Chapter 10

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Crystal's Pov

I woke early and went downstairs as quiet as I could. 

I walked outside and I stood there and looked out into the distance. It was quiet so I could think about things.

Like why am I a signer? Why do I remember this deck I have? Why did Jack push me away and forget about me? Does he not care about me? Does he not want me as a sister? If he does then why didn't he come look for me? Does he not know what I went through?

I scoffed softly to myself. 

Of course he didn't. Nobody does. And for now, I'll keep it that way. The things that the Dark Signers did to me........


I won't tell them. Besides, it looks like they have their own problems to deal with. I don't want to add to their problems. 

I felt my lips tingle and I frowned and touched them softly. Why were they........

"I knew it wouldn't be long before you missed my lips."

I didn't even need to look to see who it was. 

"Kalin." I said.

He stepped out of the shadows a few feet from me and he smiled.

"I see the crimson dragon marked you as a signer. And gave you a deck." He grinned and said "Want to test that deck out, sweetheart?"

I glared at him and I said "Not interested." 

He smiled and in one quick moment he was right in front of me. My breath caught and he grinned and his lips were an inch from mine. I thought he was going to kiss me but instead he didn't.

"I know your lips are hungry for mine. Your soul knows it, but your heart needs to admit it too." He said softly.

"Call for me and I'll be waiting." He said. 

I scoffed and pushed him away and ignoring how nice and strong his chest was, I said "Not a chance in hell."

He smiled and disappeared into the shadows. 

It was when he was gone that I had noticed my heart slow down to a normal pace and I began to breathe normally. 


I turned around and I saw Yusei standing there. A small smile was on his face while I was frowning.

"Hi." I said.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked.

I looked away and I said "No. I just woke before the others did."

He walked up to me and he said "I hear your talk with Jack didn't go so well."

Why would he care? 

I sighed and I said "No. It didn't."

He was silent for a moment and then he said "I'd ask if you are ok, but I can tell you aren't."

I looked at him and was about to say something until I heard someone say "Oh yeah!! It's morning! Now I can duel that girl!"

I blinked and Yusei smiled and he said "Leo tends to get a bit excited and such."

I looked at him and I said "If he wants to duel, I guess I don't see any harm in doing one."

That boy Leo came running out and he smiled at me and I could see he had his duel disk on his wrist. 

"Can we duel now?" He asked.

I nodded and he jumped up and fist pumped the air and he said "Alright!"

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