Chapter 18: Take Me Away

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'Because they're scared. Too many people lose like that. As long as i can remain sane. I'll hold us together' Levi thinks to himself.

He pushes open the interrogation room and chains Eren to the table like always then sits on the other side. "As far as we both know... you didn't kill Erwin... but you have to prove that. You also have to prove that you aren't working with someone else. To me. Right now. Go." Levi looks Eren up and down and gets out his note pad and glasses then stares at Eren expectantly through them.

Levi's voice comes out so quick that Eren has to take a moment of silence to register. He's focused on the tone. How low it was. How it slightly cracked somewhere in that sentence. He's sad. Eren can't do a thing except mourn over his love interests loss.

"I'm not working with anyone. Nor have I murdered anybody. Levi I swear it. I haven't killed anybody since I was taken to prison" Eren says sincerely. Sincerity won't be enough.

"I apreciate it, Eren. But someone's murdering those people. You're going to need more than a promise to convince others."

"I... I don't know what to say..." Eren frowns sadly down at the table,  shoulders sagging. "Do... do you believe me at least?"

Levi stares at Eren for a bit "... my gut believes you. But I can't believe you without crucial evidence. Not fully. But I'll help you find the evidence you need" Levi speaks. "Is that good enough?"

Eren nods his head and even smiles a little at Levi before resuming frowning.  Then he widens his eyes.

"W-wait!" Eren suddenly shouts. "I... there's a person you should know about. She took me out of the Institute."

"Out of the institute...?" Levi writes it down. "Go on."

"Said her name was Cake." Eren continues. "She took me out and wanted me to start killing again. Even gave me a list of names. I... I think I still have it somewhere in my house."

Levi scribbles all of this down.
"Could she be stealing your name? Framing you?"

"When I refused she said I'd regret it."

Levi writes it down. He writes all of it down. "Do you remember what she looked like? A discription?"

The boy hums. "Uh... big boobs. She had curly blonde hair that went down just past her shoulders. Um, she had I think blue eyes... nothing really distinctive about her that I can say."

"Cake huh... Cake.... blonde... her accent?" Levi watches Eren "American... perhaps?" He leans.

"Irish... it had that curve on her 'R's' and her 'I's' sounded like the start of oil. Irish... definitely."

Levi nods quickly. "Adian Adain's niece. I know of her. She used to work at a tea shop. I've spoken to her before" Levi frowns.

Cake. Tea is something Levi thoroughly enjoys, and of course he has seen Cake working at his favourite tea shop. She seemed so innocent...

"Adain had a Niece?" Eren did not know that.

"Adian probably didn't want you two to meet" Levi explains. "You'd be a bad influence on her afterall. But i guess that's how she found you. Through Adian.

Eren groans and bangs his head on the table.  "Somehow I feel like the world hates me. I kill, I can't be at peace. I stop killing,  get told no, refuse,  still no peace." Eren huffs. Then he looks to Levi and blinks a few times. "I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't be complaining."

"True" Levi agrees. "Well have fun in prison" Levi stands up suddenly and Eren's face drops.

"W-what?" Eren gasps standing up fast only to be pulled back down by the handcuffs.

"Prison. Y'know. For people who kill people. What, did you think we'd just let you go?"

"... Well... Well I..." Eren sheepishly kicks at the ground, sitting down in silence.  The quietness speaks for itself.

"It won't be at the station but at a proper prison" Levi explains.

'Proper prison...?!'

Eren gulps. His hands lock with each other, and his eyes stay focusing on the rough surface of the bench. "I see..." He says sadly.

"They won't beat you up" Levi explains. "It's a prison. You'll be fine" Levi reaches into his pocket and pulls out a packet of cigarettes and lights one up carelessly. This is how Eren can tell Levi is stressing about Erwin.

Smoke puffs out of Levi's mouth. The stick slowly getting shorter and shorter. Eren bows his head down,  guiltily.  He feels it's all his fault. Everything he does seems to have a consequence.  Especially when it comes to Eren and his crimes. He sits back down. Heaving a deep sigh before covering his face and holding back his rainfall of emotions.

Levi stares at Eren. "What's wrong?"

Eren shakes his head.
"Take me away."



Levi nods his head and opens his mouth. He then inhales the smoke up his nose and sighs. Blowing it gently away. "Yeah. Prison. You'll have to spend the night here though. We have to file paperwork and shit."

Eren hums slightly, sinking his head low into his hands. He has fucked up. His whole life. He doesn't get a second chance. He can't live a normal life at all since he's done many bad things. No one wants be near him or befriend him. He wonders to himself why he still lives when everytime someone mentions his name, they shudder in disgust.

"Oi. Chin up. Maybe you'll make friends or something" Levi frowns and looks at his ciggerette before passing it across the table to Eren. "Go on"

Eren shakes his head.
"I can't." Eren says.

"Eh? Why not?"

"I don't deserve it. You shouldn't spoil the guilty."

"Shut up. If you want it. Have it" Levi holds it out to Eren so his fingers are pressed against Eren's lips so that if Eren so desires he can take a drag of it.

Eren glances at it once. 'it could be an indirect kiss from Levi..' he thinks before he turns his head away.
"No thank you..."

Levi rolls his eyes and pulls it away from him. "Fine. But be warned this might very well be your last chance to have one."

"I'll be fine without one for now. I don't want to have one. All I can think about is having it turn out to be an indirect kiss. I can't be thinking of that at a time like this." Eren frowns.

"Indirect kiss?" Levi rolls his eyes.  "You're all kinds of whacked up" Levi stands. "Okay we're done here. I'm going to put you away then go solve this Cake case. But before that-"

Levi unlocks Eren's chains from the table "I'm going to get me a nice cold beer."

"Have fun with that." Eren sighs sadly. "Put me away now." Eren says bluntly. Almost like he's on a hurry to be isolated from everyone else.

"You're blunt for a guy who's boyfriend didn't just get shot" Levi scowls. "I haven't seen you smirk since..." Levi pauses. "Since you sat on my bed and shuffled up next to me smiling. That was before i mentioned your parents and you went ape shit... you haven't smiled much after that" Levi notes and holds Eren's chains leading him through the halls.

"hasn't been much reason to," Eren admits, following Levi as he's pulled. "Smiling is what people do when their happy. I'm not happy."

Levi nods his head and the two walk to the small cell.

Eren is uncuffed and he obediently sits down in his cell. He doesn't look up at Levi. His head faces the usual down with those guilt flooded eyes.

"Good luck on the case," Eren says as Levi walks off. The rest of the jail birds glance at Eren seeing him back once again. But no one speaks. It's silent. Like someone had already fired the shots beforehand.

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