Chapter 27

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Jack's Pov

I growled in frustration.

We have been everywhere and we haven't found her yet!!

Where could she be? 

"Man, we've looked everywhere and we still haven't found Crystal yet." Crow said.

I looked at him in annoyance and I said "Really? Gee I haven't noticed. Thanks for the obvious tip."

He looked at me and Yusei said "Chill Jack."

I slowed my runner down and stopped and Crow and Yusei stopped beside me. 

I sighed and I said "I know."

"Um guys?" Akiza's voice on the radio came.

"What?" I snapped. 

This time Mina came on. 

"You three better get over here. Quick." She said.

I revved my engine and then took off to where Mina and Akiza were. Crow and Yusei right behind me. We made it there in no time and what I say made the blood in my veins boil. I was getting angry and the man standing in front of us grinned.

"Getting upset so soon? And I haven't even begun talking."

"Sayer." Akiza snapped. 

He looked at her and said "Hello Akiza. How are we now a days?"

"Cut the formality Sayer. What do you want?" Yusei said. 

Sayer frowned and looked at us and he said "Well a little birdie told me that Crystal is missing."

"How did he kn--" Crow begun but I shot him a glare that shut him up real quick.

"What of it?" Yusei snapped.

Sayer grinned and he said "Well how about we make a contest?"

"What kind of contest? What game are you playing at Sayer?" Akiza said with a glare.

Sayer's watch beeped and he glanced at it and looked at us and said "I'll cut to the chase and say that the contest is this. 

He grinned and said "The first one to find Crystal gets to keep her."

"Are you mad?!" I said.

Sayer smiled and he said "Trust me, singer. I am the not the bad guy here. Just think of the kind of people far worse than me, would do if they heard of Crystal's incredible physic powers." 

I looked at him and then he said "Now I must be going. Catch ya later."

A smoke bomb hit the ground and when the smoke cleared, Sayer was gone.

"That bastard. We have to find Crystal before he does." Akiza said. 

I looked at her and I said "What's with the hatred? Didn't you work for him?"

She frowned and said "He helped me when no one else would. He helped me through the toughest parts of my life. I thought he was a friend. I trusted him. I did what he said and listened to what he said and didn't question it."

She looked down and said "But I was wrong. He lied and minulipated me. He betrayed me and worse. He hurt my friends."

"Well we're not finding her just sitting here." Crow said. "Let's get some rest and head out first thing tomorrow and look for her."

I looked at him and I said "You guys go ahead. I'm going to keep looking."

Akiza smiled and played a card and I frowned as a dust fell over top of me. I raised an eyebrow and was about to ask her what the heck she did when I grew tired and my world around me faded to black as I fell into a deep sleep.

Crystal's Pov

"So what's your name?" Alex asked me. 

I blinked and looked at him in curiosity. Who was he? Why did he bring me here? Did he bring me here? 

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

He smiled and said "Nuh uh. You first. I asked you a question."

I sighed and I said "Crystal."

"Crystal." He said, testing it on his lips. 

He smiled and said "I like it."

"Now answer my question." I said, a small smile forming.

"Well you appeared from a light and had broken chains. And you looked pretty banged up. So I brought you here. I knew that you'd be safe here." Alex said.

I was hurt when he found me? And I was in chains? 

"Hey you ok?" Alex asked me.

I looked at him and I said "Not really. I can't figure how I was in chains and why I am in pain and how I even got here. I know you brought me here but I don't know how I came to the spot where you found me. And why I have this on my arm."

"I was going to ask about that." Alex said.

"Yo blue boy!!" A voice yelled.

"Uh oh." Alex said. "Looks like they found me."

"Who?" I asked.

He went to the window and he said "Two buddies of mine who I thought were my buds but I was wrong."

I peered out the window and I saw they had duel disks. 

"You can't take them all alone. I'll help you." I said.

He looked at me and he said "No way. These guys are bad news." 

I looked at him and I said "I don't care. I'm helping you whether you want my help or not."

He smiled and said "Alright fine."

"Who knows. Maybe this duel will help me remember." I said with a smile. 

I looked at my bracelet on my arm and I got a feeling to touch it.

I did and it expanded into a duel disk. I blinked in surprise and Alex blinked in surprise too.

"Wicked." He said. 

We head out the room and outside. Two men were standing there with sneers on their faces. 

"Alex. How nice of you to show your scummy face." One said.

"What do you want Clyde?" Alex said.

He smiled and said "Simple. There's a big reward for a certain physic duelist and your lady friend there fits the description."

Alex frowned and said "You ain't gonna have her."

"Shall we duel to find out?" The other said.

"If it's a duel you want Sean, then fine." Alex said.

We held up our duel disks and said at the same time "Let's duel!"

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