Charlie X Reader - FBI and Wicca

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You had known the Winchesters for a while. They had helped you once, when a Wendigo threatened your camping trip. So you were surprised when you saw an FBI agent who looked the spitting image of Dean Winchester.
You assumed that it couldn't be him, because his partner was a woman around your age who had bright ginger hair, rather than someone who looked like Sam.
So you tried to ignore the FBI agents. Then, one of your neighbours was talking with someone who had been interviewed by them and you couldn't help but overhear some of the conversation.
"Wait," your neighbour asked. "They asked you about the air chilling or things moving on their own?"
You didn't wait to hear any more. You rushed home, to your house with your (bro/sis). You had barely been home for five minutes when there was a knock on the front door.
You opened it to see the two FBI agents. The male agent automatically jumped into a spiel of: "Hi, we're investigating some strange happenings in the area." Then, he looked at you. He seemed to take a step back. "(Y/N)? (Y/N) (L/N), is that you?"
"Dean Winchester," you replied. "What's gone wrong? And where's Sammy?" You let Dean and the woman into your home and showed them into the living room. "I'd have thought you'd call me if you were coming to town, after last time."
"Sorry, (Y/N). Sammy had your number, and he's off on a separate case."
"So," you smiled, looking to the ginger-haired woman. "Who's this nice looking gal?" you asked him. By now, he was used to you saying that about every girl he thought looked hot that you saw in the street, but he didn't expect this woman to be up your street.
"Oh, (Y/N)," he sighed, his cheeks pinking slightly. You smiled. You were embarrassing him. "This is Charlie Bradbury. She's a friend. She helped us to take down Dick. I'm sure Sammy explained to you."
You nodded. Sammy had visited you after that... eventful... year. "D'you know what else surprises me? How the hell are you back from death again?" You smirked.
Charlie looked from you to Dean and back again. "How many times has he died?" she asked you.
"Oh, waaaaaay​ too many times. He and Sammy seem to take it in turns to die to save the world and so on." You smiled at her kindly. She seemed confused. "It took me a while to get my head around it, too. The first time he came back from death, I had to hide in the local library for ages."
"Why do you always go to the library whenever anything happens​?" Dean asked you. He had asked you this, every time you mentioned a library.
"Research. When in doubt..."
You were cut off by Charlie finishing the phrase for you. You were surprised, to say the least. "Go to the library!"
"No way, that's my favourite quote!" you exclaimed.
"I love Harry Potter," Charlie exclaimed, at the same time.
Dean sighed, pulling the two of you out of your fangirling. "We do have a reason for this visit. There's been some strange happenings. We were told that you know a lot about the strange stuff that happens here. Care to share?"
"Yes," you replied. "But there's a catch."
"I leave this hellhole with you at the end of the hunt. I don't care where you take me after that, so long as no one knows me, so can't call me a freak."
"(Y/N)," Dean moaned.
"That's my condition. You know what it's like here, for me," you reasoned with him. And he knew exactly what you meant. You were a Wiccan, so lots of people automatically assumed that you were devil-spawn. But there's something about Wiccans that nobody acknowledges.
One of the most important parts of Wicca is the following rule:
Anything that you do to someone will return to you but three times more powerful. People assume that a Wiccan will hex them. But, if they did, they would have the hex on themselves, but three times worse. So, Wiccans use negative curses or hexes as infrequently as they possibly can.
But no, people always assume that Wiccans will hex you negatively if you are even slightly rude about them.
"What is it like here, for you?" Charlie asked. You had forgotten that she didn't know you.
"I... I'm the outsider. Everyone calls me weird, whether it's behind my back, or openly."
"Oh, I feel your pain," she said in reply. "Whatever it is, I will stick by you, (Y/N). Us Potterheads have to stick together." You smiled sadly.
"Don't you think you should hear the reason why they do this, before you say that?" you asked.
"All I need to know," she replied, "is who your favourite character from Harry Potter is."
"Oh, Hermione all the way," you smiled. "She solved the problem in their second year ages before Harry. She has all the best quotes. She's a bookworm, like me. She punched Draco Malfoy on the nose in their third year. She gets the time turner. She is, all around, the best character."
"Oh, I am so keeping you!" Charlie exclaimed. "I don't care why they call you weird, you like Hermione!" She grinned.
You grinned too, finding it impossible not to, from the enthusiasm and infectiousness of her grin. "You should probably still know, though," you added, "I am a Wiccan."
She tilted her head to the side. "What exactly is a Wiccan?"
"She's basically the nicer, less I'm-gonna-sell-my-soul-for-magic version of a witch," Dean explained, simplifying way too much.
"Oh, witches are weird," Charlie replied.
"So, you hunt with the brothers do you, Charlie?" you asked, changing the subject from yourself.
"Yeah, I've helped them a couple of times, since the Dick Roman fiasco. How about you?"
"If they're in the general area and they need precise details of something that's already happened, they come to me. I can scry. Ish. I'm best looking back in time, but sometimes they need me to look forwards, so they can save a possible future victim."
"That sounds so cool!" Charlie replied, enthusiastically. "Does it work so that you can focus on a specific person?"
"Yeah. I guess you want me to scry something about you?" you asked.
"Please," she replied, blushing slightly.
"Well, I'll need physical contact with anything that you have touched recently," you started. She handed you a mirror from her bag. You closed your eyes and looked into the past of the intriguing Charlie Bradbury. You smiled at the first thing you saw.
"What do you see?" she whispered to you.
"You, curled up with statuettes of Hermione Granger, rewatching the third Harry Potter film, two nights ago." You paused, then added: "You don't need to whisper."
Suddenly, you felt the mirror pull you to look at the future. You couldn't tell how far in the future it was, but what you saw made you blush. You hoped that you weren't mis-seeing it. You saw you and Charlie together, Charlie holding your hands, leaning forwards. You saw your pairs of lips collide. You saw your future self kissing this enigmatic woman.
Then, you opened your eyes. Dean immediately realised, from the gleam in your eyes, that it had been one of the few occasions when you had seen the future without having to exert too much force or willpower.
He quickly changed the topic before Charlie could ask what you'd seen. This was because you had still been holding her mirror when you saw the future.
You hoped that it wouldn't be long before what you had seen came to pass.

A/N ~ Thanks to everyone who has read this already - and anyone who reads this in the future. And thanks for all of your comments on the previous part - present and future! I'll keep all of your ideas in mind!

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