Reece's Kisses

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Celeste POV

I'm really not happy with how that whole thing went, like, I understand that he wants our baby to have the best life possible but he can't just keep going around and making big decisions without me. I'm in the RV right now with Gucci and he is laying in my lap as I watch the all blacks vs. wales . I drift off to sleep.

I wake up in the RV. I look around and I see that Gucci still laying on my lap. Suddenly, my phone rings. I look over on the couch and see that the call is from Reece. My heart drops. I don't know what to feel; sadness, happiness, pity....

I answer.

"Hello," It comes out weaker than I would like it to.

"Can you come over so we can talk about this please? I really like you Les and I have known you way longer than this guy. You can't just give me hope and your heart and then suddenly take it away." I sigh, he is right. I look for my keys and start the RV.

"Alright, I'm on my way." I hang up and head over to his house. I hope we can still be friends.

I get there in about 20 minutes. I park the RV and head up to his apartment. once I get there, I instinctively turn the handle and then stop myself. I slowly let go and knock. The door opens later and out comes a Reece like I have never seen before. He has bags under his eyes and his hair is a mess. He looks like he hasn't slept in days. He looks at me and I can't read his emotions. I'm sure that it's the same for him, I can hardly tell myself. I look at him and he steps aside but doesn't say anything. I walk in and sit down on the couch.

"So, how things been? Seen any new TV shows recently?" OMG I love this new one Sherlock Holmes  -I love Benedict Cumerbatch." He sits down and runs his hands through his hair sighing.

"Cut the bullshit and the pleasantries, OK? One day you said you want to be with me and that you liked me then the next, you're pregnant with this guy's kid. Can you please just tell me why? What did I do? Is there anything thing I can do to fix it? ANYTHING. Say the word please....please." His last words were said as a whisper and it hit harder then any weapon could.

I'm doing the same thing Rachel is doing. Leaving without a reason in hopes that he will understand and just move on. Why me? Why am I always in these situations? What do I tell him? 'Sorry, there are plenty of fish in the sea?' I look into his eyes and my heart sinks even further down. Eyes that were once warm and loving have now become cold and empty; dark and without life. Tears started to come up.

"Look, I didn't think this would happen...I really like you. but I love Theo...and I know that I'm hurting you but you just have to trust me when I say that I would NEVER intentionally try to hurt you."

" that's it? You're just going to walk out of my life? Just like know, you're worse than Rachel!"

"I know and I'm sorry, I really do want you to stay in my life. I don't want to leave you out of my life. In fact, I would love it if you stayed -just not as my boyfriend but as my best friend. I'm sorry....I don't love you."

"And you never did.. did you?"

"I did, just not in the way you want me to." I look at the floor. He stands up and walks over to me. I look up and he puts his hand on my head.

"But I still see you in my future, everything I know. My life was built around you and now the main character of my love story is gone. Now want am I supposed to do? Cheer you on from the side lines as I watch you fall deeper and deeper in love with a guy? With no say in ANYTHING....huh, just stay here and love you while you love him...?" I see the tears falling down his face like a waterfall. I stand up and wrap my hands around him softly. He hesitates but hugs back. I miss this hug.

It's different from Theo's, his is just so warm and comforting. So is Theo's but this is different. I just stand there and repeatedly say that I'm sorry.

"I just want you to be if that makes you happy. I'll support you from the sidelines. I'll wait for the day that you need me and I'll be here for you. I pull away and look at him. I put my hands on his cheeks and give a weary smile.

"Thank you." I stand there for a little longer. I pull his face close mine and our lips softly touch. I pull back. He looks shocked then looks down at me and looks into my eyes.

"You never have trouble confusing me, you know that?" I smile and the tears fall down. He wipes them with his thumbs and then kisses my forehead softly.

"Go home, text me if you need me."

I nod and I leave it at that. I thought that a load would be lifted off my shoulders but it's not. I feel more burdened than before. I get in the RV and start to make my way home. I go to take a left turn one of the streets.


I hit my head on the steering wheel and the last thing in can see his blood and my phone. I try to call 911 and as I touch my phone, I get a call from Theo. I reach for my phone but my hand gets heavier and heavier and right as I get my hand close my hand flops down. Surprisingly, it still manages to hit the button.

"Hello....Celeste where are you.....hello? hello!?! " He keeps talking to me but my head is hurting too much to speak. He starts to get quieter and quieter and things get darker and darker.

Am I dying?

Am I dead?

I hear nothing?

I feel nothing?

I see nothing?

Is this how I end?


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