Breaking Hearts

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I looked up through my tears and I glimpsed Galadriel standing beside me smiling down on me. This was the first time she actually spoke to me in person, and I smiled up at her through my tears. For the first time since I had come back from the battle, I felt hope again and I struggled to stand through the pain that I was in still from my open wound.

            “Galadriel, how do I save her?” I questioned hurriedly, watching Eowyn’s color continue to fade from her face and skin.

            Heir of a creature live proud on steep. Along the caves of mountains they creep. Live at dawn and again at dusk. Power encircles those we trust. To embark on a journey that leads out of cove; away on a charge to save those we love. Long will we walk till we come to their aide; only then will we finish our endless tirade. Take to the north, south, east, and west; our army will rise and become unsurpassed. To ensure a victory for our kind alone; together they will guarantee their safe passage home. An inferno, a dragon, a soldier, the crown; together we rise, until the inferno’s brought down. A sacrifice to save in the hour of need; the power inside is all she needs. When at last her story is done; her breaths will be her final ones. Inferno dies and soldier lives; the power of love is the one who gives. Hope, Promise, Duty, Love, she dies to save the ones she loves.

            Galadriel fades and then I was left alone staring at Eowyn’s body. I didn’t get it; I wasn’t strong enough to save her. I knew that the prophecy was meant for me, but I knew I couldn’t save Eowyn. Everywhere I went I put people in danger; and now I was expected to save someone!

            “How do I do this?” I cried miserably before watching my stray tear fall on the ground. From the tear sprung a little flower, full of life and almost in bloom. The sight gave me hope, and I stood up and looked at Eowyn. I was ready to fulfill the prophecy, I was accepting my fate.

            I raised my hands and channeled all of my life energy and strength into my hands. A glow started to emit from my palms and began gathering in front of me, turning deeper in color as I added more from my life to it. I gave up the power of hope when I thought about the way I inspired my kingdom to fight, I gave the power of promise when I ensured my people a safe passage home, I gave the power of duty when I accepted my fate. There was only one last power to give now; I had to let go.

            I felt tears freefall off my face as I remembered Legolas and our kiss. Every minute that I had spent with him I wished that I had told him how much I cared. And now I was left saying goodbye to him without actually saying it too him. I would never kiss him again, nor would I enjoy the pleasures of being by his side for eternity. I must accept my fate; I had to let Legolas go.

            I raised my hands higher and with a heavy heart I began my sacrifice. “Im Draugathiel Maetharanel. Telin le thaed. Lasto beth nîn. Tolo dan na ngalad. Tur gwaith nin beriatha. Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen, dan in Ulair! Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen, dan in Ulair! [I’m Draugathiel Maetharanel. I have come here to help you. Hear my voice. Come back to the light. The power of my people will protect. Waters of the Misty Mountains, listen to the great word, flow waters of Loudwater, against the Ringwraiths!]

            Tears no longer came to my eyes as I held the now full glowing orb full of my life and held it above Eowyn’s chest. I only saw his face, Legolas smiling at me from afar and then up close as he leaned over to kiss me.

To Love an Endangered Princess [Legolas Greenleaf Love]Where stories live. Discover now