Chapter 23

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Crystal's Pov

Another shock and burning of the purple flames came and Goodwin chuckled as I cried out. I gripped my chest with both arms and bent over and whimpered at the excruciating pain.

"Oh. One more thing. You will be burned by purple flames and electrocuted whenever Yusei, Jack or Crow take damage." Goodwin said. 


Just then my mark glowed and faded.

It was gone! 

I looked up at Goodwin in pure shock as the full mark of the Crimson Dragon appeared on Goodwin.


How can that be possible?

I was too shocked to know until I heard Jack say "Wait. Crystal's mark is there."

"That's right Jack." Goodwin said. 

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Yusei said. 

"You know where Crystal is?!" Crow said.

Goodwin chuckled and said "Would you like to say hello?"

Short Jack's Pov

"Would you like to say hello?" Goodwin said.

I frowned and he raised his hand and a virtual screen appeared and My eyes widened. Crystal was chained in black chains that glowed a dark purple. Her face was tight with pain and that made me furious. 

"Crystal!" I called out.

"You sick bastard!" Crow yelled. 

"How could you do that?!" Yusei also yelled.

Goodwin smiled and he said "Very simple. After you turned her back to her pathetic signer self. I took the chance to bring her here. For you see, she plays a big part in my plan."

He grinned and I got angry and said "What plan?!"

"With the Dark and Light at my control, I can create a world in my image and Crystal here is very important. You see, with her physic powers, I will be untouchable and even more powerful!!" Goodwin said.


How did he even......

"I know that look on your face, Jack. And to answer your confusion, Yes. I did know of Crystal's powerful abilities. Her power is, in fact so powerful, that not even she knows the full capacity of her power." Goodwin said.

He's going to use her power for his own bidding! 

"That's not going to happen!! You know why? Because we're going to put an end to your plans and Crystal will be safe!" I yelled.

Crystal's Pov

My heart warmed when Jack said that. 

But wait.

Ending Goodwin's plan means attacking him and him getting hurt in return! And that means I'll be burned and shocked!!

I had to warn him!

"Jack!" I called. "Jack you don't know! He--"

I was cut off when something happened to my voice. I blinked in shock and surprise. What did he do to me?!

"There. Now the only sound you'll make is you cries of pain!" Goodwin said with an evil laugh.

A tear slipped down my face and he said to Jack, Crow and Yusei "You see?! I'll stop at nothing to rule all!! 

A short Yusei's Pov

When one of us attacked Goodwin directly, a cry from Crystal came and I watched in shock as she was electrocuted! 

"Crystal!!" Jack yelled "Hang on!"

She must have heard him because she looked up and nodded.

It turned out to be that whenever we attack Goodwin, Crystal was electrocuted. And by the cries and the pain in her face, it was no light tickle. 

Just then Goodwin made a move to summon his earthbound immortal. And he powered it by taking the city people's spirits!! 

Our eyes widened and so did Crystal's as Goodwin's Earthbound Immortal came onto the feild.

A shadow fell over me and I looked up and a black bird was over me and was gone! It was destroyed by Blackrose Dragon! And Ancient Fairy Dragon was in the air too! Akiza and Luna were help protecting us from the King of the Netherworld's minions.

I looked at the screen and I saw Crystal close her eyes and soon Moonlight Dragon appeared in the sky! She used her physic power to summon it! Ha ha! 

A monster was about to attack Jack when Moonlight Dragon swooped down ate it, thus destroying it. 

Crystal smiled and Goodwin frowned and held up a card and it glowed and the chains on Crystal electrocuted her.

He looked behind him and said "Try something like that again and you'll regret it. This time you only got electrocuted twice as hard. Next time won't be so easy on you."

Easy on her? 

He was torturing her!! How was any of that easy on her?!

I was trying to process this as Crow made a move and was using himself as a sacrifice to attack one of Goodwin's monsters! All to protect me from Goodwin's earthbound immortal.

And with his sacrifice he crashed and was unconscious. 

"If Crow can't ride then he can't duel." Goodwin said. 

He looked at Crystal and her eyes were full of terror and sadness. Goodwin chuckled and looked back at us.

"Crow!!" I called out.

"You'll be avenged old friend." Jack said.

And so our duel continues and I'll make sure Goodwin pays for hurting Crystal and make him wish he never dueled us.

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