(Eleventh) Doctor X Reader - Thinking About you

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It was going to be your biggest adventure with the Doctor yet. It was going to be amazing. It was also going to be your last for a while, because of family issues.
So he was taking you to an Earth colony on Venus, where they have this immense fairground. He'd promised no investigating. No drama. No monsters. You told him that those were your favourite adventures. You wish you hadn't, in hindsight.
There'd been a disappearance. The Doctor was reluctantly willing to ignore it, so that you could relax. You'd told him not to treat you any differently. "There'll be time for that when you've taken me back home," you'd told him. So the two of you had started investigating. It had been your idea to split up. You were with one local, following up a lead with a broken ride, while the Doctor was with another local, helping to find the missing people.
"So, what exactly went wrong with the ride?" you asked, as you looked at the weckage. It was mainly still standing, but there was a massive chunk missing.
The guy shrugged. "The amount of metal missing, no one has had the guts to go and check it out." The second you heard that nobody had been up to check it out, you ran to the frame and started climbing. "Hey, miss! Don't climb up there! It's dangerous!"
You looked back at him, grinning. "I'm not afraid of the danger. But if you are, you're welcome to never know what happened." With another grin, you turned back around and climbing the frame. Starting from 50 yards up, there was a ladder in the frame. You'd almost reached it when the creaking started. You were in touching distance as the frame started to sway. You grabbed onto the ladder as you heard footsteps running towards the frame.
You looked around, holding on tightly to the ladder. The Doctor and the guy he'd gone with were running towards the frame of the rollercoaster that you were climbing. The Doctor looked very worried. "(Y/N)! What are you doing?"
"Hi, Doctor!" you shouted in reply. "I'm investigating!"
I heard my guy say to the Doctor: "She's nuts! I told no one had gone up to have a look and she started to climb it!"
Then, the part of the frame underneath you collapsed. As you fell back to the ground, you heard the Doctor cry out. "(Y/N), no!"

It was hours later before you even came around. The first thing you saw was the ceiling of the control room in the TARDIS. Then, out the corner of your eye, you saw the Doctor pacing.
You tried to sit up, but your legs wouldn't listen. "Doctor, some help here!" you called to him. He didn't seem to hear you. This was impossible, from his proximity, and the way words echoed in the TARDIS. "Doctor!" You'd tried shouting. Still he didn't even look around.
Instead, you heard him talking to himself. "She's really badly injured. The TARDIS can slow down her death, but can't heal her. I can't take her home yet, she'd die quicker. I can't try and heal her myself, I might kill her. I can't just do nothing!" He was growing more irate, the longer it took him to find a way to save you.
You felt bad for having been so reckless. You shouldn't have been climbing that bloody rollercoaster. You shouldn't have suggested splitting up. You shouldn't have convinced him to stop being gentle with you. It was only as you had these thoughts that the Doctor looked your way.
"(Y/N)?" he asked, confused.
"Doctor!" you replied, happy to finally be noticed, if a bit confused. Still he didn't hear you speak.
"No," he convinced himself. "No, she's in a coma from the fall."
What? You were confused at this, because you could see him. You were conscious and could see him.
"Now I definitely heard that, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed, coming closer to you. You realised that you were suddenly stood up. You looked down and saw your own body beneath your feet.
"Oh my gods, I'm not in my body!" you shouted. The Doctor knelt down next to your body. You walked around so that you were stood next to him. You'd never realised just how good you looked. Well, apart from the bruising, anyway. You were surprised to find that, as you thought that, your real mouth was moving, and saying it.
"(Y/N), what the hell?" he exclaimed.
'I don't know. Everything I think rather than say is what comes out of my mouth'.
"That's really strange. What can you see around you?"
You thought about how you were stood right beside him, looking at your unconscious body. You thought about how you could hear him clearly.
"Odd. How do you feel? Are you connected to your body in any way?"
You thought about when you'd woken up, unable to sit or stand. About how afraid you'd been. About how you'd called for him to help you sit up, but he hadn't heard you. You thought about everything you knew about your connection to your body.
"So, I need to scan your legs?" he asked. You thought about nodding and, to your and the Doctor's surprise, your body nodded. "Did you do that?" You thought about nodding once more. You felt yourself flicker. You flickered away from the Doctor's side as your body partially stirred.

