Chapter 16

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Yusei's Pov

I had a bad feeling when the sign of the tiger in the sky went away. Something wasn't right.

But I had my own problems to deal with. I had to concentrate on my duel with Kalin. Which we were in the middle of our duel right now.

I just don't understand. I thought we were friends. I thought that what I had done, stopping him, back then wasn't that bad. But he sees it as if I had betrayed him and sold him out to sector security. Which none of that is true.

And it wasn't until Kalin spoke that I was brought out of my train of thought and back into reality.

"But then again. You can't very well save everyone now can you, Yusei?"

I looked up and looked at him and I said "What are you talking about now?"

He smirked and said "Why I'm talking about your new friend."


"She had a duel not too long ago with one of us. And let's just say she is in transition into her true self." Kalin said with his cackle.

What? What did Kalin mean by that?

Well whatever he had meant I didn't get a chance to ask him. Because he was right back and trying to win the duel and send me to the Netherworld.


Kalin lost control of his runner and I knew I had to end this duel. And that is what I did. I finished it and I also won. I rushed to Kalin's side and his eyes returned back to their normal ones and not the dark signer ones.

"Yusei...." He said. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, It's ok man. It's going to be ok." I said.

He shook his head and he said " soul."

"Whose? Kalin..." I said.

He looked at me and he said "Save her Yusei."


"I forgive you....I forgive you Yusei..." He said.

Then he, just like Rally, turned grey and disappeared.

"KALIN!!!!" I cried out, tears streaming down my face.

The Dark Signers.

They will pay for this.


Crystal's Pov

What....what happened?

Where am I?


I turned around and I saw Misty standing there. I remembered her! She and the other dark signers tortured me.

I was surprised that the anger inside of me grew very fast and a circle of wind blew around me and Misty shielded her face as she stepped closer.

"Stay away from me!" I shouted.

"Crystal. I know you are confused. I know you are scared. But you need to--"

I didn't catch what she said because I looked at my arm and my eyes widened as my signer mark was now purple.

"What...what happened?" I asked.

"You lost your duel and the immortals gave you their power so you could stay as a dark signer." Misty said.

"You're lying!" I cried, tears sliding down my face.

"Don't worry. You will understand soon. But before you can do that, you have to figure out. What is your unfinished business and how can it benefit the dark signers." She said.

I felt that anger and something else. What was it? is so.....tempting.

"Go on Crystal. Take it. Embrace it!" Misty said.


---------------------------Hours later-----------------------------------

"So. Roman is defeated." I said.

"It would appear so. I must now head over to await Akiza. You may do what you wish." Misty said.

I smiled and said "But of course. Go have your revenge."

She disappeared into the shadows and left me alone.

"I was a fool to fight this power. I should have embraced this power long ago. What a stupid little signer I was. But now......Mmmm.....I am stronger. And I am ready.

Time for me to have my fun and see what these powers can really do.

I think it's time for a little family reunion. 

Author's Note:

Ok please don't kill me. I will make the next chapter twice as long. I had to make this as a short chapter. However in the next chapter it will be from the near end of Akiza's duel with Misty and then a little surprise. 

And so sorry for the short chapter.

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