Sound the Call

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Aragon’s POV
            Frodo had finally woken up enough to join us at the breakfast table with Elronde. Sam and the hobbits were laughing with Frodo who had never looked so happy in his life to be alive with them. He owed it all to Saphira though, he probably never have gotten out of it if it wasn’t for her and her Nazgul. I had yet to tell her that her Nazgul was in a healing slumber, but I would tell her when she arrived.

Gimli was talking to Haldir about Legolas, saying that he probably whisked her away to spend some quality time together and Haldir’s eyes went all beserk and Gimli had to convince him that he was joking so Haldir wouldn’t kill Legolas.

I looked up again just in time to see Saphira flounce in all excited and energetic and grab an apple off the table as Legolas entered a few minutes after her. Haldir glared at him, but he smiled when Saphira paid no mind to Legolas since she was busy embracing Frodo.

“Frodo! You may not remember me…” she trailed off embarrased and pulled away from him but he just laughed and shook her hand heartily.

“I remember you well princess! Sam told me when I gained some consioucness on your dragon! I can’t thank you enough for saving us!” he gushed out and Saphira’s eyes betrayed no other feeling except happiness for him and she gave him a kiss on his cheek before skipping off to me. She stood in front of me holding the apple tight in her hand, and I realized that her nails were growing long like claws and were sinking into her apple. I gulped and stared at her as she narrowed her eyes at me.

“Where’s Faelwen?”

Saphira’s POV

Aragon brought me to the roof where Faelwen was in her healing sleep, gauze and herbs decorating her tail in an array of green. I had hope for her but I didn’t appreciate Aragon not telling me till now. She could have been dead for all I knew and I wouldn’t have found out till now.

“May I have a moment alone with her Aragon?” I questioned, but it came out more as an order or command and he backed away and fled quickly leaving me with Faelwen. I bent down and stroked Faelwen’s head. Her breath was strong and her heart beat sure, all she needed to do was wake up now.

“Wake up Faelwen, you’ve slept enough.” I urged, and with a thunderous groan Faelwen’s eyes opened and she let out a loud yawn.

“Morning sleepy dragon.” I teased as I stroked her head tenderly. Faelwen purred and she moved her tail around shaking off all the herbs in a slight irritation.

“These leaves itch!” she complained making me laugh. Poor girl, the elves probably didn’t know that her Nazgul side allowed her to heal over a period of sleep.

“You silly Nazgul, don’t stress out, here, want a slightly ruined apple?” I offered my apple to her and I winced at the claw marks I left on the skin but I hoped she wouldn’t notice too much.

Faelwen of course didn’t care and she gulped it down before spreading her wings wide. Her bones cracked as she stretched and she flexed a couple of times before nudging me with a hearty shove.

To Love an Endangered Princess [Legolas Greenleaf Love]Where stories live. Discover now