Clara's Surprise

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It was so stupid of me. I should never have let her join us on an adventure. I should've known what would happen.
I should probably start from the beginning.

I was on a date. First since Danny. She was an amazing woman. Emrys, she was called. It suited her. She had raven-black hair and eyes that shone as bright and green as emeralds. Super attractive and even smarter. We were out at a restaurant. Talking, laughing, getting to know each other properly.
So she asked me what else I was doing this weekend. “Anything else interesting happening?” she asked.
As I looked into her eyes, I just knew that I should tell her. “What would you do if I said I had a friend with a space/time machine?”
She smiled slightly as she replied. “I'd tell you to prove it.”
I smiled, nodded and agreed to show her. Under my breath I cursed myself. The Doctor wasn't going to be happy that I had a) told her and b) offered to show her. But when I looked at her, it felt right.
So, after the meal, I took her back to mine, where I was going to meet the Doctor. I left her in living room and went into the kitchen, where the TARDIS was. The Doctor was just coming out of the ship when I pulled the door to.
“We need to talk, first,” I told him, in no uncertain terms.
“I sort of had a date tonight and told her that you have a space-time ship and she told me to prove it. Is all right if she joins us?”
I had expected a ‘no’ or a ‘not on your nelly’. What I hadn't expected was: “Okay, sure, bring her through.”

"Emrys, if come into the kitchen, you can see the space/time machine." I had poked my head around the kitchen door.
She was sat on the sofa in my living room, looking around as if she was already in a time machine. When I had spoken, her eyes had shot to me. She stood up as I finished speaking, before following me into my kitchen.
When we were in the kitchen, the Doctor stood outside the TARDIS, waiting for us. "Emrys, this is the Doctor. The space/time machine is his." I turned to face the Doctor. "Doctor, this is Emrys, my date. She'll be joining us on the trip tonight." We smiled at each other and led Emrys into the TARDIS.
"What is this place?" she asked, as we led her through the wooden doors of the time machine disguised as a 60s Police Box. "Why... How is the outside smaller?" I smiled slightly, remembering my Victorian self saying a similar thing.
"Welcome to the TARDIS. She's bigger on the inside because she's dimensionally transcendental," the Doctor explained.
"Your ship can transcend dimensions?" Emrys asked, amazed. "What does TARDIS mean?" she added.
"TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space," I explained to her. "And most people don't get their heads around dimensionally transcendental quite that quickly."
She shrugged. "Where are we going?" The Doctor and I shared a look. Our original plan may not work quite as well with more people. After a short pause, I decided on an answer.
"Somewhere amazing!"

A/N ~ Just in case you were wondering, I'll publish a suggested X Reader when this book reaches 5K, so I have time to write it. Then, if you want to keep sending in suggestions, I'll do another at 6K and so on, if that sounds good?
I know I've said this so many times, but thank you so so much for reading and commenting and voting for this book, because it means so much to me! I probably would have finished this after the first few if I hadn't got as many reads as I had - and still get. So, again, thank you so so much! I love all of you!

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