Sacrifice to Fufill Your Destiny

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I trailed her tail for at least half an hour before she entered a hanger at the base of the Misty Mountains. Why would she be going in there? I walked Arod through and was instantly awed at the sight that beheld me.

            Crystal caverns decked with an array of colors surrounded us from all sides. The crystal formations towered way over my head and formed an intricate arc that portrayed a wolf’s head that was made up of glistening golden and sparkling white gems. The head itself was tilted at an angle that gave it a proud and majestic expression as I passed underneath it. I could feel the pride and glory that the wolves had in this place; it practically radiated off the crystallized walls of the caverns that I passed through.

            Arod obediently stayed silent as I moved about the tunnels following the footsteps of Saphira’s mount before ducking quickly behind a crystal column as a few armor clad wolves rushed past to stand guard at the entrance. I wished I could understand them, but their language was strange to me and I only heard a bunch of growls and whines.

            Saphira’s POV

            I burst into the kingdom’s chambers and leapt off Shadowfax’s kin before hauling myself down the corridor and into my quarters. The queen was pacing on my balcony worriedly, and she leapt up as I burst through the doors and collapsed on the floor.

            My skin felt like it was literally burning away as I writhed in agony on the ground. I felt my mind go fuzzy and I fought to stay awake, gasping as the queen brushed softly against my torn skin.

            “Please! Get it off…get it off!” I wailed as I thrashed around trying to slash off the fabric that covered my arm. I used my good hand and tried to tear the armor and under sleeves that covered my wound and kept it in constant pain. It was unbearable, and I collapsed weakly before the queen lightly pulled at my armor and it fell to the ground in small sections.

            “Hold still princess. This will take some time.” She murmured and then she used her claws to tear the fabric that was now nearly glued to my skin off. I thrashed some more, and I thought I saw a white light flash out of the corner of my eyes before my eyes rolled back into my head and I lost consciousness.

            My eyes burst open and I was lying on the floor with the queen of the white wolves standing over me with a worried expression. I groaned and sat up stiffly before noticing that my wound was still open, but now I was missing my under sleeves and my armor. I sighed and moved my arm around freely; it still hurt but not as much now.

            “Many thanks to you my queen.” I nodded my head to her before wincing from the slight burning of the wound. The queen gave me what looked to be a smile before padding over to my bathroom and grabbing a wet towel with her teeth. She walked back over to me and dabbed at my cut, coming away with a blood-ridden towel that was scarlet in color. I grimaced at the sight, and I turned my head away just as a messenger wolf came bursting through the doors, his claws sliding on the marble floor as he attempted to stop himself fully. He ended up bumping into the queen before embarrassedly shuffling back and bowing his head in shame.

            “My queen, my princess, urgent news has befallen upon me to tell you both that Eowyn is dying from the poison. It is spreading throughout her slowly and she will not live to see another day if she isn’t healed. The healers ask permission to send for an elven healer, they are our last hope of saving her.”

            My head perked up and I was on my feet in an instant, using my bedpost to stay on my feet. I couldn’t let Eowyn die; yet I knew we couldn’t call elven healers. They would put this mountain on the map soon enough and we would loose our hiding area and kingdom as we knew it.

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