Prophecy Child

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One year later…

            Legolas’s POV

            “Son, you are allowed to go back out on your adventuring since Princess Vanya is away at her parent’s place for a few weeks again. Go do whatever your heart desires now, just remember not to die or get caught by orcs all right?”

            My heart sung with joy as my father finally released me from the clutches of his palace and let me go out for the first time in months after my marriage to Vanya. She was homesick often, so her parents struck a deal with Thranduil that stated she could leave and come home however long she pleased as long as she always returned. So far she was always back by when she was due, and Thranduil soon got used to the fact that she was leaving every one or two weeks. I of course knew she was just hanging out with Thalion and I didn’t mind one bit.

            I snatched up my bow and quiver that had since been long forgotten and unused at my bedside before I leapt off the balcony towards the direction of the stables. I felt so light and comforted that I was free for the first time in forever. I could finally visit Saphira, in the mountains where I knew she would be waiting for me. My old self was restored and I leapt atop Arod who was basically jumping for joy to get out again after a while and together we burst forth out of the boundaries of Mirkwood and onto the Brown Lands free once more.

            Saphira’s POV
            Orcs were raiding the village of Haewed to the south of Rohan, the farthest village from our main city. I woke the second the warning bell had rung from the messenger who had ridden hard on a lame mount to deliver the message to us. I grabbed my armor and pulled it over my underclothes quickly before throwing on my helmet and placing my bow and quiver across my back. I then strapped on my belt and snatched up my staff that Elrond had given me before rushing out with my deep blue cape flying out behind me as I descended the steps. The rising sun was just coming up on the horizon and I quickly assembled the most riders that were up and about already.

            “Hurry, we must make haste!” I shouted to them, and they rallied behind me with rousing screams enough to wake the whole city if possible. I called out to Wind Breaker and she galloped out of the stables fully tacked up thanks to some really expert stable hands. I mounted her quickly and I spurred her towards the gates of Eodoras, which were being pulled open as my men rode through it out to start the long hard ride to Haewed’s aid. I started Wind Breaker towards the gates myself but a hand gripped the reins and prevented me from going anywhere. I looked down and my eyes locked on my husband Eomer’s handsome face. He looked worn and deprived of sleep, and I bent down and gave him a quick reassuring kiss before calling, “Guard our kingdom my king, I will be back before you know it!” and then I followed my men out on the trail towards the orc ridden village.

            When we arrived at the gates of Haewed, I couldn’t believe how many orcs there were! How many could still survive the desolation of Sauron! I leapt off of Wind Breaker and unsheathed my sword, swinging it mightily around my head decapitating a few orcs near me. Now that I had their attention I began having some hand to hand combat with an orc that was too close to battle with a sword. The men around me wielded their weapons angrily and brought down orc after orc with well-timed precise blows. I drove my daggers through a few orc’s heads and one in the stomach before I redrew my sword from its sheath. I brandished in high above my head as I chased a group of orcs through the village and towards the bridge across the thawing river. Winter had been kind to us this year and we were lucky the river wasn’t completely frozen over. I threw a few off the bridge but the last two put up a really big fight and I had a hard time throwing them into the freezing waters as well. One orc knocked my sword out of my hand and he tackled me so I was up against the barriers that were just barely separating him and me from the freezing water below us. I struggled against his hold, and I drove my hand deep into his armor before imagining his burning up with the heat from my hands.

To Love an Endangered Princess [Legolas Greenleaf Love]Where stories live. Discover now