Almost Time

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Saphira’s POV

            “Lona, I really don’t know why I have to wear white, why can’t I wear red and gold?” I complained for the fourth time today. Lona rolled her eyes at me teasingly and she finally consented and said that I could wear red and gold.

“What drives you to maddness so you can wear red and gold?” she punched my shoulder teasingly and I pretended to look hurt as I shifted through tons of different colored dresses and veils.

“I really think that I should wear something that gives a statement of my power and the colors of Rohan.” I explained, and I gently shook Eowyn who was asleep in a chair beside me.

“Eowyn wake up! You’re supposed to be helping me find a perfect dress for the wedding, not sleeping!” I shouted in her ear and she sat bolt upright in her chair and grinned sheepishly.

“Sorry guys, I just had to get some rest. Faramir is keeping me on my toes all the time in Gondor with all the new duties as the new Steward of Gondor. I have to make sure everything’s ready for when he gets home or he won’t have a new pair of clothes or anything to eat. It’s tiring, but I think he is so romantic and sweet when we do talk.” She trailed off with a red face and I laughed at her before I spied a dress out of the corner of my eye.

“Hey! What about this?” I asked and lifted it up out of the pile for the girls to examine. Lona’s eyes widened in awe and Eowyn jumped out of her chair happily.

“It’s perfect! It would look so good on you, well go on and try it!” Eowyn urged and I slid the cool fabric over my head and Lona fastened it behind me before I spun around to show them.

It was deep scarlet in color at the top which was a loose-fitting tunic top. The undersleeves fit tight around my arms and an overshirt that was slightly see through layered over the undershirt with sleeves that flowed out in an elven styled way. As it went to my waist the red got lighter in hue and then it fanned out at the bottom with a ripple of red, orange, and gold shimmers decorated with light flower patterns. It was split at the front and exposed my leggings and boots but I liked it because it allowed me to walk properly without tripping over the front part. This was perfect, absolutely perfect.

            Eomer’s POV

            Lona wasn’t being fair! My wedding was in a few days and I wasn’t allowed to see Saphira before that! I kept getting shoved out of the room when she was about to arrive and I always heard her silvery musical laugh before they all broke down laughing behind the door. I couldn’t even steal a kiss because it was considered bad luck to kiss the bride before the wedding. I couldn’t believe I had to wait two whole days just to see her!

            Thranduil’s POV

            I walked with Legolas after lunch and he finally let me know what he was really feeling. I listened as he begged to break his marriage with Vanya, and I wasn’t at all surprised at his actions. He was smitten on this Saphira girl, and she wasn’t even here anymore! I had given up trying to catch her but I still kept my ears open for any rumors that she returned. I knew both Legolas and Saphira wouldn’t be able to stay away from each other for very long.

            I shooed Legolas off with a quick dismissal before I thought about everything. I wanted our bloodline to be the best of the best, not ruined by a half elleth like Saphira. If I had to eradicate Saphira to finally be rid of her then so be it.

            Saphira’s POV

            I was nervous as I paced in front of the mirror with Eowyn and Lona trailing behind me. It was finally today, the day I would start my life with Eomer and I would be over with my single life. I would finally have someone who would love me eternally and forever more without having to worry about their father getting in the way.

            “Do I look okay?” I asked Eowyn who stared at my short curled black and white hair before shaking her head at Lona.

            “Your hair color doesn’t work with this dress, and the length is really a bother too. Do you think you could make it match a little more?” Lona questioned and I thought about it before imagining myself with really long flowing hair that trailed behind me and the color of a warm raging fire. I heard a gasp from Eowyn as I felt my head get heavier with as my hair grew long and I opened my eyes and twirled in front of them showing off my new improved hair before smiling.

            “Is this okay?”

            Legolas’s POV

            Vanya was becoming anxious. She hadn’t heard from Thalion for a full two days and she was beginning to think that he had given up on her. She was pacing our shared room wearing a worried expression on her face whilst I stood near the door, uncertain whether to get help for her or not.

            “Legolas, what do you think could have happened to him? He always sends me a letter, but it’s been two whole days! Oh, the possibilities…” she trailed off and stared out the window sadly staring at the direction of Lorien. A tear slid off her face and splashed soundlessly on the railing in a perfect puddle.

            “I just want to go home to him. I love him.”

            I sat down heavily in a chair and stared glumly at the wall. This marriage was such a burden on us all, and yet Thranduil still refused to acknowledge it. How on earth would we get Vanya home to see Thalion if Thranduil wanted us here cooped up in the palace? A sudden knock at the door made Vanya turn quickly and in two long strides she was across the room and opening the door to see a young servant girl holding a letter. Her face held terror at seeing Vanya’s face, but she still managed to hand over the letter before turning on her heel and sprinting off down the hall. Vanya returned after she closed the door and she shredded the envelope into pieces before shakily unfolding the letter. She sat on the edge of our bed and her eyes devoured every word on the paper before she threw her hands up in the air and shouted happily. I nearly fell backwards off of my seat as she threw her arms around me screaming, “I’m going home!”

To Love an Endangered Princess [Legolas Greenleaf Love]Where stories live. Discover now