She Can't Use Telekinesis

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So Cass was human. Dean had been forced to not let him stay in the bunker because of Ezekiel. And now, he was in trouble. Again. He had disappeared again, but not in the way that meant that he was safe. And so Dean had convinced Sam - and Ezekiel - that they should look for him. So they did.
With Zeke's help, they managed to track Cass to a small motel. Dean managed to bribe the manager enough for him to confirm. Cass had been seen entering the motel with a teenage girl. Supposedly, he had let the girl pay for the room for a week. "They must've been family," the manager remarked, "she called him Uncle Jimmy."
Once they had got a master key from the manager - they'd used their FBI Badges - they made their way to the room. "So he's using his vessel's name now, is he?" Sam asked, Ezekiel silently working on healing him.
"Dunno. I guess so," Dean replied as they walked towards the room. "I wonder who this teenage girl is." He looked down to the motel key in his hand. Number 13. He almost laughed. He would've, if it were any other case. But it was Cass they were saving, not 'just anyone', so he acted in a more serious manner. Then, they reached the door. Dean put the key in the lock and turned it in such a manner that the click was barely audible, even if you strained to hear it. He hoped it would be enough for them to keep the element of surprise.
They burst through the door to see Cass tied up on a collapsible chair. He had about ten sets of handcuffs on each wrist and ankle, holding him onto this deckchair. Then they saw the teenage girl. She looked around sixteen but, when she saw them her eyes flickered black for a second, contorting the girl's kind, amber eyes into a grimace of hatred and anger. Then, just as quickly as the black, angry eyes had appeared, they were gone; replaced once more with kind, amber eyes.
She raised her left hand at them, before flicking it to the wall. Nothing happened. She tried again, with a stronger wrist movement. Still nothing. She huffed, then lowered her hand, slightly. "Damnit!" she muttered angrily, turning to face the unconscious, chained-up Cass momentarily. She took a deep breath, then turned to face Sam and Dean once more. "Sorry, I thought I could do that." She smiled apologetically, seemingly sincere. "Y'know, you see all the other demons able to and think 'yeah, I can do that'."
Sam and Dean shared a look before staring at this girl blankly.
She winced at her own embarrassment and awkwardness. "It's my first field trip. I thought I could. I can't." 'Damnation!' she added, in thought. 'My handler won't be pleased.'
Sam and Dean shared another look, this time of pity. When they looked at the teenager again, Dean saw her as even less of a threat. She was slowly withdrawing into herself in anxiety at not being able to do this one thing. 'She's kinda adorable,' was his immediate thought, 'she's almost a foetus-demon.'
Sam smiled reassuringly to her. "Don't worry about it," he told her. "D'you want us to throw ourselves to the wall for you?" She smiled thankfully at this. Dean looked to his younger brother, confused.
In the moment that followed, however, the brothers agreed on one thing: she acted and sounded so British when she was thanking people for being kind. "Oh, that would be so kind of you! Thanks!" she replied, smiling like it was Candlemas and raising her left arm again.
This time, when she flicked her hand towards the wall, the two Winchesters put all of their effort into throwing themselves at the wall and holding themselves there for a couple of seconds. And all it cost them was a couple of seconds of their time. And, they gained - well, regained - Cass and earned the respect and gratitude of a young, impressionable, kind foetus-demon.
"You came for the ange - the human, didn't you?" she asked as they stood in front of the wall. "Well, he's not really that much use, if I'm honest. Plus, you guys did just throw yourselves at a wall to make me feel better about myself," she added, completely losing any chance of holding any control over the brothers.
They sort of stood against the wall, pretending to struggle and be unable to speak.
"Oh! Sorry!" She waved her hand again and they pretended to be released from against the wall. "I'll allow you to go free with the... being..."
"Call him a baby in a trenchcoat!" Dean suggested.
"Dean," Cass' no-longer-unconscious voice spoke from behind the girl. "I would rather people didn't refer to me as that. Castiel will do just fine."
"Of course," she smiled in reply to the man who was supposed to be her prisoner. "I'll allow you to go free with Castiel if - and only if - you promise to take me with you."
Sam and Dean looked at each other. Sam thought it was a reasonable trade. Dean did too, but was worried about Zeke's opinion. Surprisingly, Zeke was more okay with her than with Cass. Dean - either way - decided he didn't care about what Ezekiel was thinking and that he'd trust his gut and his brother.
"Okay then, you have yourself a deal," he told her. "But first, we'll need to know your name." She smiled sadly to them.
"My demonic name would be too hard for a human mouth to handle," she explained. "Believe me, I tried when I acquired this 'meatsuit'."
"Give us a human name to call you by, then," Sam replied, kindly.
"Well, I heard about this one name... It's from your Greek Mythology, I think... Kore. I heard that it means 'sweet child', or something similar." She smiled to the three men, moving to untie Castiel. "Yes, you can call me Kore."
Castiel, who was still getting a grasp on being human, hugged her as soon as she'd finished untying him. "Umm, Cass?" Dean asked, confused.
"I don't think you usually hug your captor when they free you," she explained to a confused Castiel as he freed her from the awkward hug.
"Well, you should. If they do you the courtesy of freeing you, they must be good in their heart." He smiled to Kore. She smiled back, feeling wanted for the first time in a long time. Cass was dragged to face Dean, by Dean.
"You're all bruised. Do you have any bleeding wounds?"
"I'm okay, Dean. She didn't find the blade." He pulled out a silver blade. She gasped. She'd seen one before, but couldn't remember when. "Have you seen one before, Kore?" Cass asked, facing her. He seemed genuinely intrigued.
"Well, I recognise it, for sure," she replied, her meatsuit's vocabulary peeking through in her speech. "But I don't know where I've seen it before." She had shrugged as she'd spoken.

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