Sam X Reader - Sleep

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You were alone. Then, you weren't. You were in the corner of the bunker's library, curled up and praying that the two brothers and their angel-friend were asleep - or at least otherwise engaged.
Your head of (y/h/c) hair was resting on the knees that you were holding against your chest. Tears streaming silently from your (y/e/c) eyes. Then, you felt arms wrap around you. Someone was crouching in front of you and holding you. Comforting you.
Your life had been far from the best. Most days, you were surprised that you hadn't already ended it, though this was more frequent before you met Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak. They had saved your life and, at the same time, saved you from your abusive past.
That didn't stop the nightmares of your life, which came every time you shut your eyes. But... You didn't know how to explain it, but it reassured you to know that you weren't always alone.

But they didn't know about the nightmares. They had given you your own room in the bunker. So you slept alone - or tried to.
You never thrashed about in the nightmares, but you were constantly reminded of the horrors of your past.
So, if you woke from the horrors in the night, you would sneak to the library, the room closest to your own, find a corner - your safe place -, curl up and cry silently.
The next morning, you would transfer all of your thoughts of self doubt into whatever you happened to be doing.

But that night was different. Someone was holding you. "(Y/n)," they whispered to you. You whimpered in reply. "Ssshhh, don't worry. I'm here now. I've got you."
And in that moment, you knew who was holding you. Sam Winchester was crouching and comforting you.
Eventually, the two of you pulled apart and you looked up at him. "Thank you," you whispered, quieter than you'd ever been in your life - which was hard to do.
He wiped away tears from your cheeks. "What's wrong, (y/n)?" he asked. He pulled you up, so that you were standing.
You backed up so that you could feel the sides of the corner pressing against your back. Slowly, you shook your head.
He whispered reassurances to you. They didn't work. They always worked in the day, but you were in the night's territory now. And what works to comfort during the day, won't work during the night.
You started to slide back down to your protective position. As you did, Sam did something which surprised you. He scooped you up and away from the wall as you began to hyperventilate. The voices from your past were getting louder and louder and louder again. He carried you, trying to comfort you all the while, into his room, lying you down in the middle of his bed. Then he got in, lay down beside you and whispered: "You go to sleep, (y/n). I will stay awake here all night and protect you. You have nothing to be afraid of."
Involuntarily, you shivered. Sam pulled you towards him. You snuggled against him, seeking warmth and protection. He wrapped his arms around you, rested his chin gently on the top of your head and whispered: "Sleep."
And sleep you did. It was the best night's sleep that you'd ever had, in the entirety of your life.

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