True Heir of Gondor

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A Month Later...

Saphria's POV

I rode Faelwen as I made my way to Aragon's corination. Today was the day he was going to be crowned king of Gondor, and everyone remaining in the fellowship was invited. I didn't really do anything over the first month I was gone except for return to my kingdom and later pay a visit to Oakwood who really was surprised to see me become the princess of the white wolves. I had told him everything that happened and I showed him the ring that I still carried from him, the one with the branches wrapped around my finger. We had spent a few good nights reunited until word reached me in a small inn I dropped into that Aragon was being crowned king in a week, which reminded me that I promised him I would attend. So there I was on Faelwen with Silivrenniel galloping along below us looking at the rising towers of Minias Tirith that faintly appeared on the horizon. I had only left for a month but it felt like eternity and I would finally see the fellowship together one last time.

"I'll see Legolas again too." I whispered to myself but Faelwen snorted and her eyes shined with mischief and I rolled my eyes at her.

"It's not like you have a crush on any dragon Faelwen." I reminded her and she moved her head and smacked me across the face with her ear much to her amusement.

 I shook my head at her and focused back on the oncoming palace of Gondor. Aragon, Gimli, Legolas, the hobbits, Gandalf. All of them would be there, and I could finally spend some more time with Legolas, my heart felt lighter just thinking about him. He was perfect, and he waited for me unlike anyone else who would just move on with their life.

It was nearly noon when I finally landed on the fields just outside of Minias Tirith. I scaned the area quickly, and I saw a calvery of people on horseback ride out to meet me as I dismounted Faelwen and stroked Silivrenniel. I was baiscally wearing the same thing that I was wearing when I had left Rivendell, and I had to admit I took pretty good care of it too. For once every piece was intact and clean with not a smudge on my boots or leggings either. It paid off to wash these clothes reguarly even though I hated doing it.

I straighted my blue traveling cape and pulled my hair out so the short braids hung out of my cape along with my stray hair done up in a gold tie. I tried to look as best as I could as I straightened my golden crown, but instantly I was lifted off my feet by a certain excited elf and twirled around.

"Legolas!" I screamed and threw my arms around him, embracing him in a loving hug. He laughed and buried his face in my hair, inhaling my scent; I hope it didn't smell bad.

"You smell amazing..." murmured Legolas through my hair and I pulled away shocked.

"I...I do? How? I swear I haven't properly fixed up in like four weeks!" I exclaimed making Legolas shake his head in wonder.

"You get away with all sorts of things where as I have to constantly comb out my hair just to keep it from getting tangled! You never have a bad hair day or anything, you just appear perfect." He told me, and then he brought his lips down upon mine and I gladly accepted the fact that I had better hair days than him.

"I'm not late am I?" I shook at the thought of arriving late, but to my relief Legolas just shook his head and wrapped his hand around my waist protectively as Aragon approached me.

He held up his arms at Legolas's protective guesture and laughed. "Don't worry Legolas she's all yours. I just want to say hi to my favorite half elf!" he teased me and thumped me heartily on my shoulder. I tilted my head back and laughed, "always a pleasure to be in your company my king." I couldn't help but tease him back, I knew he hated being called 'my king'. Aragon's eyes narrowed and Legolas started laughing along with Gimli who had arrived just in time to hear my retort.

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