(9th) Doctor X Reader - Sentient Water Part III

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Knowing, in a shell-shocked kind of way, that there was nothing you could do for her now, you curled up, still on the grated floor of the console room, and waited. You closed your eyes, not sure you were as happy to have these adventures, anymore. In the background, you could barely hear the Doctor helping Alyssa. Though, that faded as you came down from your adrenaline rush and a wave of fatigue washed over you.

You must've fallen asleep on the floor in the console room, because - when you woke up - you were also on the seats by the control console. Alyssa was sat up, on the whole healed, and your head seemed to be in her lap. You were lying on your side, your back to the back of the seats, so you could see the console and the Doctor stood beside it. Slowly, rubbing your eyes, you started to sit up.
When the Doctor saw you awake, he smiled. "Come down from an adrenaline rush?" he asked, kindly. Slowly, you nodded, feeling like your head may fall off if you nodded too vigorously. "It's all right," he added, "happens to all of us."
Once you were upright, you immediately started to feel much better. "I'm glad you're better, Alyssa," you told your puddle friend, who had returned to her usual, bright aqua tone.
"I'm glad of that, too, (y/n)," she replied.
The Doctor, smiling due to having been able to rescue the both of you, asked: "So, ladies, where to now?"
The three of you shared an ecstatic, giddy grin. "Somewhere awesome!" both you and Alyssa replied.
As the Doctor concentrated on flying the TARDIS, Alyssa spoke to you. "Don't doubt your adventures with the Time Lord on my behalf, (y/n). You work well with him." You looked up at her, confused as to how she knew about that. "I am guessing that we have developed a psychic link since I surrounded you."
You laughed, disbelieving. "That's a good way to word it."
"I guess..." She paused and squinted at you for a moment. "Gods above, (y/n)!" You looked into her eyes. She grinned as she continued to speak. "Please tidy your thoughts up! Your mind is a mess!"
For some reason, this was the only part of your conversation that the Doctor heard/acknowledged. He turned around to face the two of you. "What by the twin mountains is going on?" he asked. For some reason, everything about this expression - including the sincerity with which it was said - tickled you. You started to giggle. Alyssa, having heard what you were giggling about in your head, also started to smirk. "What?" the Doctor repeated, more than a little confused.
"Sorry, Doctor," you laughed. "It's... I haven't heard that one before!"
The TARDIS started to rock and sway, and the Doctor realised that he wasn't flying her. He turned back around and concentrated on the controls once more. "Well, what was your conversation on about, then?" he asked. In all fairness, you weren't entirely sure, either. Therefore, you refrained from answering, in the hopes that Alyssa would explain everything to you both.
Alyssa did so, with a sigh and a secret smile cast directly at you. You started to wish that he'd never asked, as you realised what you'd been thinking immediately before she had previously spoken. "I asked (y/n), here, to tidy her thoughts up because her mind is a mess and it's a wonder she can even come up with story ideas under all of her scattered, private thoughts."
You let out a breath that you didn't know you'd been holding, though probably just a bit too soon. "What kind of private thoughts?" the Doctor asked, innocently intrigued. Though, even if he hadn't asked, you had a sneaking suspicion that Alyssa would still have proceeded to tell him.
Too late for you to return to holding your breath and hoping, Alyssa replied. "About you..." She paused.
'No,' you thought. 'No, no, no, no, no.' It didn't work.
"And me, too," she added, ruining your life in five words.
The Doctor didn't seem too surprised, or even embarrassed, by this turn of events. All he said was: "(y/n), clean your mind up, so you can find it easier to write." And he continued to pilot the TARDIS.

A/N ~ Here you go! Happy December! I'm pleased to announce that in the West Midlands in England, we have plentiful snow, the most we've had in December in absolutely ages, so I'm very happy!
My school that I currently attend actually finished earlier yesterday, which was a shocking surprise. We might even have Monday off! I'm very excited!
But let's backtrack... Back to this (who would you live and die for on that list... Sorry)... Have Sentient Water part 3! I don't know how many more parts I'm going to be able to think of, so this might be the last... At least for a while. Hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you in the next part.

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