Chapter 18

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Jack's Pov

I felt my blood go still when I heard a voice speak behind us.

That voice.

It was.........

I turned around and so did everyone else. My eyes widened in shock and horror. Dark hair flowing softly in the breeze, stood someone in a two piece outfit with a flowing skirt.

The figure stood on a building roof right across ours.

Pure black eyes with dark purple iris stared into mine

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Pure black eyes with dark purple iris stared into mine. A smirk was on their face and their hood was drawn up. The figure didn't need to lower it for me to know who it was. By their voice I knew who it was.

"Crystal?" I asked in confusion and slightly hoping it wasn't true.

The smirk widened and she said "So you do know it's me. Good."

She reached up and lowered her hood.

She saw our terrified and shocked looks and said "What? Don't like the way I look?"

Her eyes drifted to mine and said "I became something better than I was before and still you look upon me as if I'm that weak, little signer. I just can't seem to impress you can I?"

"Crystal." My voice was shaken and full of shock. "Who did this to you? What happened? What happened to my little sister."

She narrowed her eyes at me and said "She's long gone and another thing. I'm not your sister and you are no brother of mine. If you were, you'd have looked for me and not moved on! You would have protected me when I was taken! And you should have been there when I was alone!"

She frowned and said "But no. You weren't. And that makes you no brother of mine."

I took a step forward from the other and looked at her.

"I don't know how you became a Dark Signer, but I'm going to bring you back." I said.

Yusei stepped up too and said "And I'm going to help."

I casted a glare at him and he saw it and looked at me and said "Don't try to stop me Jack. I'm doing this and there isn't anything you can do to stop me. We stick together. No matter what."

I frowned and gave a nod. We looked at Crystal and we ran and at the very edge of the building we jumped at the same time. We landed on the same roof as Crystal. She stood on the other side of the building and she frowned a little.

"Two against one? Well then, looks like I'll be hitting two birds with one stone." She said with a chuckle that sent shivers down my spine.

The person standing across from me was not my sister. It was a soul who fell victim of the darkness.

And I'll do whatever it takes to get my little sister back. I will not lose her again.

She lifted her arm up and tapped a silver wrist band and it turned into a duel disk. That was new.

"And I am afraid if you want to make it to that sign over there." She pointed to the one over New Domino City, "You'll have to go through me."

We raised our duel disks and she smiled and her once signer mark that was the flame of the crimson dragon now glowed in the form of a trident. Purple flames went around up and Akiza, Luna and Leo, and Trudge and Mina stood on the outside of the flame's outline.

We looked at each other and Yusei, Crystal and I said at the same time "Let's duel!"

Author's Note:

Sorry for ending it here. But to me it seemed like a good place to end it. I don't know when the next update will be as departmentals are coming up fast and I need to finish up some courses fast.

So in short. I'll be very busy and need every spare moment I can get. But I will update. Don't you worry about that.

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