You finally came around. The first thing you saw was the ceiling of the control room in the TARDIS. Then, out the corner of your eye, you saw the Doctor kneeling down beside you. You tried to sit up, but your legs wouldn't listen. "Doctor, some help here!" you informed him. He didn't seem to hear you. This was impossible, due to his proximity. "Doctor!" You'd tried shouting.
"Come on, (Y/N)," he whispered to you, without replying to you. "I've scanned your legs. What do I do now?" He paused, stroking your (h/c) hair. "Think to me. Where does it hurt?"
His mention of think made you pause. You thought about how it hurt that he couldn't hear you speak, only to surprise yourself by being able to speak. You wondered how you'd managed that. Then, you wondered how he'd known about your legs.
"Don't you remember any of our conversation, just now?" He shook his head. "Never mind. Where else does it hurt?"
You thought about the different parts of your body that were uncomfortable, ranging from agony, right down to just feeling itchy. You wondered what you'd said to him before, seeing as he'd said you'd already spoken and you couldn't remember.
He worked on finishing to heal your legs and, as he did, he told you what you'd discussed before. You felt yourself flickering and, instinctively, you tried to fight it. You almost won. But you felt it taking over. You thought, quickly, about the sensation, and what it was doing to you. You had to hope that the Doctor had understood your thoughts, because as you flickered out of the room, you felt your body start to stir.

This cycle continued for a little while, as the Doctor worked on healing your body. Eventually, he realised that, in order to heal your mind, he'd have to plug you into the TARDIS.
You thought about standing up while leaning on the Doctor for support. You knew it was too dangerous for him to pick you up and plug you in. You had to do it, or it could destroy your consciousness. You thought about slowly stumbling towards the central console. And it was working. You thought about opening your eyes. That you couldn't yet do.
By this point, there were more layers of your consciousness floating outside of your body than were inside your body. With the Doctor's help, you reached the right panel of the console.
"Let's do your right hand first," he said, once you'd thought about standing upright, balanced on your own two feet. You thought about lifting your right arm in the right way to put it into the membrane bit of the TARDIS that could help you. The Doctor guided your hand so that it was in properly. Then, you both worked on your left hand. That hand moved easily, and went in without a problem.
"Bring my conciousnesses back to my body," you told the TARDIS. "Help to glue me back together." The Doctor had had to land the TARDIS because it would take so much energy. It also took a lot out of you. He held you up by hugging you from behind, else you'd fall and break your connection, your wrists or both. You felt your memories of each partial awakening return to you, as the layers of consciousness returned to your body.
You recognised that the bruising you'd sustained would stay with you for life. You remembered realising how reckless and stupid you'd been to climb the frame of the ride. You realised why you'd done it. In a way, you had imagined that if you saved the day at the fair by yourself, the Doctor wouldn't leave you at home. You didn't want to face your family issues. But you also knew how close you'd come to never seeing your family ever again. You knew it was better to go home for a while and face your problems than to die chasing a monster.
And that's when the TARDIS lost power. Your hands were freed from the membrane thingy. You were still comatose. Your injuries were healed and your consciousness was all back where it belonged. But you were still comatose. The Doctor had caught your body as it fell, not being held by the TARDIS. You wondered if it was because you'd been thinking about actually going home, and how close you'd come to not being able to.

The next time you woke up, you were in your own bed, in your own room, in your family's house. The Doctor was beside you. Your mother was just bringing in a tray of teas. Both saw your eyes slowly blink open. You guessed that the Doctor had had to explain everything to your mother. From seeing the speed at which her elation of you waking switched back to a look telling you that you'd better explain, you'd guessed right.
But you didn't mind. "Hey, Doctor," you croaked, turning to face him, "it worked!" He smiled to you in reply. You turned to face your mother. "Hi mom. How much did he tell you?"
"Everything, on his part," she replied. "Really, (F/N) *this means full name*, two years?" Her gaze softened. "Why couldn't you tell me?"
"It's wacky, mom! Would you have believed me?" Yes, everything was back in order, in the universe. Not normal, or the same, but in order.

A/N ~ Sorry it's been so long since I last updated, I've had a lot going on! In other news, I've completed my first GCSE exam! Thanks for over 8K reads, keep your suggestions for one-shots and x readers coming in!

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