Death Awaits One

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“Princess! She’s here! I found her!” I heard a far away shout as I looked up and saw one of my wolves running towards me. His eyes glowed with concern as he nudged my arm with his muzzle.

            “My lady, you need healing,” he murmured lightly before helping me stand. I had never felt so tired in my whole life; it was like every ounce of energy was draining out of my body. I shook as the wolf helped me stand up fully before starting to guide me away. I forced my feet to move as I walked forwards as fast as I could manage without tripping, but I didn’t get far. I had to stop and wrap my arm in another torn piece of my tunic to hold what was left of my arm together, and then I hurried to the top of the rise where I found a white horse waiting for me.

            “Shadowfax’s kin.” I murmured stroking the mare’s long white mane before             slowly pulling myself up. Some of my blood stained her coat but she stood still as I placed myself as lightly as I could on her back. My arm burned like crazy and I had to hold on to her mane with one hand while my other hand lay limp in my lap. I needed to get my kingdom out of here so we could return to the mountains without anyone bothering us anymore. Our part here was done, we had played our role and that was it. I suspected the men of Rohan and Gondor to catch sight of us leaving quickly, which was not far from the truth already.

            I stroked the mare’s hair before whispering, “Ride to the crest of the hill towards the mountain my lady. Make it look like we are just riding amongst the survivors.”

            The horse obeyed and walked casually amongst the men towards the hill. I sat up straight and pulled my cloak around me tighter trying to hide my injuries from view. It would be embarrassing to let anyone see I was weakening fast. My army sensed my urgency and a ripple of hushed growls spread fast throughout the survivors. They [the wolves] had their eyes on me and looked for me to give them the signal to flee. I waited till they had the injured supported on saddles that attached to their armor and then I let out a loud howl.

            “Back to the land of your birth my subjects! Return to your kin; you have been granted a safe passage home! Go, now! Run like the airstreams that carried you here!”

            The battlefield was alive with men stumbling out of the way of the fleeing wolves as they leapt over dead corpses and injured men as they barreled up the side of the hill in an armored mass of glistening metal. Taking their wounded and possibly dead comrades my populace headed back to the forest, quickly vanishing by the hundreds onto the plains of Rohan that led to the thick forest and then into the deep mountains over yonder. In minutes there were no white wolves left on the field, and everyone was now staring at me; great. I didn’t expect that, and I embarrassedly turned the mare and began riding her at a trot through the stunned men who parted quickly as I passed. It was my goal to get to the crest of the hill without anything happening, but try as I might my hood picked the perfect time to fall off and reveal my crown and cropped silver white hair.

            A chorus of awed cries echoed throughout the field as I struggled to pull my hood back up. But of course I was too late, everyone had seen me. I had no idea that the legend of the white wolf queen was really told to everyone when they were young; was I really that popular? I passed Eomer who bowed down at me and looked at my eyes for the longest time before he spoke.

            “You are amongst the fairest creatures ever to walk the earth your highness. I will never doubt my father’s stories again.” He stated as he bowed at me again.

            I laughed lightly and used my unhurt hand to motion him to rise. He did and looked at me so curiously that I had to laugh. “My king, it is I who should be bowing to you. Lead the people of Rohan well Eomer, I have faith that you will be a remarkable leader one day.”

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