Who The Hell Is He

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Celeste POV

I'm getting ready for my trip to Australia and I'm packing my bags. I hear my door open.

"Your husband is here." My brother Thomas teases. I give him my death stare. He flinches and then laughs.

"Thomas Dewar, leave my room...and he's not my husband!" I throw a pillow at him. He catches it and throws it back at me.

He has been annoying since birth.

"Come on little sis, don't be mad." He comes in now and sits on my bed.

"You're only 5 minutes older than me." I try to push him off my bed but he doesn't move. Now he's taking things out of my suitcase. I feel myself get more and more upset.

"Thomas Dewar, get your little ass out my bed!" My Scottish accent comes out. Thomas stands up and starts dying of laughter. I slap him on the shoulder.

"Owwww! REECE, COME GET YOUR WIFE!" Thomas yells and runs out of the room. Shortly after, Reece enters eating tablets.

"Hey, I'm not married to her you know. I have a girlfriend." Reece is stuffing his mouth at this point. I shake my head. As he is holding the bag, I realize that those are mine.

"Reece..." I slowly say. He hears the anger in my voice. He raises his hands.

"What did I do?" I point at the bag. As I slowly walk closer to him, I stick out my hand.

"Those are mine, hand over the tablets you little numpty." The look on his face changes.

"Hey!!! I know what that means, you numpty. And your brother said I can have these so no." He sticks his tongue out.

I grunt and flop down as I give up. It's almost time to leave and I don't have time to be arguing over tablets.

"Come on it's time to leave. Why are your clothes on the floor?" He sits on my bed and laughs. I continue to put my clothes back and zip up my suitcase. I turn to him and he's having the time of his life eating my food.

"Get up, and let's go." He gets up laughing.

"Someone sounds mad." He passes me and helps me down the stairs with my stuff. We decided to take my jeep instead of his ugly sports car. I hate tiny cars. I walk into the kitchen and see my dad at the island reading the newspaper. And my mom cooking.

"Bye mommy, don't miss me too much. You too, Daddy." I give them both kisses on the cheek and head into the foyer. Thomas runs to me and bear hugs me.

"DON'T LEAVE MEEEEEE. I'M GOING TO MISS YOU. MY TWINNN. PLEASEE." I slap him on the back of his neck. He's like, 6'2" so it's kinda hard. But I still get the job done. He lets me go and I kiss him on his cheek.

"Don't cause too much trouble you little bugger." He fluffs my hair and laughs. I turn to Reece who is still eating my food as he opens the door. I walk down my driveway and see that it's already about to be sunset. I go to my jeep and rummage through my jacket pocket for my keys. I find them, open the trunk for Reece and sit in the front seat. He closes the trunk and walks around to the front.

"Wait, I'm driving?" I just smile at him as he rolls his eyes.

Theo POV

I'm at the Los Angeles International airport with Genevieve waiting for my flight. I suddenly hear my phone's ringtone. Genevieve hands me the phone.

"Your mother." I hand it back to her.

"What did she say?" She tries to catch up. Again, the clicking rings through my ears.

"She said to make sure to stay safe and be good." I chuckle. I love my mom, she is so adorable.

We continue to walk down the walkway. I get my passport and go through the front desk. Everything goes well.

I board the plane at 7:34 and take my seat in business class. The flight attendant walks up to me and smiles. Her grey eyes match mine and she is very pretty.

"Would you like anything sir?" She puts her hand on my shoulder and leans in a little. I could tell she was flirting. I look at her and smirk.

"No thank you, beautiful. But maybe later." Genevieve saw that this was happening and got upset.

"You can leave now. You are not wanted or needed in our presence." I looked at her and her eyes were burning with anger. If looks could kill, I would have to attend a flight attendant's funeral. She gives Genevieve a dirty look and continues walking.

"What a filthy rat." I here her say under her breath as I am reaching in my bag.

"Genevieve!" I say her name low but only loud enough for her to hear. She flinches and I start reading my book.

"But she was trying to flirt with you. You're a soon to be CEO and she is an attendant. It's disgusting!" She looks at me waiting for me to agree with her. I don't and just continue to read.

I could still feel her looking at me so I look back and she quickly averts her gaze. I roll my eyes.

''When we get to Australia, you are buying sneakers. I cannot stand the clicking of your shoes.'' She looks at me in confusion.

''But sneakers are ugly and for poor people.'' I look at her.

''I wear sneakers...I'm richer than you. You are going to wear them. It wasn't a suggestion, it was a statement.''

She looks out the window and pouts. I just want this trip to be over; I'm tired of all of this. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

''We will be arriving to your destination in 20 minutes.'' I get up and get my work out of my carry on so that once I get off I can just focus on work. I reach up and feel someone bump into me. I'm so irritated at this point.

''WHY!?'' I turn to look at who bumped into to me and I see this short girl. She is probably just out of high school and she looks at me, a little shocked. I feel kind of sad but as i open my mouth to apologize, she yells back.

''My bad. Don't yell at me, boaby!'' She brushes past me and heads towards the washroom. I stand there shocked. No one has ever yelled back at me like that....and what the hell is a boaby?

''Genevieve tell me what a boaby is.'' She whips out her phone and googles it. she pauses.

''Umm...I dont know how to say this. but uhh...boaby means a male's private part.'' I sit down confused. This leprechaun just called me a penis. I just get my folder and continue my work.


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