Elvish Dances and I Love You's

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Legolas’s POV

            King Theoden had caught Eomer and I trying to eavesdrop on Saphira and Eowyn. He looked at us before rolling his eyes and proceeded to give Eomer a lecture about how he was a full grown adult and how he still acts like a child.

            “You will one day be King of Rohan Eomer, I expect you to take this with a serious attitude and waste no time on silliness.”

            I butted in quickly to his defense. I guess I did learn a thing or two from Saphira, like how no matter how tense or serious a situation is, there’s always someway to have a good time.

            “With all due respects my King,” I started, “Eomer needs to possess qualities that make him well-liked and fun. The people will follow a ruler who knows how to have a good time, and still knows when to stop being careless and become sober and serious. One must always know how to have a good time in these dark times.”

            Theoden looked at me for a long while before glancing at Eomer, who was standing tall and silent taking his lecture like a man should.

            “Well I suppose you are right Prince Legolas. My old age fools me one too many times…I guess you two can carry on eavesdropping like lovebirds on Eowyn and Saphira.” He chuckled as he watched our stunned faces before walking away down to his own quarters.

            Did we really look that bad? Eomer shook his head before thanking me for sticking up for him.

            “It’s nice to know that someone is always ready to lend a helping hand.” He stated before stretching out his arms.

            “But I must go and get ready, I have to make sure that Saphira is happy with my attire.” And with that he hurried down the hall towards his room leaving me standing in front of my own room looking lost. Oh how I wanted to be the one formally accompanying Saphira to the banquet tonight!

            Saphira’s POV

            An hour or so later I finished braiding Eowyn’s hair into an intricate crown with loose tips. She wore a long gray dress similar to mine but with a full kirtle and no surcoat over it. Her sleeves were long and flowing as they were cast delicately over her pale skin. Finger cut off gloves were covering her thin hands and her slippers were silver and so elegant that I feared I would step on them and ruin them.

            I tied her silver handcrafted belt of Rohan and adorned her neck and hair with the exact same décor that I was wearing. For good measure she took some of her long pale blonde hair and braided two strands down her shoulders and tied them with white ribbons. She would make a fine ruler of Rohan; she was a natural borne leader and princess. I envied her for a moment, she got the good looks and her nature was gentle whereas I fought to make a name for myself and I always had to prove men wrong by constantly showing what I was capable of. I was no natural princess; it felt no different that I was a princess anyway.

                That sudden thought struck a memory flashback and I saw multiple figures standing around me. The room with Eowyn was gone, and I was alone with the shadowy figures in a moonlit forest.

To Love an Endangered Princess [Legolas Greenleaf Love]Where stories live. Discover now