Slow Down Time

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Saphira's POV

My arms began to lengthen as I plummeted downward towards the hissing lava. I felt a chill run through my chest and start to spread through my entire body, my spine expanding with an awful cracking noise as I shifted. I felt the makings of a long tail extend from the end of my backbone and then every bone in my body was broken in half as I threw every ounce of magic I had into the transformation. I could feel my breath start to grow colder, and my mouth became visible in front of my eyes. I was now covered with icy scales and my once hot breath came out in frigid puffs. The air whooshing past my face was exhilarating as I morphed into a huge ice dragon. My wings spread wide almost at once and I beat my wings with all my power to rise above a weakening Faelwen. I was twice her wingspan and triple her size now, which had to be enough! I shot up above her and with all my four clawed talons I gripped her sides gently and folded her wings in. She was now resting gratefully in my grasp and the two hobbits were safe on her beneath me. I saw Sam look up in awe at me, and I winked at him before flapping my great wings mightily to keep us up in the air. I could see the black gates of Mordor now, and I flew as hard and as fast as I could fly to get there before we lost Frodo.

“Hold on Frodo, just a little more.” I thought to myself as we neared the mourning army. I saw Gandalf holding Aragon’s shoulder pitifully as Aragon wept freely into his hands. Legolas was trying to comfort the hobbits that were beside themselves with grief and Gimli was just standing alone crying.

“Almost there Saphira!” I willed myself forwards with all my strength that I had left to give and with a mighty roar I surged above the mourning army’s heads and dropped Faelwen gently onto the softest part of the remaining battlefield. Everyone turned their heads at the sight of a huge ice dragon hurtling towards them and most raised their weapons ready to kill me. But I just landed as gently as I could and morphed back into my hybrid form before running up to Faelwen and embracing her.

“Faelwen my beautiful Nazgul!” I squealed and hugged her scaly neck. She sighed, exhausted but she nuzzled me back before I released her and ran towards my saddle. Sam was fine, clambering off of Faelwen’s back and staring around anxiously.

“Is there someway to save Mr. Frodo? He’s lost so much blood…” he trailed off as if he couldn’t bear to even say the possibilities. I lay my hands on his shoulder and nodded briefly.

“Sam, I can’t fully heal him, but I can lend my strength too him. It should be enough to get him back to Rivendell to be healed completely.”

Sam perked up and half shoved half pushed me towards Frodo’s unmoving form. I smiled before gently laying my hands on Frodo’s shoulders.

“Ai! laurië lantar lassi súrien, Yéni úntimë ve rámar aldaron! yéni ve lintë yuldar avánier mi oromardi lisse-miruvóreva Andúnë pella Vardo tellumar nu luini yassen tintilar i eleni…” [Alas! Like gold fall the leaves in the wind, long years numberless as the wings of the trees! The long years have passed like swift draughts of the sweet mead in lofty halls beyond the West, beneath the vaults of Varda wherein the stars tremble in the song of her voice…]

I spoke in elvish whist I transferred my strength and energy into Frodo’s form, and he instantly began to regain color as I added more and more of my energy into him. Soon his eyelids began to flutter open, and Sam barreled forwards pushing me out of the way.

“Mr. Frodo! You’re awake! We did it! We destroyed the ring!” he cried, and then I helped Sam help Frodo off Faelwen’s back and onto solid ground. The army that had surrounded us stared shocked at all of us, and I bowed my head slightly at Gandalf who just gave me the most sincerest of smiles before someone shoved him roughly out of the way.

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