Merthur X Child!Reader - Of Druids and Heirs

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Merlin was going through the courtyard to join a meeting. He was already late, so he was rushing a little. But he wasn't going so fast that he'd miss the slight swish of a small, pale cloak.
He and Arthur had been co-ruling Camelot for a few months, and heirs had crossed their conversations a few times. Both wanted to have an heir, but neither knew how, or what to do about it. That was - most likely - why Merlin had been called to this meeting in the first place. A lot of the court still weren't enthused about magic. It had been hard enough convincing them to banish some of the traitors.
But back to the scene.
Merlin noticed the flash of pale colour as he started rushing through the courtyard. Confused, he followed the colour to a corner of the courtyard. There he found a bundle, trying to hide against the dark stonework with a slightly muddied pale cloak. As he approached, these deep, (e/c) eyes peeked around the cloak and locked with his green eyes. He heard a little girl's voice in his head.
Don't hurt me! you cried out to him.
Don't worry, I wouldn't dare to, he replied. He smiled to you. I'm Merlin. What's your name?
You smiled back, and slightly uncovered yourself. He caught a glimpse of crimson around your middle. You knew you were hurt, because you felt dizzy. I'm... you spoke, dying. Help me, Merlin, please! Your voice became frantic in his mind, as you realised how badly injured you were. He ran to you and scooped you carefully up into his arms.
You fell unconscious curled up in his arms though, since you'd established a connection in your two minds, he could feel how strong you were, and was sure that he'd get you healed sufficiently in time.
He took you straight to the Court Physician, Gaius. He was surprised to see Merlin, the Court Warlock and co-ruler of Camelot, rush into his Chambers, carrying a bleeding, weak girl in his arms. All Merlin needed to say was "Gaius," and the Physician jumped to work. Merlin stayed with you as Gaius healed you, using a perfect blend of magic and medicine to formulate your remedy. Merlin ended up missing the meeting, because he was more focused on ensuring that you lived.
Arthur came looking for him after the meeting, quite a while after Gaius had sufficiently healed you.
By this point, Merlin and Gaius now knew your story, and you were confident that you could trust them. After all, they had healed you.
"Merlin, you missed the meeting. What happened?" By now, Arthur knew Merlin well enough to know that he'd never miss anything without good reason. Then, Arthur saw you. You didn't look like much as you were dirty from your travel to Camelot, alongside the fact that your clothes were caked in your own blood. Your (h/c) hair was caked with mud, and knotted beyond belief. But your (e/c) eyes still held their shine - their sparkle of hope.
"Arthur, dear," Merlin replied, dragging Arthur's attention back to himself, "this is (y/n) (l/n). She is a druid child who was on her way to Camelot, when her parents were killed by the bandits that we've had troubles with previously. They had been rejected by the druids for believing in our ideals of magic and non-magic coexisting peacefully. Gaius has just saved her life, else she would have joined her parents too soon."
"Poor child," Arthur soothed you. "You have reached your haven. You are safe within Camelot's walls now." He smiled kindly to you, though his voice had an underlying tone that it would be treasonous for you not to be safe there.
"Arthur, I found her in the courtyard parentless, penniless and starving, as well as with the stab wound that Gaius has just healed. She has nowhere to go and no one to look after her. What should we do?" Merlin had lowered his voice, but you could still hear him perfectly, due to your connection.
Arthur looked back to you. You saw the softness in his expression. The genuine warmth with which he looked at you. He looked into your eyes and had only two thoughts. He is about to reply when he feels an unobtrusive presence in his mind.
You are King Arthur Pendragon. I am just a druid child who has been orphaned. Yet, when you look at me, I feel warmth and love radiate towards me, from you. It is strange.
He looks taken aback for a moment, and peers more closely at you. Then, he turns to Merlin and says what he had intended to use as his answer. "We shall complete the necessary documents in the coming weeks. Show our daughter to the biggest, warmest room in the castle, and ensure that our things are moved into the next biggest and next warmest room, so that we are close to her."
Yours and Merlin's faces both light up at Arthur's response. He is letting you stay! He is taking you in!
Your new father turned to the Physician. "Continue her treatment to ensure she makes a full recovery, then find the best seamstress in Camelot to measure (y/n) for gowns and set her to work. Tell her it's for the Kings' Heir." Gaius nodded and bowed. Then Merlin gently took your hand and showed you out of the Physician's Chambers. Arthur followed close behind you both, a stupidly large and happy grin fixed onto his face.

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