Hard Times and Close Encounters

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My older brothers had never allowed me to hunt. I mean, technically they weren't my older brothers, but I had been made an orphan by demons they were hunting and they felt somehow responsible, so they had taken me in as their sister. It was better than Foster Care, and they did love me platonically anyway, so it made sense. But they still wouldn't let me hunt.
This decision became the worst they'd ever made.

The Mark of Cain had turned Dean into a demon, which was scary enough as is. Dean had up and left, after Sammy had brought him back to our Bunker, completely dead. I'd been in the open plan area as he had left. I ran to him initially, seeing that he was up and about. But when he looked at me, the love was gone from his eyes.
He almost killed me right there, when I tried to hug him. If it weren't for Crowley telling him to leave me, I wouldn't have lived after that hug. Then, he left. He was gone for a couple of weeks, and Sam tracked him, keeping me on lockdown in the Bunker, "just in case". Infuriating.
Then, just as suddenly, Sam brought him back to the Bunker, in devil's trap cuffs, and put him in the dungeon. Sam was trying to cure him with sanctified blood, but it was almost as if it wasn't working for a while. I could hear his tortured cries even from my bedroom, so I ran to Dean's bedroom, because he'd always comforted me when I was afraid. Sam came in and saw the photos Dean kept in his room. Then he left to carry on healing Dean, probably renewed with hope that it could work.
Then, after a little while, Dean came in.
He was acting just as ruthless and murderous as before. When he saw me in the room, he started towards me, lifting the hammer he was carrying around. I recoiled away from him, fear evidently in my eyes. For a second, there was a glimmer of my older brother, and he took a step back. Then my Dean was gone. This New Dean spoke to me, angrier than Mr Hyde from the novella by Stevenson.
"Where is your brother? He's in huge trouble."
I don't know how, but I managed to reply. I feel it may have been that I was so scared that I believed that I was about to die no matter what, but I managed to reply to this New Dean. "Sam's always in trouble with you. You should be used to it by now, unless you're not my brother."
He stopped again, upon hearing me say 'not my brother'. His face softened for a moment and, while it was more relaxed, he spoke again. "Get out of here! Now, Laurie, go!" I was surprised to hear Dean use my original name.
He'd refused to use it, even when they were hunting that demon, originally. Back then, he'd called me 'doll' or 'sweetheart'. In hindsight, he'd said it on purpose, to confuse the New Dean further.
It didn't work.
The New Dean regained control and started towards me again, with the hammer. Then he paused. He'd heard noise from around the Bunker. He was returning to looking for Sam. He was leaving me alone. Bigger fish, and so on.
I stayed in Dean's room, though it had now lost much of its comforting power. I was still in there when the lockdown started. And when it finished. I finally worked up enough courage to leave the room after a little while.
I was making my way down a corridor, being careful, though hoping that it was all over. I came across New Dean swinging the hammer at Sam and I don't know what I thought I could do.
I pushed Sam out of the way of the swing, but this meant that I was right in the way. It was only as the hammer connected with a part of my body that I realised that Sammy would've been able to dodge it anyway. I crumpled to the floor, seeing Cass grip New Dean around the arms and hold him.
The hammer connecting with my body seemed to have tipped Dean over the edge, to become a full demon, because his eyes were the same horrifying black as those of my parents' murderer. They were the last thing I remembered seeing. Then I blacked out.

I was in my room, the next time I could feel any part of my body. I was able to open my eyes, and I could feel a kind of tingling sensation in my toes and fingers but other than that, there was nothing. I couldn't even wiggle my little toe, the first time I woke up since the incident.
I couldn't see anyone, but I could feel someone else in the room. But I couldn't move my head to find them. My throat was the Sahara, but there was nothing I could do about it. So I closed my eyes again, trying to drift to sleep. But my brain kept focusing on how extremely dry my throat was.
Giving up, I opened my eyes once more. I was in time to see someone leave the shadows. They must've just entered my room. It was Sam. "Kore! You're awake! How are you feeling?"
Kore is the name I had chosen soon after Sam and Dean had adopted me as their younger sister. I felt that it fitted me well, and showed just how much I loved Greek Mythology.
I had tried to reply to Sam's question, to tell him that my throat was dry - even if I only rasped it. But my mouth wouldn't move to even shape the words.
He stood and watched me as I tried, and found myself physically unable, to speak. He saw the tears form in my eyes. He saw them roll from my eyes unchecked, because I couldn't brush them away. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, giving it a gentle, consolatory rub. If I had been able to move, I would've tensed.
"We healed Dean," Sam added, as the hand rubbed my shoulder. I guessed that this was purely for my benefit. "He's barely left your side since we knew he wasn't a demon anymore."
My guess was correct, meaning that Dean was the one rubbing my shoulder. Cass appeared beside Sam, along with a woman, whom I had never seen before.
"Cass and Hannah are going to sit with you for a moment while I talk to Dean, okay?"
I guessed, seeing as he knew that I couldn't move, that Sam had only asked if it was okay out of habit, as I wouldn't be making any decisions any time soon. Dean squeezed my shoulder, then stood up and walked into the shadows by the door, with Sam. The woman - Hannah - sat where Dean had been, not saying a word. Hannah, Cass and I all knew that I could hear my brothers talking.
"How many times know?" Sam asked Dean. "How many has she not remembered?" I listened in, confused.
"All of them," Dean replied. "Every time she wakes back up, she can't remember that she can't move or speak." He sighed. "I can't do this, Sammy. This is all my fault. She'd be fine now, if I hadn't escaped and come after you."
"It wasn't you, Dean. Not really." Sam was trying to make him feel better.
But one thing kept playing in my mind. I had woken up several times by now. That's multiple awakenings that I couldn't remember. And every time I fell asleep, I forgot that I couldn't move or speak.

A/N ~ This part is also an excerpt from a fanfic, but I don't have much for that one yet, and I'm not sure if I want to publish that one yet, so enjoy!

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