Chapter 1

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"It is time." 

"Yes. Our time to rise has come."

I sat in the corner of my dark cell, hidden in the shadows, and listened to the two voices that were coming closer and closer. They soon came into view of my cell and they stopped. I glared at them with eyes of hate, because my face is hidden in the shadow, I know they can't see me.

"And with our rise the Signers will fall. And the shadows will destroy the light that remains in you, young one." The older one of the dark hooded figures said to me.

I looked at him and he chuckled, which to me sounded like a light cackle, and said "I can sense your hatred towards me. That is a good sign."

The other chuckled and said "Yes, it is a sign that the light in you will soon be easy to erase from your soul."

I let out a small laugh and one of them looked at me slightly confused.

"And what is so funny?" One of them asked.

"That you think that you will win." I said.

"We will win and when we do." One of them laughed and said "You can be sure that the shadows will feed and devour all the light."

They both laughed and walked on. I frowned and closed my eyes and tried to block out the terrifying echo of their laughter.

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