Stalker, Friend or Foe?

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Legolas’s POV

Gandalf spent half an hour or so pushing Sarumon out of Theoden of Rohan’s head. The king looked very sickly, and seemed beyond any type of healing I had any knowledge of. I tired just looking at him, and turned to Aragon who was holding a young girl away from the possessed king.

“Boe de nestad.” [He needs healing] I stated simply looking at Aragon. The king was probably minutes away from death, and there was nothing we could do about it. Suddenly, a bright flash of light shot out of Gandalf’s staff and the king was enveloped by the glare. I shielded my eyes and inwardly cursed for not knowing better.

I heard many shrieks from multiple people as the light faded, and I myself almost let out a gasp at the sight of the king.

Theoden stood proud and young before his subjects. His face wasn’t nearly as pale as it was before and his eyes held the fiery gaze of a warrior. The lady in Aragon’s arms broke free and ran to him, and Theoden looked at her for a moment before recognition fell on his face.

“I know you…you are Eowyn! My niece!”

The girl who was standing before him let a few tears drop and she stifled a happy cry before throwing herself into her uncle’s arms. Gimli looked visibly uncomfortable at the scene and busied himself by ruining the moment by kicking an ugly middle-aged man with oily black hair and pale skin in front of the king.

Theoden gazed down at him a moment before anger consumed his features.

“You Grima are the most pathetic excuse for an advisor!” he roared, making the house shake. The ugly man, whom I take, was Grima, scuttled away only to be thrown roughly from the stairs onto the ground outside the palace.

“I…I have only ever served you my lord!” he wheezed through labored pants as he fearfully looked up at the king. Theoden was holding his sword above Grima’s head ready to end his life, but Aragon stopped him.

“No my lord. Too much blood has been spilled today. Let him go.”

Saphira’s POV

Eodoras was amazing. There were hardly many occupants but there was a regal tone to everything and no matter what the peasants and soldiers held their heads up high.

The sun had long ago set and my dark attire made my nearly invisible against the deepening shadows of the huts and buildings. I didn’t stop for food or drink; I just kept trekking on towards the palace.

By the time I reached the gates I encountered the king, only he wasn’t what I had imagined him to be. He looked well, as if he wasn’t even affected by Sarumon’s curse! I let out a surprised gasp and Theoden turned towards me unsheathing his sword.

“What are you doing in my kingdom she-elf?”

I knelt before him with misty eyes before replying, “I have come to warn you about a sickness that was affecting you my lord.”

There was a brief silence as he stared down at me before he lowered his sword. “My lady you have come late. Have you not heard that Gandalf the White has cured me of Sarumon’s spell?”

My eyes widened and I stood straight up from my shock. “Gandalf? He has become Gandalf the White?”

“Yes Draugathiel Maetharanel. I am Gandalf the White now.”

I spun around and faced an older man, with white hair and clothed with a white robe. A white staff was clutched loosely in one had while a small candle was in the other.

“Gandalf! You are a sight for sore eyes!” I cried out and ran to him. He gave me a warm hug before turning to Theoden, whose eyes were holding many questions.

“My king, this is no regular she-elf. This is Draugathiel Maetharanel. She is half elf half human and she has been thought of as a myth to any elven folk now. Everyone thinks she has been long dead.” Gandalf explained to him and I could see understanding fill his features.

He turned back to me and I sheepishly ran my hand through my tangled hair. “So Draugathiel Maetharanel why have you come to Rohan?”

I shuddered slightly and the thought of what was lying in Isengard before telling him. “Sarumon is planning on marching to Rohan to plunder and burn everything. I fear my lord that they are trying to end the race of men.”

Gandalf and Theoden don’t look at all surprised and I look at them strangely. “I don’t suppose there are people who arrived before me who told you of this before?”

Theoden rubbed his beard and laughed. “Like I said Draugathiel Maetharanel…” but I cut him off.

“Just call me Saphira please my king.”

He nodded barely before continuing. “Like I said Saphira, you have come late. A fellowship has arrived before you, and is housing in my place now. I know all about what is coming, and I have chosen to save my people.”

I sighed and looked relieved. “So you’ll ride out and find Eomer so you can all battle the Urukai?”

But to my surprise he shook his head and started walking away. “No, I have chosen to take my people to Helm’s Deep.”

Legolas’s POV

            I was talking out on the balcony with Aragon. I could tell he was stressed out by the way he was pacing. Before he wasn’t as stressed out but then that hobbit Pippin decided to go and touch the Palantir and he was pulled into Sauron’s sight. Gandalf had saved him from him, but Pippin was now known to the enemy and had to be moved. So Gandalf was planning to take him to Gondor, the place Pippin had described seeing in his vision while holding the Palantir.

“You should rest Aragon. We have a long day of celebration tomorrow for Gandalf and the king’s return. Put your troubles aside my lord.”

Aragon sighed before turning away from the balcony and heading inside. “My friend, I thank you for your words. This doesn’t fully ease me but I feel better inside.” And then he was gone.

I stood outside the balcony a little while longer before catching a sudden movement with my eyesight. There was a movement in the courtyard below and then a figure raced across the path, hidden in the shadows.

I stood up alerted before grabbing my bow and quiver and my belt that held my sword and daggers. I didn’t bother to get Aragon, he needed to rest. I slipped out of the room and down the hall just as the figure passed through the next corridor. I followed it until I saw it open a door slowly and slip inside.

“Now who would be up at this time of night?”

To Love an Endangered Princess [Legolas Greenleaf Love]Where stories live. Discover now