Assumtion My Ass!

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Saphira’s POV

            Legolas was going to be staying with us for a while so he could let Arod visit his family and mingle around with Silivrenniel. Eomer was reluctant to give out the invite to begin with but I just cast him a reassuring glance whilst we were all seated at the table for a very late lunch.

            Raina was hungry as usual, eating all that was on her plate and probably a little more. Eomer was as well; I guess fighting orcs was enough to well up an appetite for anyone. I avoided Legolas’s gaze respectfully; it wasn’t polite to make eye contact with a man or elf when you were already spoken for.

            “Raina, why don’t you go and see if Draugathiel wants to play? Go ask her mother, maybe you two can play in the courtyard.” I offered, and Raina practically leapt out of her seat as she made a beeline towards the door. Eomer called out to her as she exited.

            “Don’t wander off! And don’t go near the gates!” and Raina stopped and turned before nodding eagerly, “I won’t daddy, I’m going to slay bad guys with Draugathiel!”

            When she faded out of sight I turned back to Eomer and Legolas and I gave them both a kind smile.

            “Well, it has been long since I have laid eyes upon thee Prince Legolas.” I spoke formally and Eomer seemed to understand that I was trying to hold myself back and he went along with it.

            “So,” he began, “how have things been going in Mirkwood with your wife Legolas?”

            Legolas put down the apple he was eating and thought about it for a moment as if he were trying to find something that wouldn’t offend to say.

            “Things have been looking up, Princess Vanya is off visiting her parents in Lorien…my father allowed me to leave as long as I return when he commands it. I have gotten more duties now, it is hard to find time to travel and journey about now that I have to train the soldiers at the palace.” He spoke softly as if he was lying, and I fought the urge to narrow my eyes at him. Instead, I channeled my growing irritation through the torches in the room, and for a few moments their flame burned bright and nearly licked the rafters, sending both Eomer and Legolas back into their seats, startled. I looked down at my plate and back at both of them and smiled innocently, which drew a smile from Eomer.

            “So much has changed between all of us over the past years and months. The fellowship has gone their separate ways now; Frodo has left for the Undying Lands with Gandalf, Galadriel, and Elrond. They left a day before yesterday if I say so correctly.” Legolas informed us, and for a moment I felt sadness well up in my heart since my uncle and my close friends had left me. I feared that I would no longer hear Galadriel’s soothing voice flow through my head to give me strength. I turned to Legolas and for the first time in a year I decently looked into his eyes.

            Legolas’s POV

            I was shocked at how much Saphira’s appearance had changed since the last time I saw her. She was now wearing a loose tunic under her chest and stomach armor and her hair had been pulled into two short braids. It was no wonder I couldn’t recognize her; her hair was brown! I stared at her face for what seemed like hours just watching how her eyes flitted back and forth between me and Eomer, her lips slightly open, as she stayed silent.

            I couldn’t believe that she was married and she had a daughter already. How long had she been with child? It had seemed that the girl was at least ten now, how had that happened? I stared at Eomer with slight jealously building in my features. How had he gotten her, he was but a human with so many flaws!

            Saphira’s POV

            It has been several days now with Legolas staying with us and I was quite uncomfortable with it. Sure, Raina and Legolas were growing close to each other and he was beginning to teach her how to hold a bow…she was becoming fonder of him by the day.

            Now I stood at the balcony of the dining hall staring out at the Misty Mountains longingly. Motherhood and my queen status had kept me away from my real family, and I longed to roam along in the forest and go on adventures and experience battles once more. You would think that I had my fill of fighting when the ring was destroyed, but hey, white wolf princess here! You can’t stop me from moving when I feel like it. I turned my head slightly as I heard someone coming up behind me and I watched as Legolas approached me slowly.

            “Hey Prince Legolas.” I spoke nonchalantly trying to hold my emotions back in my heart. I felt my heart rate speed up a bit as he came to a stop beside me and looked at me with an unreadable expression.

            “When I told you I’d visit I didn’t expect to be finding you here.” He spoke softly with a bit of hurt creeping into his voice as he finished talking. I winced inwardly but I replied, “You got married, you have a reason to stop your travels and adventures. I finished my adventuring after a while and decided that it was my turn to settle down for a while. Eomer has been a great king and an even greater husband whilst we have lived here.”

            Legolas turned fully to me and he gripped my hand tightly startling me into silence and his eyes were fiercely glowing with emotion.

            “Don’t you see what I did to protect you? I married Vanya not because I wanted to but because father threatened me with hunting you down and hurting you beyond any pain you’ve ever experienced. I promised you that I would always love you and I still do, but when I finally came back for you…you are married to the King of Rohan and you have a daughter!” his outburst made me try to pull my hand back but he clung onto it tight and pulled me into him quickly so our bodies were pressed against each other.

            “Legolas, you didn’t have to protect me. You didn’t have to marry Vanya at all, but you did. You care about your father and the well being of your kingdom, so go and rule them like the king you need to be. I have my place here, I don’t have to live with the forbidden love that we had. You know as well as I do that we are never going to be together, why can’t you just accept that I am not good enough for you!” I choked up as Legolas roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to meet his gaze. I felt tears building up in my eyes as my eyes clashed with his bright blue sad ones and I fought the urge to kiss him.

            “I wasn’t the one who was carrying a child whilst we were trying to destroy the ring!” he shot at me and I jerked back fiercely in shock.

            “W…What do you mean?” I stuttered out confused. He sighed exasperated at me and ran his hand through his hair with growing impatience.

            “Your daughter, she looks to be around middle age now! You were carrying her whilst we were trying to make our love push through, you knew that you were with child, but you still loved me! How could you? Did you lead me on?” his last question broke my heart and I yanked my hands out of his grip and brought my fist up and struck him full in the face.

To Love an Endangered Princess [Legolas Greenleaf Love]Where stories live. Discover now