing we had viagra!"

From this conversation, Levi can gather what the girls have done.  And what they're planning to do with Levi. To the girls, punishment comes after they have fun with their play thing.

"YOU SICK FUCKS!" he grabs one of the girls by the hair and bashes her head into a filing cabinet with a loud bang.
He then lets go and steps towards the stairs.

That's just one though.  The other jumps onto Levi and holds onto him tightly, bringing a knife to his throat.
"Want to die?!" She threatens.

"What will you do?" He growls "kill me!? I'd like to see you Try!" Levi elbows the woman harshly in the gut and she reels back slicing the side of his neck making blood run down his side.

"Ah!" He cringes as she hisses in pain amd jumps on him again.
The other cake also jumps up on him and the two knock Levi to the ground "Get OFF ME UGLY SLUTS!"

"WE WON'T HESITATE FOR A SECOND TO KILL YOU!" They scream, tackling Levi and trying their very best to get the man to submit. Levi is a fighter though, and he refuses to give in. He will make it out of this alive, and when he does, he'll find Eren!

... and see other people.

He struggles against the Cake twins as they suffocate him by wrapping a hand around his airway. He chokes but manages to fling one off and the other hits their head on the table, knocking her out. Just one. But the girl has a lot of fire. She charges and throws Levi into a wall on the farthest side of the basement.

Cake raises a knife above her head, eyes of glowing rage glaring at Levi's head.

The door slams open. A gun shot is fired. And Cake lays unmoving.

Blood trickles from her head across the concrete floor. Like ants down a track. Slowly creeping. Trail.
Levi's every vain is almost exploding with the adrenaline that fules them. He stares at Cake. Dead. She's dead. She was shot. A pant and Levi turns his head to Eren. Who stands in the doorway holding a gun.

"... brat..." Levi takes a step towards him. Blood trickling down his neck and a bruise above his eye. He seems mostly fine though.

Eren stares at Levi. He's alive... he's alive but... but...

He glances to Cake. Then Levi. Then Cake with his eyes widening in panic. He drops the gun and takes a step back. "Ha..." he pants threading his fingers in his hair. He covers his mouth absolutely horrified with what he's done. His hands... they have blood on them. Someone else's life has been slayed once again by the notorious murderer Eren Jaeger.

"Eren" Levi speaks again this time softer "hey? It's alright..." Levi walks over to the boy.

"I..." Eren trembles. "I k-killed... I promised!" Eren clutches his shirt that has blood splotches from his stitches reopening. "I promised and I broke it!"

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