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She couldn't sleep. She lay, with her eyes closed, thoughts racing around her head.
It was midnight. The air was filled with absolute silence. The kind that only ever usually comes at around 2-3am. So silent that it deafens anyone that dares to still be awake. A tiny sound could echo and sound like the loudest thing you'll ever hear.
Thunk. It was the tiniest sound. The barely audible sound of rock against glass. It ricocheted off, possibly landing in the guttering on the top of the porch, which was beside her window, outside. Her eyes shot open.
Thunk. Slightly louder, but not much. She looked across to see her sister still soundly asleep, her torch shining beside her. She smiled a little. She had always loved seeing how peaceful her little sister looked when she was sleeping.
Thunk. Her muscles tensed of their own accord. Someone was having too much fun - with this - for their own good. She grabbed her glasses off her bedside table, putting them on.
Thunk. Her reactions took over. She quietly pulled her duvet from over herself and stood. She walked around her bed towards the window, where the curtains were drawn.
As she was about to open the curtains wide enough for herself to take a peek at what was happening, someone spoke. “It's definitely the right window… How long do you think it'll take to climb the porch?”
Suddenly determined, she drew the curtains enough to peek through. Knowing that she could no longer change her mind, she looked through and down towards her drive.
There were two men stood on the drive, looking up at her window. The street lamp across the road helped her to confirm that they were men. The very same street lamp allowed them to see enough that they knew someone was looking at them.
“I think it's her.” Then, one of them pointed towards the doors. Instinct took over. She nodded, stood away from - and closed - the curtains, then set about sorting a few necessary things. She got dressed - she couldn't meet people while in her nightie - and grabbed her phone.
Then she went - as silently as she could, in the sleeping house - out of her room and down the stairs to the front door. As per usual, her mother had left her key in the door after locking it. She unlocked the inner door, before taking the key and opening the outer door.
She had pulled on her boots before opening the doors so, rather than invite the two men inside, she ensured that the inner door wouldn't shut behind her and met them outside, on the porch.
“Yes?” Her eyes adjusted enough for her to see details about these men's appearances, aside from being 'really, really tall’. The taller of the two had shoulder-length, dark brown hair, only a little lighter than her own. Both had green eyes.
“Are you Miss 'Forbes-Ritte’?” the taller man asked.
She sniggered. “I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific.”
“Are you 'hi-im-the-doctor’ and 'Alexahasdarkness’?” the shorter man added.
She looked between them, taken aback. “Yes, but I never put my add…”
“IP address,” they both replied.
“Who are you two? Stalking a teenage girl.”
The shorter guy went to answer but the darker-haired man cut him off. “I'm Sam and this is my brother, Dean. We weren't stalking you. You see, you're our only way of saving the world.”
She laughed. Of course she did; it was insane! “Really?” The two men seemed completely serious. “You expect me to believe that I am the only way to save the world?”
The shorter man spoke once more. “I don't really care whether you believe it or not. We don't have time to convince you. We need your help, but if you want to let the world die, knowing that you could have saved it, be my guest…”

Three days earlier:
Sam and Dean were in the bunker. They had tried everything they could think of, to try and save the world. Nothing was working. Then, they got a lead. There was a girl who could help. But she was in England. “Call Cass,” Sam had said. “Maybe he can get her here.”
So Dean had called their Angel-friend. “Say, Cass,” he'd asked, “there's a girl who we think can help with our situation, but she's in England.”
“Let me guess,” came the deep, gravelly reply of Castiel, “ you require me to bring this girl to the bunker.” Cass disappeared for roughly a minute, before returning, alone. “There seemed to be a kind of warding around the whole suburb surrounding her house. I could not get closer than the centre of the closest town. You must go to England and retrieve her yourselves.”
The first thoughts to cross the brothers’ minds were those of disbelief. How could there be warding around a whole suburb? “Uh, Cass?” Sam queried. The angel looked at him. “Do you think you could take us to England? Dean has a… uh, phobia of planes.”
“Of course I can take you to England, however, you will have to find her house and retrieve her using any tactic necessary, without involving me. I will be unable to 'fly in and help’ once you reach the suburb. Therefore, you will have to be prepared for any outcome.”
After informing the brothers of this, Cass took them both by hand and transported them to England. Or, as Dean called it ‘zapped them’.

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