(9th) Doctor X Reader - Sentient Water

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A/N ~ I know that I have already done a Doctor X Reader, but I feel like I will be able to write more x readers if I do one for each Doctor​, so yeah. I thought that I might do it chronologically, you know Hartnell first, but then I realised that I don't know those Doctors very well, so I decided I'd start from the hiatus. Enjoy!!!

Sentient water. You had heard of the concept of it. It was something that you knew about, but had never met - or experienced, if that was a better word. But the Doctor? With his leather jacket and his strangely accurate phrases? He was something that you always thought about.
So, here's the thing. Sentient water was something you had thought about... For one of your fanfics. For one of your fanfics about your favourite programme, called Doctor Who. About an alien - called the Doctor - traveling through space and time. Sometimes he had a companion. Sometimes he was alone.
Your favourite Doctor was the ninth incarnation, who was played by one Christopher Eccleston. He was the first Doctor since the hiatus started, at the end of the twentieth century. His first episode showed him finding a companion. But you had always wondered what sort of adventures he'd had - alone - before then.
And so, you would write whole episodes-worth of fanfics and pray that - at first Russell T Davis, then - Steven Moffat would see them and turn them into episodes. Needless to say, that never happened.
No one really read your stories. Nobody really paid much attention to Eccleston as the Doctor, either. But you still wrote your fanfics. And you still obsessed over your Doctor.

