Chapter 22

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Crystal's Pov

I was hugging my brother close to me when something didn't feel right. 

I looked at myself and I found my entire body was glowing in the very same way it did when being taken from that cell to that place where I met Yusei and everyone else. I felt panic begin to form as I was scared. 

Was I being transported back to that cell? 

My fear grew as I didn't want to go back to that cell. Just thinking of what happened to me in that cell scared me. I didn't want to go back to that again. 

Everyone around me looked at me with surprise and shock. I looked at Jack and he was going to say something when a bright light came and I covered my eyes. 

When I opened them I was in a room that looked like a old temple kind of room. I blinked in confusion and wondered why I was here? 

I moved myself and a all too familiar jingle caught my ear. I looked down and my eyes widened. Chains that were black, were on my wrists and ankles. The chains were attached to the wall and the chain length was short.

Why was I here and why was I in chains?

"I can see you are confused."

I looked up and I saw a man with long grey hair in a grey suit walk up to me. Something inside of me told me not to trust this man. Plus I was getting negative ......vibes?.......waves? Whatever they were, I was getting them from that man. 

Was it my physic powers telling me this?

"Allow me to inform you. You are a hostage and you will stay here while I duel Crow, Yusei, And Jack." He said.

I looked at him with confusion and he turned his back to me and he said "I'd say it will be a painless experience but that'd be a lie."

My eyes widened in fear as I processed his words. And as if on cue, my chains electrocuted me. I cried out in pain as the shock lasted for a few seconds and then it went away. I gritted my teeth against the pain and the man looked over his shoulder and chuckled.

I glared at him and he looked to the entrance and walked to it and looked up at the sky. I saw a bright light in the sky and the man chuckled.

"Right on time." He said.

I slowly stood up and pulled on my chains but got nowhere. Still I pulled at them even to the point of when I felt the metal dig into my skin. The man turned around and he smiled. Man, I wish I could wipe that smile off his face.

"My brother did warn me that you are a strong one but he also said to use these" He held up three very familiar torture cards. "If and when I feel like it."

My eyes widened and he held out one and it glowed a dark purple. I frowned in confusion and then my arm was covered in purple flames. I cried out and slammed back into the wall and gripped my arm. The flames went away and like before, they didn't burn my skin.

"What a fun card. I think I like that one." He said.

I glared at him and I growled "Damm Bastard."

He frowned and held up two and my body was covered in purple flames and my chains electrocuted me. I let out a big cry of pain and dropped to my knees. 

He chuckled and I heard voices and he turned and said "I suggest you remain quiet or else."

Then he began to speak to the voices down below.

"And with the power of the light and dark I shall!!" He cried with triumph 

The temple then began to shake and I cried out in panic as the temple rose higher into the sky.

He looked at me and held the same two cards again. And once again my body was covered in flames and electrocuted. I cried out and whimpered in pain. 

He turned back around and said "So will you agree to the duel or not?"

I heard Yusei's voice say "Sure. If that means that thing goes bye bye!!"


"Yeah. No one here is afraid of you Goodwin!" I heard Jack yell.

I wouldn't be too sure. I was pretty afraid of him at the moment.

More taking happened and then Goodwin said "And with the light and dark, I'll have the power of the King of the Netherworld lay waste to this retched world. Then I will use the power of the Crimson Dragon to rebuild it in my image!"

He looked back at me and grinned at the look of terror on my face and he said "And with your physic powers, I'll be untouchable."

He looked forward again and they talked and dueled more. I kept pulling on my chain and finally came to realize that my signer mark was glowing. Maybe I could use my mark to talk to Jack. But how?

As I was thinking about this my chains electrocuted me harder and far worse than it did before. I gritted my teeth and only let out a whimper. 

Goodwin looked over his shoulder at me and said "Oh yes. I forgot to mention. Every time I take damage or my life points go down, you get a powerful shock."

I glared at him and he only grinned and looked forward again.

"So why make such a production of bringing it out?" A voice called. "You really do have a few screws loose, don't ya?"

I smiled at that voice. Whoever it was. I hope he knows what he's talking about. I think though his name it Crow. 

Well whatever Yusei, Crow, and Jack are planning. They better do it quick. Or the world and I are in big trouble. 

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