3 Babies

15 2 0

Celeste POV

First, we make our way to the baby stores. When we arrive, we see strollers, beds and other cute little things. We go to the stroller aisle and look at the options.

"I think it's going to be a girl..." my mom says.

"No, it's definitely going to be a boy...." Rachel says. At this point, they're giving each other death stares.



"OK guys, it's fine. None of us know yet. There is no need to fight over this." They completely ignore me.

"Look at her belly, she is definitely having a girl." People were starting to look over as these two older ladies -both the wives of CEOs, continued arguing like this. There are still people here despite the fact that this mall is more secluded.

"Her right breast is so much larger than her left." I grab my boobs and gasp...how does she know that?

"OK guys , let's do this at home, OK? We will just get any color, OK?"

They look at me and finally cave in. We continue to look at the stroller and I pass by this special one that transforms as the the baby gets bigger. It's called the Chicco urban 6-in-1 and it's in emerald. What a beautiful color; I love it.

"I want this one." they come to look at it.

"This is very cute and useful." we call an associate to help us. We continue shopping and we find some pretty nice stuff.

After a long day of shopping and eating a lot of good food we went home. I opened the door and saw Gucci run straight towards me. I pick him up and pet him. A person comes in and brings all the things that we get.

"Honey, I'm home." Theo comes around the corner with the pink apron on.

"How was your day at work, my wonderful husband?" I laugh at his humor.

"Wonderful dear. And how was the cleaning ." I walk up to him and pet his head. He smiles down at me.

"Boring, I missed you." he kisses me on my lips and I melt away into his world again. Every moment I'm with him is a dreamy-like time. He's too good to be true. I walk into the living room and he follows me. I plop myself down on the couch.

"How was shopping, my princess?" he says as he wipes his hands on the apron and sits on the coffee table in front of me.

"Tiring, but fun. Oh my god, at one point our moms started to fight in the store about what color the stuff we'd buy should be based on what I'm having...your mom even knew which breast was bigger than the other." I said he laughs and holds stomach.

"How did she know that? I still really want to know."

He looks at me while trying to suppress the laughter that was about to burst from his mouth. "I might have told her..."

The shock on my face turns into anger. "You told your mother which breast is larger than the other?! THEO SEBASTIAN ALAN, YOU GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE RIGHT NOW SO I CAN SMACK IT." my Scottish accent comes out.

He starts to laugh and run at the same time. I stand and stomp my foot. I pack on my accent to the highest levels I can possibly muster. "You boaby, you bawbag, I'm not going to tell you again to get your boaby back here... before I rip it off!" he stops in his tracks and walks towards me with a mischievous grin and then looks down at me.

"Only if you do it with your mouth..." he wraps his arm around my waist and I slap his chest.

"Eww get away from me -and your Scottish accent still sucks." I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs.

"Better than your English accent. Anyways, so did they choose which one they believe you were having?" I shook my head.

"Nope, I basically show signs of both..." he looks at me weirdly.

"Maybe were having twins..." he smiles bigger then ever before.

"Impossible, we would have known my now..."

"Well, there is only one way to find out." he pulls out his phone and dials the phone. Who is he calling? He's still not letting me go. He kisses me on the forehead and answers the voices.

"Doctor Kim? Yes, I would like to schedule an ultrasound please....ASAP...you're free right now?Perfect. We're on our way...okay bye." he hangs up, lets go, then disappears into the kitchen and walks back out with his keys. "Let's go find out." I look at him and laugh.

"Alright. Let's go." We walk to the front looking at all the stuff we got.

"Jesus, were you guys shopping for eight kids? Or one? I can't tell." He looks at me and I giggle.

"Babies need a lot of things." he nods and we head out the door. We get into my jeep and head there; it's about 7:00 so the sun is almost completely gone. I wind down the window, stick my head out and look up. I really do love the colors that the sky makes. It's like a painting; a never ending one. The purples, blues and pinks dance in the sky above as the oranges, reds and yellows fight below; right at the horizon. Of course we are listening to Kings of Convenience. Freedom and Its Owner is on replay; one of my new favorites.

We eventually get there and walk into the secluded doctors' office. One of the doctors that work here is the one I will be using throughout my pregnancy so she is pretty much on call. When we go into the tall white building, I sit on the bed and Theo sits on the doctor's chair as we wait for her. He puts on the gloves and rolls over to me. He puts his hand on my thighs.

"Now, let's see whats in here." he tries to open my legs and I slap his head.


"That's doctor pervert to you miss." he smiles without teeth and I give him a look. He rolls away and right as that happens, Doctor Kim enters. She looks at me, then at Theo and looks at his hands.

"Why are you wearing gloves?" she raises her eyebrows. She and the Alan family are close so I laugh. He puts his head down.

"Sorry, Doctor Kim." she laughs

"So, how are you Celeste?" she moves on so quickly that it makes me laugh more.

"Great and you?" she taps on Theo and he stands up. She puts on her gloves and he sits down.

"Great, how about I listen to the heartbeat and then we can start? Any complications or anything out of the ordinary with the baby?" I say no and she nods. I lay down and pull up my shirt. She starts listening to the heartbeat. Her facial expression changes from a blank one to one that says confusion. Her head tilts and she sucks in air through her teeth.

"It's irregular. Let's do the ultra sound." She puts the jelly on my belly and turn on the machine. As she puts the actual machine thing on my belly -the one that she's using to see the baby, Theo gets up to look.

"Well, that's why..." We both look at her then at the machine. I don't see anything weird but then again, I'm not a doctor.

"You guys are having triplets..." we both stand there in shock. I want one, but I'm getting three...that's a lot.

"Wow." Theo and I say at the same time .


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