Breakfast With Genevieve

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Theo POV

I wake up with a pounding headache. I look around me to try and observe my surroundings. I see a naked girl sleeping beside and me in my condo.

Who is this naked girl and why is she here? Why am I here? Where is Celeste?

I pause as I remember yesterday. I can't believe I just left her there; I hope she is OK but I guess I just really wasn't in my right mind. I rub my face and feel like something is missing. I look at my finger. There is no wedding ring. I look for it on the bed. Maybe I misplaced it or something. Did I really take it off yesterday? Everything really moved too fast for me at this point. I don't know how to feel, all I know is that my feelings have definitely changed since last night. A lot of things that were clear before, aren't anymore. I don't know if I want her to be my wife, to be completely honest. At least not right now. I feel like we really might just need a break.

I now turn to this girl in my bed. Her brown hair falls down on her back as she sleeps so peacefully. I look at her and try to remember but nothing comes to mind. I tap her shoulder and she hums and turns over.

"Genevieve?" she slowly open her eyes. The gold sparkles as she looks at me.

"Morning, how are you?" I look at her in shock. Why is she in my bed? I look down at her, waiting for her to explain what is going on. She looks at me and realizes.

"I vomited all over myself so you helped me out of my clothes. Don't worry, nothing happened. Actually, they should be done by now." she gets up and walks out the room. I'm shocked. This such a different Genevieve compared to the one that used to work for me.

Suddenly, my phone rings. I look at my phone and see that it's my mom calling. I pick it up knowing whats going to be on the other end; a whole lot of disappointment.


"Theo, what is going on? Where are you and why is Celeste at home alone? What is going on here?"

"Look, this is not the time to talk about it, OK?"

"Theo, just tell me what happened. Please."

"She wants an abortion. She still loves her ex. What do you want me to say? She only got back together with me because of the baby and once she found out that we were having triplets she cracked and so did I. So, I'm going to call off the wedding. Honestly, I just need my space. Let her know that she can stay in that house or move into the RV. Maybe she can just stay with her ex; I bet she would love that."

"I'm sorry, look, maybe a break is best but I don't think you guys should make any decisions like this. Please come over and we will talk."

"Fine, I'll be there tonight."

"Bye, I love you son."

"Yea...I love you too."

I hang up and when I do, Genevieve walks back into the room with a t-shirt and yoga pants on.

"Is THAT what you wore?" she looks down in confusion and looks back up.

"Yeah, why? What's wrong with it?"

"It just isn't like you..." she laughs and her smile frames her face really nicely. I've never seen that smile from her.

"Yeah, well it is now. I told you, I have changed...and um, I think I'm just gonna get out of your hair now." she points to the door and I stand up and walk past her.

"No, stay. Have some breakfast at least." I walk into the kitchen and look at what I have to make. I decide on making an omelette and toast. I put the bread in the toaster and start on the omelette.

I finish and put the plates on the table with some apple juice. She looks very pleased.

"Theo, why are you being so nice to me? I mean, I'm not complaining I just want to know."

I have to sit there and ask myself that as well.

"Well first off, I try to be nice to everyone but I never really gave you a chance to be on a good page with me to be honest. So, shall we try to be friends?" she smiles and looks down at her cup of tea which is in her hands. Her hair falls and stays there. She looks up and tears look like they are forming.

"Really? You can forgive me for what I did..." Is that what she was worrying about?

"Yes, don't worry just put that behind us.." she nods.

" I didn't come to get between you two again, I swear. I really struggled when I was deciding whether I should tell you or not 'cause I know you guys are in love and I don't want to be the reason why you guys break up again. I felt so bad. I'm so sorry, again." I laugh and she looks at me with a blank face.

"It seems like you won't be the reason this time...."

"Well, the fact that I saw her with this guy doesn't mean too much. I told you that so you can see what the real situation is. Don't completely cut her love her don't you?"

"I think..."

I don't think I know what I should feel; she confuses me so much. I'm trying to hold on to all emotions I have for her but it's like she is ripping them away from me.

Piece by piece.


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