Don't Be Scared

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“Mommy, what’s going on? Mommy!” Raina screamed as I carried her as fast as I could towards the gates.

            “I can run too you know!” she added but I didn’t answer. I was too busy racing towards the entrance, and then an arrow flew past my head and lodged itself in the ground a few feet in front of me. Raina let out a shriek and I face palmed mentally. Just because there was wargs attacking doesn’t mean the orcs have to join in!

            “Close your eyes Raina, close your eyes and everything will go away!” I shouted over the roaring of the orcs and wargs as they advanced on us. I let out a cry a second later as a swarm of arrows rained down above us and I cursed myself for not bringing my bow out with me. I only carried a dagger at my side since I didn’t want Raina to see my full array of weapons just yet. Suddenly a horse’s neigh echoed through the plains and I looked up just in time to see Eomer charging past me and drive his spear into the warg and orc closest to Raina and me. I let out a small squeak as the lifeless body of the orc and warg collapsed in front of me and I covered Raina’s eyes so she couldn’t see.

            “Eomer!” I snapped at him and he winced at my tone. “What did I say about our behavior in front of our daughter!” I scolded him, but there was a teasing tone in my voice, which made him crack a smile, and he watched as his men rode out to meet the orcs and wargs head on.

            “My apologies love, but it was necessary and I do think that you two need to get out of here and get to safety.” Eomer looked at me with a glare that made me feel like I was a child and I knew not to argue with him on this one. Raina was our main priority now, and I allowed him to take her from me and place her on the back of Silivrenniel who had arrived just moments ago without her daughter. I raised an eyebrow at her but I didn’t hesitate to place myself on her back and take Raina from Eomer before I grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a quick kiss on the lips.

            “Don’t die.” I whispered to him, and he looked at me lovingly before kissing my hand gently, “I won’t. I’ll protect you both.” And then Silivrenniel raced away into Eodoras.

            When we reached the gates my eyes widened in horror. Orcs had surrounded the place from all sides, and they were slipping through Eomer’s ready men and surprising the slower ones. Men, women, and children ran for their lives for the escape exits and I was no exception as we bolted as well. But Silivrenniel ran for the one place that I didn’t want her to go, Eomer’s house. I tried to turn her around but she just snapped at me, and I knew that she had hidden Draugathiel somewhere in there.

            “Hurry Silivrenniel, we must…” I never got to finish because at that moment an orc arrow sped dangerously past her nose and she reared causing both me and Raina to go sprawling out onto the floor in front of the palace. I glared at her as I helped Raina up and she gave me an apologetic look before she took off into the palace and I made a mental note to kill her later.

            “Come on Raina, we must go!” I pulled her into the palace and I slammed the doors shut; hopefully the orcs wouldn’t come in for a little longer.

            I dragged her into my room and I hurriedly pulled on my armor and quiver over my head. It draped around my body gracefully and I pulled out my daggers and attached them to the belt secured around my waist before snatching my sword up and doing the same thing with it. Then I grabbed my staff and then I grabbed Raina’s hand before I exited the room, and at the same time the front door was thrown open and orcs swarmed inside.

            Legolas’s POV

            The second I set foot on the plains of Rohan I was consumed in a battle with yet another pack of orcs. Only this time the men of Rohan aided me as I battled to get into the city of Eodoras. I guess I just felt compelled to help King Eomer after all this time since I was killing right and left. Arod swiftly moved beneath me and I dismounted to let him go off to wherever he felt compelled to go himself. I continued to shoot and cut down wargs and orcs right and left as I finally made it into Eodoras and I realized that orcs were in there as well. They swarmed over everything and I felt irritation rise in my throat as I continued to battle alongside the men of Rohan. They nodded respectively at me as I ran past heading for the orcs but none of them spoke to me, did they know that I was married already? A scream echoed through the air and I turned my head towards the palace, which seemed to be where the source of the scream had echoed through. The soldiers around me turned as well and several of them tried to get to the palace with as much force as they could, but they couldn’t get through the other orcs. I spied an opening suddenly and I dove in, slashing my weapon around wildly at the enemy until I was flying up the steps to the palace.

            I entered and there was a blade at my neck instantly and I was faced with a soldier whose face was partway covered by a Rohan helmet. He growled at me but it turned into a gasp and I caught a glimpse of a woman’s face before she lifted her blade and stabbed something behind me. I turned just in time to see an orc fall dead behind me and I turned back around just in time to see the woman fleeing the scene heading to the nearest corner.

            “My lady, I am here to help!” I shouted and I tried to go nearer towards her but she held up her sword and pointed it at my throat.

            “Don’t come nearer Prince Legolas of the Woodland Realm. Where is your wife, is she here to bother us as well?” her tone was icy and I felt defensive for a moment before I realized that she was probably stressed out right now.

            “No my lady, but you must come with me, I must get you out of here!” I urged her to take my hand, and she hesitated a moment before she lowered her sword and raised her hand slowly to take mine, and then she screamed and shoved me out of the way.

            Saphira’s POV

            No! A warg the size of a pony rammed into me as I shoved Legolas out of the way and took the blow for him. As I went flying back onto the ground I saw Raina’s terrified face as she peered out from beneath the table cover she was hiding under and I shook my head fiercely at her before I brought my hand down to my belt and grabbed my dagger. The warg was dazed by the interception and I wrestled with it greatly before I could get a proper hit. When I got the aim correct I stabbed upwards again and again into the beast’s stomach, and I didn’t stop until it lay dead upon the ground with all its blood gushing out in a waterfall of scarlet water.

            “Raina?” I called out, and she burst out from under the table and jumped into my embrace before I caught sight of Legolas getting up and staring at me shocked. The bitterness came back and I told him icily, “I saved you once, don’t think I’ll do it again.” And then I heard a familiar voice enter my head and I smiled before climbing out the window.

            What did I miss?

            “Faelwen you little devil, you are not allowed to go hunting anymore from now on!” I thought angrily as I climbed up the rafters towards the roof. Raina was up first since I didn’t want her to fall and not be caught. She was awed at the sight of Faelwen who I was sure had grown a couple more feet in wing length and in size in general. Faelwen just rolled her eyes at me but then looked questioningly at the child.

            Did you? She looks like you and Legolas…

            I glared at her as I perched Raina on her back before securing her in the saddle tightly. “Raina, this is my pet Faelwen, now I want you to hold on tight to her and she will bring you to safety. She will return you to me when it is safe.” I rushed out and I kissed her head before she gave me a hug. Tears stained her face and my heart broke to see her like this. But I was going to make sure that she survived this, I promised her mother I would take care of her.

            “Faelwen!” I yelled out at her and she turned her big head and listened as I spoke, “Take care of my daughter, I will never forgive you if you don’t take her to safety! Take her to Helm’s Deep, you can hide there. I will call for you when I can. Go!” I shouted and she bowed her head before spreading her great wings and taking to the air, and within moments both Faelwen and my daughter were gone.

To Love an Endangered Princess [Legolas Greenleaf Love]Where stories live. Discover now