Then, one day, it happened. You were on the bus, on your way to school. As usual, you were writing fanfic during your journey. Then, when the bus got to your stop, it was there. Hidden in the trees behind the bus-stop-sign. Behind the green of the summer leaves, you saw the blue that was only ever used for one thing.
Smiling and pulling out your earphones, you walked towards it. You pressed your hand against the door. You could feel the thrum of time energy crackle on its surface. It had just arrived. Before you could react, the door clicked and opened inwards. You stumbled in and almost collapsed onto​ the floor.
You looked around. It was even bigger and even better inside than the producers and set-designers could have ever designed it. The coral column-things looked even better up close and in real life. You thought the small jungle of dangling cables around the console was a shame, though.
Then you saw him. His leather jacket and dark-red shirt. His extremely close-cut hair and his ears. Oh, the ears that meant that you always recognised him! It was your Doctor and he was in your TARDIS! Every Doctor Who fan has their Doctor and TARDIS. Usually, it is the first Doctor and TARDIS that you watch. Your Doctor isn't always, but generally can be your favourite incarnation. Your Doctor was both.
You stood, just looking at him, for a long time. He just stared right back at you. "Oh, wow!" you exclaimed, happily. "It really is bigger on the inside!"
"Hey, hold on!" he shouted to you. "What do you mean 'really is'? Who are you?"
"Huh, how does it feel, shoe's on the other foot now?" you laughed. You saw his expression. "Oh. Sorry. I'm (y/n). I sorta fangirl too much!" As you said the last sentence, you shrugged.
"Well, (y/n), seeing as you seem to already know about the TARDIS being dimensionally transcendental, how would you feel about going on an adventure?" he asked.
"I mean, I'm already late for school. And I do have (fav/subj) today..."
"Oh. I completely under..." he started to reply.
You cut him off, smiling. "Of course I want to come on an adventure! It's better than reading about Romeo and Juliet dying." You rolled your eyes and over-dramatised the end of your second sentence.
He grinned at you. "Shut the doors, then, (y/n), and we can set off!" You clicked your fingers and the doors swung shut. "Huh. I'll remember that." Then he turned to face the control console and set to work piloting the legendary ship.
"No, you don't remember," you whispered in reply. Needless to say, he didn't hear you. Eventually, the TARDIS landed. "Where are we?" you asked, smiling again. You had seen so many episodes and, in each one, the companion gets to ask where they've landed, before they go out.
He faced you and grinned. "Let's find out, shall we?" He held his arm out to you and you looped your arm through his. The two of you walked to the door and he opened it. There was a world outside the blue box that looked similar to Earth. You went to take a step out, then remembered that you were in uniform.
"Umm, you do realise that I am in school uniform, right?" you asked. He looked at you.
"Oh, okay. Well, the wardrobe is..."
"I know where it is, I just wanted to know if I could go," you replied.
"How do you know where it is?"
"Long story. I'll explain later, maybe, but I need to get changed."
You returned a short while later in some shorts that were a bit big for you and a crop-top that was tie-dyed. Naturally you had found a belt for the shorts, but they were still a bit big.
"So, let's go!" you exclaimed, looping your arm through the loop in the Doctor's arm once more.
"Okay, but we're talking on the way," he replied, tucking something into his pocket slightly, with his free hand. The two of you left the TARDIS and started towards the sounds of laughter and innocence. "So, (y/n), how did you know where the wardrobe was?"
"In my universe, you are a character. A story on TV. Don't worry, though, they found the perfect actor to play you. And it shows all your companions and the TARDIS and their reactions to seeing inside it. And your adventures. Oh, how I would dream of coming on an adventure with you. But anyway, they would always have at least one episode per companion where they need to borrow​ some clothes, so that they fit in..."
As the two of you walked, you explained to the Doctor about the programme that had caused you to fall in love with both him and the universe, despite all the monsters. Then you realised. As you came closer to where there had previously been laughter, all around you was a tight, choking silence. You reached a small play-park. There must have been children there earlier, because you had heard the sounds of children having fun. Now there was nothing.
Nothing but puddles on the concrete. The Doctor unlooped his arm from yours and knelt down to have a look at one of the puddles. You ambled over to a small patch of grass, kneeling down to get closer to it. "Strange," you said, at the same time as the Doctor did. He got up and backed away from the puddle.
"What have you found, (y/n)?" he asked, walking over to you.
"Look at the grass. It's not even covered in dew, like it would of a morning." You stroked a single blade. "It's completely dry. It can't have rained in at least a couple of days." You tried to stand up but almost fell over. The Doctor caught you and helped you to your feet.
Once you were stood, the Doctor replied. "That is strange. Especially considering that the puddles are literally just water. I wonder what's going on here..."
You looked around, trying to find any sign that you weren't the only humanoid beings out there. "Doctor, where did all the people go? Y'know, all the people that we heard earlier, having a good time​."
"I don't know, (y/n). I think that we should go and investigate." You grinned at him at the concept of his suggestion. And so, the two of you started to walk around, knocking on doors and calling to ask if anyone was home. Needless to say, nobody answered.
At one point, you peered in through the front window of a house, to try to find people. All you saw inside were people's belongings and a huge puddle. "Doctor," you beckoned him over, "there is a puddle in this front room."
"(y/n), don't turn around," the Doctor whispered to you. Due to the lack of every other living creature, you heard him perfectly.
"Why not?" you asked. "What's behind me?" He didn't answer you, so you slowly started to turn around.
