A Very Angry Haldir....Yikes

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Legolas’s POV

            I began using my dagger and bow as I fought off all the orcs. I looked around quickly before I caught sight of Haldir. A couple elven warriors were hoisting him off and his face was pale and he seemed to be trying to get away from them. I fought my way towards him just as they started down to the caves and Haldir grabbed my shoulder roughly with a little hint of desperation in his eyes.

            “Haldir…what are you doing? You’re injured, go willingly to the caves! You’ve done enough here…we are trying to help you!” I cried desperately trying to coax him into the caves. An arrow shaft was embedded in his back towards his midsection but he continued to shake me crazily.

            “Take him to the caves. Quickly!” I shouted at the elves, and they ushered him away, but not before he could shout, “Faelwen help her!!!!!!” and then he was pulled into the caves by the elves.

            My eyes widened several sizes and I looked up just as I saw the huge shadow of Saphira’s Nazgul soared overhead. I guess its name was Faelwen, and I followed her as close as possible whilst fighting off orcs right and left. Faelwen shot directly towards the western most walls and opened her mouth.

            I gasped as rows of dagger sharp teeth were revealed and her talons reached down towards the wall. Many orcs, men, and elves scattered at the sight of the Nazgul and then that horrible sound filled the air. It was a sound that I can’t even describe, but it was loud and unbearable. I had always heard stories of a Nazgul’s cry, but I had never witnessed or heard it for myself. I felt like my head was going to explode with every second it wailed and I covered my ears, along with a hundred or some men and orcs. The other elves were suffering a similar fate, but they were rolling on the ground in more pain due to our exceptional hearing. I was driven to my knees in pain as that sound echoed and ricocheted through my head but I still managed to watch as Faelwen reached down further with her sharp talons and snatched something from the wall. I squinted through the debris around me to see what it was that she was carrying; and I gasped when I got a good look at whom it was.

            Saphira was in her talons dangling limply and unmoving.

            Saphira’s POV

            I felt my body go numb as Faelwen flew me over the fighting and towards the safety of the upper hold. She set me down on the top of the roof where she had been perched and used her teeth to pull the blade from my stomach. I winced as pain flew through my body and I let out a squeak of pain as I forced myself to sit up. Blood gushed from my wound and I knew there was no helping myself anymore. It was the beginning of the battle and it was already the end for me.

            “Saphira…stay with me. Who will take care of me if you are gone?” Faelwen’s thought flew through my mind and caused me to writhe in pain. I forced myself to stay still and hold my hands over my lesion as I tried to answer her as truthfully as I could.

            “I…I don’t know Faelwen. I wanted to be there to see you reach old age my friend. But there is no escape from this fate…death is calling me to join my family.”

            Faelwen’s head drooped and her eyes welled up with tears of acid. She turned her head away from me as she cried, and I could here the hiss of the stone where her acid tears fell.

            “Saphira call Galadriel. I too can hear her sometimes; she gave me strength when I had none. Call upon her…she will heal you. Please try, for me!”

            I felt my strength draining from my body, but I forced myself to call out for Galadriel. This was my last shot, if I failed now I would see my parents again sooner than I would like too. I needed Galadriel’s help now.

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