Best Buddies

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Celeste POV

I walk into Theo's house and go upstairs to find one of many empty. This house is huge. His mom is there with an interior designer and when she sees me, she comes and gives me a hug.

"This is my daughter-in-law, Celeste. Isn't she just beautiful? She's glowing. I can't wait to finally be a grandma." she introduces me to the lady whose name is apparently Jen. I smile and she brings a folder to me with floor plans. 

"Are you making this a nursery?" she looks into my eyes and the corner of hers wrinkle in joy as her smile spreads from ear to ear. 

"Well of course I want the baby to have a room when you visit. Also when I babysit." I giggle at the thought. 

"So what time are we heading over to my house?" she stops and thinks for a minute .

"Around 5:00, well that's the time we have to leave to get to your house on time for diner. so make sure you get ready by 4:45. Right now it's..." she pauses to look at the time. "3:00 so you can go and get ready." I nod my head and head down the hall to the room I was staying in. I don't call it my room because it's not really mine and also because I share it with Theo. He won't go back to the condo ever since he found out about the baby.

Jennifer POV

So, Celeste told me that she was inviting a couple of people over for dinner and I have no idea who they are or why they're coming, but I don't mind. I just finish up dinner and get ready. I reach down stairs only to see my husband on the couch with a t-shirt on -a dirty one at that, and some shorts on.

"Are you going to meet the people like that?" he doesn't really take his eyes off the tv. I step in front of him.

"You look all nice, where are you going?" I shake my head. Of course he forgot about the dinner we planned. I slap his leg.

"Come on, get up, you couch potato. You have to get ready because Celeste and her guest are coming and you're not going to look like a bum. You're a CEO, not a homeless person." he stands up now, towering over me and kisses me.

"A cute homeless man." he walks up stairs and I turn off the TV, then proceed to try to clean up the living room a bit.

I set up the table and then wait a little while. I look at the time and it's 5:28. I call for William and right as I do, the doorbell rings. I walk to the front, fix my dress and open the door. I see Celeste with a man beside her. He has black hair and grey eyes -quite the enticing man. Then I see two people behind them holding bags. I stop dead in my tracks. Is that who I think it is? They see me and we all scream at the same time. 

"IS THAT YOU?!" we all scream in unison.

Celeste POV

We get to my house and open the door. My mom hugs me and looks at Theo.  I could see a slight smile on her face and then that smile drops as she looks behind me. I just stand there, unable to read her. If she knows them or if she hates them, I can't tell. All I hear is screaming coming from in front of and behind me. Theo and I stand there, shaken because what just happened. I step in and so does Theo. My mom runs and gives them a hug. Theo and I exchange an odd glance.

"Umm, hi. What's going on here?" I ask, but no one answers me. They all continue to chat away as my mom leads them into the house. Theo looks at me.

"Oh?" I shrug my shoulders as he says that. He said it as if to say 'do you know what's going on?' but I didn't. I walked in and I heard a rumble of a scream. My father just yelled 'oh my god' and I almost fell over with the impact of it. I am starting to get frustrated. I walk into the living room where they are all having the times of their lives. I hear footsteps behind me and I feel someone's hand on my head.

"Who are these people and why do they seem like they have known our parents for years?" I turn to look and see Thomas. Oh god, more people to explain the situation to.

"Well, I don't know, but this is Theo. I will explain everything once they explain what's going on right now. HELLO, HI. GUYS, COME SIT AT THE TABLE SO WE CAN ALL KNOW WHAT THE HECK IS GOING RIGHT NOW." Everyone stops and looks and me. They walk to the table and sit. I turn to my father and ask what is going on.

"Well, this is William Alan, my best friend of 10 years. The four of us used to go on trips together before you guys were born. We all loved to travel but as we both got older and became CEOS of companies, travelling wasn't really a thing we could do anymore. Plus, we had you and Thomas. I'm guessing this is your son." My father says and then looks at Theo.

"Wait, so you guys are close?" I ask and they all laugh.

"Close? We were practically family." Rachel says and they all share a laugh again.

"So, what is this whole dinner about?" My mother asks. I look at Theo and he smiles which makes me feel a lot better.

"Um, so this is Theo, their son. Me and him have been seeing each other for quite a while now..."

"Aww, wait what about Reece?" Thomas asks and I could feel the frog forming in my throat as his name makes a whole bunch of raw emotions rise in my chest.

"Well, we broke up," Thomas' mouth drops.

"Because of a certain situation."

"Oh my god, did he cheat on you? That BASTARD. Wait, so does this mean that I can have him now?" Thomas said. I didn't know if that was a joke or not but  I just shake my head. I don't know how to say this. I look at Theo again, pleading with my eyes to take over.

"We are going to have a baby."

My mom looks at me with a blank face and my father follows.

"Um, so that means...ok, um, and when did you find this out?"

"A couple of weeks ago." I look at the floor.  My mom stands up and hugs me.

"Ok, it's fine as long as you're happy. That's all I care about." She starts smoothing down my hair and I feel a wave of warmth come over my body. I'm so glad to have her and dad as parents. I love my family; they are so accepting and loving.

"I'm not ok with this." My mom lets me go and we all just look at my father in shock.



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