The next time he spoke, he seemed a lot more panicked. "(y/n), stop moving!" he called to you.
In your peripheral vision, you could just about make out the blurred shape of the Doctor. This was because your glasses didn't cover your peripheral vision. Your eyes started to prick with tears. Tears that you quickly blinked back.
"What's after me?" you asked, desperately regulating your voice to sound steady.
"It's actually quite fantastic," the Doctor started to waffle. "It's the puddles..."
"Hold on, am I being chased by sentient water?" you asked.
"Like I said, it's quite fantastic!"
"No, Doctor, you don't understand," you replied. "I wrote this! I wrote about you having an adventure - it was one of my fanfictions - and there was sentient water everywhere!"
"Great!" he exclaimed. "How do we stop it?"
"I... I don't know... I didn't get that far into writing it." You looked at the Doctor through peripheral vision. "Doctor, I need to turn around. You distract the puddle."
He sort of just laughed. "Okay," he chuckled. "This is fantastic. I'm distracting a puddle!" You remembered that he had put something in his pocket. Just as you did, he started to pull the thing out of the pocket. You sighed, almost laughing, as you saw him pull a banana out of his pocket.
"Of course," you muttered. "Always take a banana to a party."
He started to peel the banana. The puddle immediately started to move towards him. "Umm, (y/n)," he asked, "what if the sounds we heard earlier weren't laughter?" Then, he took a bite out of the curved yellow fruit.
"I don't know, Doctor," you replied, slowly starting to turn. You spotted another puddle coming and stopped moving. "It sounded like the happy laughter of people who didn't think that the puddles around them were going to do anything harmful."
"How many are there, now?" he asked, trying to act calm. Probably to avoid freaking you out.
"Including the one inside?" He nodded. "Four."
"Four​?" he asked, worried. "Even with my peripheral vision, I can only see three."
"I didn't stop moving because I saw another one coming," you replied, keeping your voice level. "I stopped moving because I felt my feet get wet." You looked down. The Doctor followed your gaze with his eyes.
Sure enough, there was a puddle around your feet. "Oh, no, (y/n), no!" he whispered. "I really liked you!" Then you remembered some possibly crucial information from your fanfiction.
"Doctor," his eyes immediately met yours, "there's nothing you can do for me at the moment." He went to interrupt you. "Listen to me. Once I have disappeared, all of the puddles in a mile radius become dormant for a while. I don't know how long. But, the less I struggle once I've disappeared, the longer it takes for me to be devoured." The water started to rise up your legs. "As soon as I've disappeared, you need to find some way of undoing it and getting me out. So long as you stay within a mile of my puddle, you can't be devoured too. Just stay out of the puddles." The water was already almost at your kneecaps.
"(y/n), please tell me you know what you're talking about," he almost begged.
"Would it make you feel safer if I did?" you asked.
"Yes," he nodded.
"I can't say it. You can't feel safe until we are. So even if I did, I can't tell you that. Fear keeps your adrenaline up. Fear keeps your heart beating faster. Fear is your superpower. And right now," you looked down; it was almost at your waist, "I need you better than Superman."
He took a step towards you. He was going to try to comfort you.
"Don't move, Doctor. Not if you want us to get out of this intact." Thankfully, he listened to you and didn't move any closer. It was at the bottom of your ribs, now. At least the water wasn't freezing, you bitterly thought.
"(y/n), please at least tell me that I will be able to save you."
"Doctor, I did tell you. So long as you act quick enough, you will be able to save me." The water rose higher and higher. It was level with your heart, now.
"(y/n)," he panicked.
"Be ready, Doctor." You smiled. "It's almost time." He took a huge step towards you. Your smile faltered. "Doctor," you warned. Your puddle rose ever so slightly higher. The other puddles started to move towards him.
"So long as I take strides, I should be quick enough," he replied, smiling. As he said this, he took another stride. Your puddle lowered slightly, evidently confused. Its level was at your heart once again. The other puddles still followed him.
"Doctor?" you asked. He was almost with you. "What are you doing? You need to be away from me so that you are quick when my puddle takes me."
"If you can, try to remember what happens to you, in the puddle. And..." He took a stride to you again. "(y/n)?"
"Yes?" you asked. You had whispered because he was so close.
"Try to find a way to get out, while you're down there... If you can."
You didn't notice the water rise higher up your back. You didn't notice it reach your shoulders at the front. He did, of course. He's the Doctor, of course he did. But you didn't.
He stopped moving as he reached the edge of your puddle. As he had guessed, the puddles chasing him hadn't been able to catch up with him. As they had before, the puddles stopped moving once he had. Then, suddenly, his face was right in front of yours. He was leaning down to your height, so that your faces were level.
"(y/n)," he whispered to you, your noses almost touching. "Come back to me." He paused, his nose moving past yours. "Promise me." Your lips were right in front of each other's. You reacted on impulse. But, you were almost glad that you had. Instinctively, when his lips got so close to yours, you started to kiss him. As soon as you both pulled away for a breath, you were completely taken by the water. Thanks, sentient water, you thought. You have to take me away from him, but at least you don't take me while we kiss.

A/N ~ Sorry to cut it short, but I just noticed the word count. 2666. If you want a part two, comment. If I get enough comments, I'll publish a part two. As usual, vote if you like it and, if you wanna read more of my stuff, I have other stories - and you can always follow me.
Sorry, I sound really needy there, don't I? Don't apologise, Alex, it's a sign of weakness. Yes, alright, "Gibbs". Calm down.
Sorry, talking to me again. Shhh. I'm totally sane... Mernyer, help! I'm not sane!
But yeah. Follow and vote and stuff if you like and comment on this one if you want another part.

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