When the Wiccan Came...

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Circe Emanuel:
I pulled my backpack further onto my back once more as I reached the top of the hill and saw the castle ahead of me. Just as I did, the wind blew from the east suddenly, sweeping my long, red hair right into my face. I sighed and pulled it out of my silver eyes. At least I don't​ have far to go anymore, I thought.
I was on a journey to Camelot, to visit an old friend of my father's, Gaius. The last time that Gaius and my father had met, I had been just twelve years old.
Recently, I had turned twenty-five years old. I heard that, about a year ago, King Uther had passed and his son, Arthur, was now king.
Shaking my head and sighing as I recalled the last time that Gaius and my father had met, I picked my way carefully down the side of the hill, careful to avoid getting mud on the hem of my lime-green dress.

Upon reaching the castle, I headed straight to the chambers of the King's Physician, Gaius. I vaguely recalled where they were but almost took a wrong turn at least twice. However, I managed to reach his chambers without too much trouble.
When I reached his chambers, however, I forgot to knock and walked straight in. Gaius was balanced on a balcony with shelves against the wall, obviously looking through his stocks. As I entered, the rail for the balcony gave way.
Without thinking, as Gaius fell, I froze him in the air, before moving a bed that was in the centre of the room to be underneath him. Then, I allowed him to fall, but at a lower pace.
As he landed on the bed, he sighed: “Merlin, what have I…” He paused as he saw me. He got up immediately. “Circe?” he asked me. I nodded. “What are you doing here? How did you…?” His voice trailed off.
“Hello, Gaius. Father sends his love.” I stood smiling at the man, before my thoughts returned to my father. “Oh!” I exclaimed upon remembering something. “My father sent me with a letter for you!” I explained.
“Well,” he asked, “what of this letter?” I handed it to him, from my backpack. He took the letter from my hand and started to read. “I see,” he sighed as he finished reading the message and folded the letter.
“So, he's sent you to help me, has he?” I nodded, quietly. “ Well, I will need to find you somewhere to stay, seeing as the other room is currently occupied…” Once again, his voice trailed off. “Leave your bag here, Circe, and follow me. I have an idea as to where you can stay.”
I left my things exactly where they were and followed Gaius through the castle’s corridors. He led me to a large set of double doors. Before entering, he knocked twice on the door.
A call from within said: “Enter, Gaius.” Gaius pushed one of the doors and we both entered the room on the other side. It was a throne room. The King and Queen were on their respective thrones.
As soon as I saw the king and queen, I curtseyed as low a curtsey as I could manage in the dress that I was wearing at the time. The king waved his hand, to allow me to stop bowing. However, the way in which he did this made think that he thought having people constantly bowing and curtseying to him was tedious.
“My lord,” Gaius spoke once I'd bowed. “This is Circe Emanuel, daughter of Kronus Emanuel. Her father has sent her to Camelot to assist me, as her father and I are good friends.”
“I see. And why are you explaining this to me?” the king asked Gaius.
“There's no room in my chambers for her, as well as Merlin and I. It occurred to me that her majesty no longer uses her house, I thought that I would enquire as to if Circe could stay there for as long as she is here?”
The king ummed and ahhed for a few minutes, before coming to a conclusion. “I see no reason why she cannot use the house.” He turned to the side of his throne. As he did, I noticed a young man, about mine and the king's age. He had ebony hair and these, blue-green eyes. He wore this red top with a blue neck tie. “Merlin, go to Gaius' chambers and carry Ms Emanuel's bag to Gwen's old house.”
The man - Merlin - nodded and walked across the room to the doors through which Gaius and I had entered. Without my permission, my eyes followed him to and through the door.
A snigger came from behind me after Merlin had left. I turned, about to scold the sniggerer for sniggering, but, when I'd turned, it turned out that it was the king that had sniggered.
His majesty quickly composed himself when he realised that I had heard him. “Gaius,” he said, trying to avoid my gaze.
“Yes, my lord?” Gaius replied.
“Show Ms Emanuel to the house where she will be staying,” the king spoke with a sort of tone that implied that he was bored of constant formality. I knew how he felt.
“Yes, my lord. Right away.” Gaius gestured for me to follow him. I did so, but not before flashing a kind smile to the rulers of the kingdom.

Arthur Pendragon:
As soon as Gaius and the woman had left the throne room, Gwen turned to me and said: “I like her. She has a familiar feel to her.”
I smiled to my wife. “I know how you feel.” I paused, then said: “Did you see how she looked at Merlin when he left the room?”
“What do you mean?”
“Her eyes obviously followed him. Did you not see?”

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