Broken Heart

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Celeste POV

Theo drove us to work in his car. I love his car, it's a BMW. We get to work and I go into his office first. Genevieve was running late so I was helping him out with a couple things.

"Thanks, babe." He kisses my forehead, I smile.

"No problem babe." I sit in his big chair and I hear the door the open and close. Two minutes later I hear the door again. I stay on my phone.

"Theo, did you hear!" I turn to an excited Genevieve. His face looks disappointed. But then she grins.

"Celeste, did you hear the good news?"

"No whats up?" She sits in the chair in front of me.

"Theo and I have been in a relationship for quite a while and we are planning to get married. You can be a bridesmaid." Tears start to form in my eyes. No, I refuse. It can't be true. She sees my face and shows some messages that were sent between her parents and his. It's true, I could feel the frog jump in my throat and choke me. My heart has just been shattered to a point of no return. I liked him a lot, no I loved him. And now he's going to marry some one else. When I think of my future, I see him in all of it and what's sad is that I still think of him there. Something has to give. Why me?

"I'll send the invitation to the wedding." The tears start rolling now and I run out. I go to the supply closet and lock myself in. I look at the empty wall. I feel connected, we are both empty and alone. My eyes burn, I feel my body just heat up and get more and more angry. I can't believe it. I love him and now he's gone. My life was surrounding him for the longest time. I start to cry with more and more sound and I start to shake. I don't want him to leave, he's one of the greatest guys I know. I thought we were in love.

I thought.

I stay there for a good hour. I get up and go straight to the washroom and try to put myself together as much as I can. I look in the mirror my eyes are bloodshot, my hair is a mess and my lips are dry. I smooth my hair in one and put some lip gloss on my lips, then I try to take a wet paper towel and dab my eyes. It works. I leave the washroom and put my game face on. I go into Mrs.Alan's office and continue my work.

"You OK, sweetheart?" He looks at me. I nod, but he doesn't seem convinced. "No, you're not. Come sit down and tell me what happened."

"Well I met this guy and we have been talking and we were in least I thought we were and now I found out that he is going to marry someone else." He looks at me, comes over and hugs me. I feel like my father is hugging me. My body just lets go and all the tears come out again.

"Its OK, cry. He isn't worth your time. " I nod slowly. "Take the day off, go home, get some rest and eat some ice cream." I laugh a little. I get my bags and walk out of his office. I walk down the halls and see him all the way at the other end. Think fast, he's walking my way. I take a right and find the stairwell. I go down one floor, take the elevator down and then I'm almost out. I see the front desk and I speed walk there.

"Hey, babe." I see him. I walk past him and don't even look him in the face. My heart is beating so fast right now. "Hello? You OK? Where are you going?" I finally get to the door.


I look through my purse and look for the key. I take the taxi there.

I open the door. "Reece." My voice cracks. He comes out from his room, then smiles and comes to hug me. When he comes closer, he realizes that tears are falling down from my face. Concern drops on his face like a veil.

"Whats wrong?!" He walks me to the couch and I sit beside him and hug him.

"Theo...we liked each other and now he's marrying his assistant." Reece looks at me.

"You've got to be kidding me, really?" I nod.

"I'm going to go find this guy!" I pull him back down and shake my head. I just want to hug him and stay like that. He knows this and puts his chin on my head and embraces me with both arms. He starts to rock me and I feel safe, but still broken. He starts singing.

The build up
Lasted for days
Lasted for weeks
Lasted too long

Our hero withdrew
When there was two
He could not choose one
So there was none

Worn into the vaguely announced

The spinning top made a sound
Like a train across the valley
Fading, oh so quiet
But constant till it passed
Over the ridge into the distances

Written on your ticket
To remind you where to stop
And when
to get off

He sang to me a song with meaning and it just mended me a little more than I thought it would. I fall asleep in his arms.

I had a dream that I was the one marrying Theo and I woke up more broken than when I went to sleep. 

Theo, I love you


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