Divorce Before Marriage, Abortion Before Birth

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Theo POV

I can't believe I'm going to have triplets I'm so happy. I look at Celeste expecting to see the amount of joy that I have on her face as well. I look at her and I see shock but she doesn't seem happy.

"Triplets?" Happiness is definitely not in her voice.

"Aren't you excited?"  She looks up at me and makes a weird face.

"Do I look excited to you. I mean I barely wanted one and I just got over the fact that I'm having a kid. I don't want to have three. I'm sorry, I'm only eighteen..."

I don't know whether or not to be angry, shocked, or sad about this. What kind of news is this? We are going to have this baby well...these babies and NOW she wants to tell me how she doesn't want the baby anymore, I hold the bridge of my nose and sigh.

"I'll leave you guys to talk..." Doctor Kim leaves immediately. I look at her, my look might be cold but at this point I don't care.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me, are you serious right now? What, to do you want to terminate the pregnancy? If that was the case why didn't you say that FOUR MONTHS AGO? You literally went shopping for the same kid... THAT YOU DON'T WANT."

"DON'T YELL AT ME, OKAY? YOU'RE NOT CARRYING THREE PEOPLE IN YOU. I AM...stop making it seem like I don't want this kid. I do but not three. My life would be different if I had never gotten pregnant..."

"You would be with Reece...Is that what you want?" I look at her and my voice is rumbling at this point as rage fills my body.

"Theo, don't bring him into this, okay? Not everything has to do with Reece."

She looks at me as she says this but I can tell she's lying.

"You like him, don't you..." she looks at me and flinches at this. She looks in her lap and stays silent.

"You know what? I'm done...talk to me when you grow up, ok? This isn't some high school love story. This is OUR LIFE, OUR FAMILY. We're supposed to get married and I'm worrying about my fiancée loving someone else...? Total bullocks."

I can't stand to even look at her right now. I walk to the door and throw it open. I haven't been so angry in my life. I walk into my car and drive away. I don't want to think about her or see her right now, the mother of my children doesn't want my children and loves another man. Why am I even here right now?

I go to my condo. I haven't sold it yet 'cause I just never had the time. I really don't want to think about any of this. I open my door and enter. I turn on the lights and see the same place; it reminds me of my new house which reminds me of Celeste. I scream in frustration and throw a table in the front . I stand there and look down at it.

Shattered glass and wood, materials that fit so perfectly together with one another now all smashed on the floor. I back into he wall and slowly fall down laughing. How ironic. I run my hands through my hair as the tears start to fall. All of this is bringing me back to my past which I tried to hide away,


The room was dark and I hear yelling

"You're a disappointment. How disgusting, you should have aborted him. Why did you keep him? Now we have to take care of that little shit."


End of flashback

I start to rock back and forth, no....no, go away.

My past needs to stay behind me. I keep rocking for a good twenty minutes. After I finally stop hearing the same yelling over and over again, I stand up. I slowly walk my way into my kitchen and look for all the alcohol I can. I grab the two bottles that I find and a glass. I walk into my living room and sit down on the couch then I place the glass and bottles on the table. I look at my ring...

I take it off, place it on the table and pick up the bottle and pour myself a glass. I sit back and bring the glass to my lips.

Drink away the pain.

I down it and the many that follow. I slowly stop the pain.

Celeste POV

I sit there as the raw emotions all come up. Confusion washes over me.

Do I want these babies?

Do I still like Reece?

Am I ready to settle down and make a family?

All these questions keep flooding my head. I sit there not knowing what to do with myself. Doctor Kim comes back in.

"Are you okay?" I just stare at the blank white wall. She comes and gives me a hug. "If you want to terminate the pregnancy you can. It would be difficult...but if that's what you really want, then we can."

I mean, the pros and cons. I don't know if I want three kids. I still want to be free but I don't want to kill my babies. Plus, it isn't just my choice...but he makes big decisions without me all the time. So I don't know what to do.

"Can you just give me a little time to think about it?" She nods and leaves the room. I sit there contemplating my life and all that could happen with this.

What should I do?

Genevieve  POV

I wanted to stay away from Theo as much as I could but when I went to one of my favourite malls... I saw Celeste all flirty with some guy. She hugged him and he had his arm around her the whole time. I have to tell Theo.

I knock on his door...no answer. I try to twist the lock and surprisingly the door was open. I walk into to see things smashed in the front . My heart starts beating faster.

"Theo?" My weak voice rings out through the house. I walk in further to the couch to see a messed up Theo. I see the bottles and him drinking.

"Theo, thank god you're ok. I have some bad news to tell you." I sit beside him and he looks at me with his same, cold, mean look.

"What now..." I look at him and he continues to drink.

"I saw Celeste with and man this morning at the mall and they were all lovey dovey..."

"I knew she still liked Reece. Holy shit man. I'm trying to build my life with this girl and she is so difficult. She's like a wild animal who doesn't want to be tamed. WHY AM I TAMING MY FIANCÉE?"  he stands up and I stand up with him. I suddenly just hug him.

"I'm sorry this happened, she doesn't deserve you. I'm here for you now." He puts his hand on my face and looks down at me.

He pinches my face with his one hand and moves my face towards his.

"Don't you DARE speak of her like that, ok? What, are you here to comfort me or something? I might be drunk but I'll still never come to you for comfort...what a joke." He drops his hand and sits back down. Anger fills my body.

"I'M HUMAN TOO, YOU KNOW. I listened to what you said and learned from my ways. I'm not the same Genevieve who treats everyone like garbage. I'm actually trying. WHY can't you see that and give me a chance, huh? I tried to stay away from you because that's what you asked but I couldn't turn away and not say anything about this...why can't you just give me a chance?"

He stops for a second and looks straight ahead. He stands up and goes into the kitchen and comes back with and other bottle and glass. He pours me a glass and puts it in my face, I take it and he sits. I stand there and he looks at me.

"Are you going to sit down or should I regret my decisions...?" I sit down immediately. I take a sip and cough; this is straight vodka. I look at how he just downs it.

He's definitely in pain.


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Will she get the abortion? Will it go smoothly?

Will Theo and Celeste get along?

What will happen with Theo and Genevieve?

Is the marriage still on?

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