Chapter 27: Rage

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When the three arrive at the station and tell everyone that Eren is moling for Cake, some officers even nod their approval. It feels good for Eren to be accepted by these select few. Of course the majority still despise him. But those who are willing to give him a chance show it sublty. He used to wonder why this family was so inmortant to Levi. He now realises its importance. They may even be a little proud of him. But these people aren't his enemies. The whole time Levi has been quiet. He sits there staring in silence.

Eren is busy talking to Hange about their next plans of action. What they need to know, such as the reasons for going after these people. What had they done to embark Cake and the sister's revenge? They brush over questions that need answers and if situations come up, what can they do to avoid or get out of them. Yet Levi still stays quiet. In his office. Watching the two rehearse their plans.

He's thinking about how much he hates Cake. How much it enraged him to see that red mark tainting Eren's lips.

At the end of the conversation Hange leaves. Patting Levi on the back.

As soon as she's gone Levi looks desperately to Eren to say something. He finds no words to say and looks away once more.

Eren sighs at the man's behavior before walking behind him to proceed with a relaxing neck and shoulder massage. "How are you feeling?" Eren asks as he lightly rubs out the knots that make Levi a tense little bitch.

Levi doesn't respond at first but he reaches his hands up to touch Eren's hands. He turns to stare at him.

"Does this count as me using you for your body?" Levi asks dodging Eren's question with a small joke. "Necause your hands work wonders."

Eren snorts lightly and presses down into Levi earning a small satisfied breath from the said male.
"No, it's fine. Are you okay though? You're more tense then last time I did this." Eren says, really working the skin to loosen him up.

"Am I? Odd..." he trails off and looks away. "I suppose it's the stress of the case."

Eren hums in agreement. "I s'pose. We have to meet Cake tomorrow again at Ghoul street."

Levi's shoulders tense again and he crosses his arms. "Tch."

"Ah. So Cake is a trigger." Eren smirks a little, only to use his fingers in a way to relax Levi almost instantly.

"Well she is who we're after" Levi scowls but Eren knows damn straigh that's not it.

"Hmm... I wonder if I have to kiss her again..."

"Ugh! I don't want to hear about your sick fantasies!" Levi snaps.

Eren's hands halt and rest gently on Levi's shoulders. A small playful smirk edges onto Eren's face. He quickly walks in front of Levi leaning close to meet those dark eyes that do wonders to Eren's heart.

"Could it be... that you want to kiss me instead?" Eren asks, placing his hand to rub on Levi's leg.

"Tch you... no way!" Levi frowns at his sexy smirking face. His cheeks flushing red. "Moron. Go away. Stop doing that face thing" he says putting his hands infront of Eren's eyes and mouth.

Eren laughs out loud before taking Levi's hands. He stares into his eyes before placing a small kiss on his hand... then quickly diving for  his cheek before running off.

Levi blinks in surprise and stares at his hand. He can still feel Eren's gentle lips. So much so that his own burn in anticipation. They feel empty. Like Eren's kisses should have gone there. Not on his cheek.

Levi ignores this feeling however and stands up. He looks in the mirror that's in his office. His cheeks are a blazing red. He touches them then frowns and kicks the wall.

"EREN!?" He walks out of his office to find the boy.

"Levi? Sir?" Petra rushes to him. "You're all red sir, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Petra. I just need a drink" he says slapping his hands to his cheeks and holding them over them.

"I need to find that Jaeger brat-" Levi spys Eren sitting alone in a room reading something.
Levi runs into there and opens the door. Slams it and pulls the blinds on the window shut.

Eren stares at him with confusion. Raising his eyebrow. He goes to say something but Levi sits next to him on the couch and glares at him. "I told you not to kiss me you Brat!" He yells before pushing his lips hard against Eren's. His face glowing red.

"MMPH?!" Eren sounds in shock. His eyes wide at Levi's sudden attack towards his lips.  Levi's lips on Eren's. Willingly again! What?!

When Levi breaks away, scowling yet blushing heavily, Eren only blinks in surprise before reaching to touch his kissed lips.

"You kissed me. Willingly..." he says with a blink. Suddenly his face a scrunches up into embarrassment at being caught off guard once again. His own cheeks blazing into a heavy red.
"THAT'S TOO CUTE WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?!" Eren squeals, thrashing about in his spot like a girl fangirling about her highschool crush waving at her.

"Stop it!" Levi pushes him down by his shoulders and growls angrily. "Because you kissed me first!" Levi yells at him. "Stupid moron. I hate you so much" Levi looks frustrated with Eren. Super frustrated. He growls again.
"Do you... want to stay at my house again tonight?" He asks quietly.
Suddenly cooling down. His shoulders relax and so does his grip on Eren. He sits up and frowns to himself. "It's okay if you don't want to."

"Eh?!" Eren shouts standing up and gripping onto Levi's shoulders.
"Levi! Are you ill? What have you done with the real Levi?!" Eren begins shaking Levi's shoulders back and forth as if he has been possessed.

Levi only flops around like he's dead. "I don't know" he mumbles. "But you're hurting me. Stop."

Eren immediately lets go before hugging Levi with a huge grin. "Yes I'll stay at your house tonight!" The teen boy giggles happily. Levi wants him to stay and there's no way Eren is passing up an opportunity to cling onto Levi some more.

"What did I say about you hugging me?" Levi frowns and closes his eyes in Eren's embrace.

Eren ignores Levi's comment and instead grabs his hand and pulls him out of the room and out of the station. It's about time they head off anyway. They've already done the required work they've needed to do and Hange is taking care of technical stuff. It's time for the two to go home. Tonight, Eren seems more bouncy than usual.

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