Chapter 4

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Crystal's Pov


He just......

Kalin just kissed me! 

I wiped my mouth in disgust and glared in the direction he had went. 

I sat down where I was and waited in my cell waiting for either one of them to come or for something to happen.

"Crystal. Why do you fight against us? Just give in to the darkness. Use that pain and anger and let the darkness in."

I scoffed. 

This was it? This was one of their most pathetic attempt to turn me to the dark side. 

Oh my god. 

It's like they are too lazy and stupid to try anything else.

"Buzz off and find someone else to annoy." I said.

A voice chuckled in my head and said "Oh but We must finish what we had started."

I rolled my eyes and said "You Dark Signers are so sad. You have nothing better than to torture a girl. That's just sad."

"We will see how sad we are after Devack has his turn with you." 

I looked and I saw Devack walk into view of my cell and smiled at me. I glared at him and he walked into my cell and he looked at me.

He started off by using chain shocker on me and Geni's flame. It hurt, that much I can say. But I still held back the whimpers and cries. I could tell that Devack was getting frustrated with me. Good. 

I sat on my knees, hugging my stomach and huffing and puffing lightly. Devack let out a soft and deep chuckle as he circled around me like a vulture circling its prey. 

"You ready for more?" He whispered in my ear and I glared at him.

"Go ahead. I can take it." I said.

He chuckled and said "We shall see."

He held up his arm with his dark sign and it glowed. I frowned and wondered what he was doing. 

Then from the shadows the other three Dark Signers showed up. I knew then what he had done. He had called the other Dark Signers. Except Kalin wasn't with them. I frowned and wondered where the heck he was. I still wanted to smack him for kissing me.

He then took out chain shocker and so did the other three. My eyes widened and then they all played chain shocker at the same time. 

Oh yeah. This was going to hurt.

An electrical shock ten times worse than before came through my chain and I couldn't hold it in this time. I cried out in pain and dropped to my side and falling into darkness because the pain was too much. 


I woke up and I didn't know if it was night or not. 

I winced as I sat up and I saw Devack there. A grin on his face. 

"That didn't take long." He said.

I glared at him and I said "Well I did say I could take it."

He walked up to me and he crouched down and gripped my chin and jerked my face up so I looked into his eyes.

"That was only the beginning." He said.

I glared at him and in one swift movement. I brought my fist right into his stomach and he dropped to the ground. I saw a key that unlocked my chains and I grabbed them and unlocked them. I then looked down at Devack and then ran out of my cell. 

I stumbled a bit here and then and I had no clue where I was going. But anywhere was better than in that cell. 

I wasn't looking as to where I was going and I rounded a corner and smacked right into someone. 

And that someone was Kalin. 

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