Chapter 9

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Yusei's Pov





All these and more were swimming around in my mind and body. 

I was angry because of what the Dark Signers did to Martha. I was angry with Kalin. I was sad that Martha was gone.I was happy that Jack and his sister were reunited. And that brings me to my confusion. 

Why did the Dark Signers have Crystal? Why did they just hand her over? What did they do to her all this time? What did they have to gain with giving her to us? 

I thought of this and so much more. I needed the answers to these questions. Maybe I'll talk to Crystal later and see if she has the answers.

I heard a slam and I looked up and I saw Crystal storm down the stairs from the room her and Jack were talking in. Was their talk that bad?

She stormed past us and to the door. I went to stop her but then Jack called after her and then our arms glowed and this time it hurt. I grunted and clutched my arm as did Jack, Luna, and Akiza. 

What was happening?

I looked up in and my eyes widened. Crystal turned around and she gasped. Staring at her was the Crimson Dragon. The ground rumbled and she stumbled back the rest of the way out of the house and into the open.

She looked up as the dragon came straight down at her, it's jaws opened wide.

"Crystal!" Jack called.

Then the dragon hit her and she brought her arms up to shield her face. Strong wind gusts blew around her and we all shield our faces. It was like when Akiza loses control of her physic powers. Was Crystal a Physic duelist?

Then the dust settled and Crystal was on her knees and clutched her arm. A deck of cards were sitting with a duel disk at her knees and that's not what made my eyes go wide. Crystal's arm was glowing red.

She was a signer!

Jack pushed past me and rushed up to his sister and we followed and then our marks faded and so did Crystal's mark. We all then got a good look at what her sign was. 

It was fire. 

The flame of the Crimson dragon.

The flame of the Crimson dragon

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"Are you ok?" Jack asked.

She looked at him and she glared at him a little but she gave a nod and she stood up. 

"You're a signer." I said. 

She looked at him and looked at her arm with her mark and then back at me.

"I guess I am." She said. 

"Can we see your deck?" Luna asked softly.

Crystal looked at her deck and duel disk and she said "I guess."

She blinked and said "I don't know how but somehow I feel as though I know this deck and how to use it."

That was strange. Maybe the Crimson dragon had given her a deck and the knowledge on how to use it. 

"Cool! Then you can duel me!" Leo said with excitement.

Crystal looked at him with wide eyes and Akiza jumped in and she said "We are all tired, Leo. It's best we all get our rest. We have a long day ahead of us."

Leo, as if on cue, yawned and nodded and he and Luna headed off to bed. Crystal looked at all of us and Trudge spoke up.

"There's a spare bedroom upstairs. You can have that room if you want." He said.

She looked at him and she gave a nod and with a small glare at Jack, she followed Trudge into the house again and I looked at Jack. He looked sad and yet angry. But then again, his face was almost always in a frown and therefore made him look angry.

"I take it your talk with her didn't go so well?" I said.

"She hates me Yusei. She thinks that I don't care about her and that I would rather that she had stayed with the Dark Signers." He said.

He looked at me without moving his head and he said "How do you think the talk went?"

Then he walked off as well. 

Leaving me with more unanswered questions.

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