Chapter 31

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Akiza's Pov

"Are you sure?!" I asked.

Jack had came back with Yusei and he was absolutely mad. And at me. 

He had told me he knew who Antonio had given Crystal to. I was shocked to find out that she was given to Sayer. And that he was hurting her. I couldn't believe it. He's helped so many, the thought of him hurting people was terrible. 

"Yes I'm sure!!" Jack snapped at me.

"Sayer has Crystal. We all know what to----"

I stopped short when I felt a pain in my arm and I looked to see my mark glowing. And a card from out of nowhere appeared in front of me. I looked at it in shock and so did everyone else. 

"Ok. Now I've seen everything." Trudge said.

I reached out and touched it and saw the card was called Truth Seeker's Dream. I hesitated and slowly reached out and took the card. 

"Maybe the crimson dragon is giving us a little help." Yusei said.

I took out my duel disk and placed the card on the slot. It glowed and the area around me went away and I was in a dark room.

A shuffle of chains caught my attention and I looked to see Crystal laying on the ground. A man stood over her and he wound up and kicked her hard in the chest. She winced and whimpered and the man kicked her again and she cried out.

"That's it darling." The man said "Scream not whimper." 

"Stop." Crystal begged. "Please stop." 

He bent down and grabbed her by her throat and yanked her to her feet and tightened his grip on her throat. She gasped for air and winced in pain.

"Well you see darling. I cannot. Otherwise your punishment for your little stunt will go unpunished." He threw her across the room into the wall and she cried out and landed hard on the stone floor. 

"And we can't have that now can we?" The man said. 

The scene shifted and what I saw next destroyed all good thoughts I ever had of Sayer. 

He hurt Crystal and used cards I have never seen before on her. But through all that he did to her. She remained conscious and still pulled on her chains.

But this only angered Sayer and he kept on firing spell after spell, torture after torture, until he finally gripped her throat and growled something at her. She winced and I frowned as I couldn't see what he was saying to her. She said something and I grinned as I knew what she said.


The scene went away and I opened my eyes and found I was on my bed. I blinked in confusion and wondered how in the world I got here. The door opened and I saw Yusei walk in. I swear my cheeks heated up a little but I looked at him with a frown.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine. Why?" I asked.

"Because you played that card and fell asleep." Jack said as he walked into the room.

I looked at him and he lost his frown and said "What did you see?"

I told him everything. From that man hurting Crystal to Sayer using cards on her and her standing up to him and remaining conscious and still pulled on her chains.

Jack smiled a little and he said "She's strong. The strongest person I've ever known."

"Well let's go get her. What are we waiting for?" I said.

Crow walked in and said "There's one thing we're missing guys."

"What?" Jack snapped at him.

Crow looked at all of us and he said "The tournament begins tomorrow."

Oh my god.

How can we save Crystal now?

(A/N: Crystal isn't herself in the next few chapters. Just to let you know.)

Crystal's Pov

I woke up to total and utter darkness. My eyes were opened but I could not see anything. 

"Crystal. Thank goodness you are alright."

I looked around for the voice but couldn't see who was speaking. 

A pair of soft hands stopped my head and a voice right in front of me said "Easy. You'll break your neck if you keep that up."

"Who are you? And why can't I see?" I said.

"My name is Sayer and I'm here to help you." The voice said.

"Ok. Sayer?" I asked.

"Yes?" Sayer said.

"Why can't I see?" I asked him.

There was a pause and Sayer said "You can't see because a mean duelist took your eyesight from you. We tried to get it back but couldn't."

"But you are a very powerful physic duelist. You can use your abilities to see and duel. I can help you. If you let me." Sayer said.

I nodded and said "Yes."

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