Back But New But Over

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Celeste POV 

We have been driving for hours now and I'm just so tired. But I want to watch while Reece drives.

"Let's stop and sleep for the night and start again in the morning..." Reece glances at me, he indicates and slowly pulls off too the side of the road. We are in the country side it is perfect. Just like before.

"You know this reminds me of the old times..." When he said this he stopped the engine of the RV.

"I was just about to say the same thing, it's been long....What have I missed?" He turns to face me and leans back on the window. He has one arm on the steering wheel and holding his head up in his hand.

"Well, I got married and I have a kid now...Um but nothing much really..." I stay silent for a short while, until he breaks the silence with his laughter. " Wow I was just kidding weirdo....Did you actually believe me....Gullible much..."

"Don't lie to me like that....Stupid." I slap his arm and he grabs it pretending to be in pain." Still aggressive I see." We both laugh...Silence falls once more.

"No but you have missed somethings...Your family came to talk to me... They miss you why haven't you called them, or messaged or anything, they thought you were dead.."

"Yeah well they didn't like me too much after the abortion...They probably still don't..."

Reece's sighs and runs his hands through his hair, "They love you, they may not like you but they will always love you...." I laugh coldly at that thought.

"I wish everyone thought like that." I quietly say under my breath, Reece just looks at me. With what emotion...I can't tell but I know its a mix of things...Disappointment, anger, annoyance.

"Look, honestly I don't know the whole story....And whenever you are ready to tell me I'm here to listen OK..We're still besties...Even if you left me. I still think of you as my traveling buddy. Anywho, I'm tired so let's go sleep. I'll sleep on the couch and you sleep in your bed."

I nod slowly and stand up...As we both get ourselves ready for bed, I can't stop thinking about the nights for me ever since the break up. I can't think straight. Every night there is a nightmare. Whether it's my mind replaying Theo telling me to leave his life. Or my mother saying how much she hates me. Or me in the happiest moments, and halfway through everything just goes wrong. And then all of a sudden I'm in this black room....Which is almost like a void and no matter what I do I'm stuck in it. Like now.

I don't want to sleep alone. I never did when I would have these nightmares Cole or Aurora on occasion would come and sleep with me. And having someone there made it all go away. But I can't just ask him. As I stand at the entrance to my room I think about all the possible outcomes.

"What's wrong?" He stands behind me in his pyjama pants....But no shirt. I look and I immediately turn around. "Nothing" I say as I slam my door and go into the room. I plop myself down on the bed and look at the stars through the window, I calmly just watch them frame the night sky as I fall asleep to the sound of nature.

Dream Celeste POV

I walk up to his office with morning coffee, just how he like's it. As I enter I see him there but with Genevieve...Who is on his lap...kissing him. I accidentally drop the coffee. It all spills on me but I don't care, the anger and the fury hit me all at once. I'm right about to go but I'm sucked into the black void. But this time it's different there is a screen with me continuing on like nothing. This is just pissing me off more and more.

"IDIOT, I HATE YOU....I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE DOING THIS...WITH ALL PEOPLE, HER!?" I throw my hands in the air in defeat at this point. What is going on here and why don't I have a say in what is going on. The screen suddenly disappears.

"HOLY SHIT...REALLY CELESTE...Get OVER him, for Christ sake. You don't love him. Cause if you did you would be with him. If he loved you know you wouldn't be here like this. He doesn't love you. Accept that!" As this person went on she sounded quite familiar. She slowly comes from the void, I look at this girl..It's me.

"You're wrong, they all love me...he's just a little upset." She..Or I laughed at me."No they don't...And a little more like a lot.

"He wants you DEAD....So does Reece, good luck."

Even though it's true I have to Deny it. I started screaming so she would listen. But that didn't help.

"NO..NO......NO?!" I suddenly feel things shaking.

"Celeste...Wake up..You're having a nightmare."

Celeste POV

I open my eyes sharp and when I look I realize it's Reece. I grab his arm and just bring him down on the bed. He looks at me weirdly. " I can't sleep alone....Or else that will happen. I'm sorry just do me this one favor.?" He looks at me and gives a slight sigh. He lays down besides me but not as close like before. Which is understandable... But we both just lay there silently and I just relax...

"Look Les...I just want you to know that we should stay as friends..." I turn to look into his  eyes. I just remembered how beautiful they are.

"Of course I never said anything about us being a thing again, I just can't sleep alone...Even before I struggled...Sometimes Cole had to do the same. I'm just not in the right stated of mind right now...I'm sorry.... if this is becoming burdensome then you can go back outside its okay."

He pauses and sighs, "And what about you...?"

I smile lightly. "I'll be fine, I have to do it eventually right?" He nods and gets up. He walks to the door and turns around. "Just let me know if you need anything OK?" I smile and with that he leaves and closes the door.

So many different thoughts and emotions are running through my head right now....Do I still want him. Will he ever look at me in the same way. I lay there looking at the ceiling.

What has my life become...


Does Reece really not want her back

Was it really Celeste in the elevator.

What will her family say when she gets back.

What will fate in-tale for Celeste.

Find out in book 2 coming soon

The Travellers' Truths and Lies

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