Into the Woods

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Saphira’s POV

Vanya had sobered up some from my little explanation and finally allowed us to leave the filthy prison cell that had been my home for the last few weeks. I could feel the grime on my paws as I trotted alongside her, and I tried to look as animal like as I could.

The light from above blinded me as we finally exited the doorway and I could tell Vanya was also quite affected because she kept blinking her eyes like crazy.

I felt the polished floors of Mirkwood beneath me, and I felt different emotions all at once. I knew Legolas was here, but at the same time so was Thranduil.

“Try not to look scared or anything because you will attract unwanted attention.” I thought to her, and she barely nodded before she turned to the left down a hall and pulled open the door.

“This is my room. Well, more like Legolas’s and my room. Anyways just play along please.” She thought back to me, and it took all of my strength not to bound in there and see my Legolas for the first time in forever.

Vanya’s POV

Legolas was sitting in a wooden oak chair staring at the wall unseeingly. I felt Saphira enter more cautiously just as a real white wolf would and the second she caught a glimpse of Legolas her form wavered and instantly her pelt became black as night and her eyes became fiery red with orange swirls. I stopped in mid-step to watch her, and she glanced at me with such sorrow that it broke my heart.

“He can’t recognize me Vanya. I don’t want him to fall into a more depressed state, and we already can’t be together.” Her thoughts echoed through my head and I had to try hard not to burst out sobbing for her sake. So instead I closed the door and walked over to Legolas before putting a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“Hey Legolas, I’m back.”

“Oh hi Vanya, how was your walk?”

“It was fine, and eventful I must add. I have a new pet…erm…friend for you too meet.”

“No not now Vanya, I can’t meet anyone right now. This is just not the right time…what the hell!” he made a dive for his bow and notched an arrow to its tip before aiming it at Saphira, who had wisely chosen to cower by the foot of the bed slightly behind me and the wooden frame.

“Vanya, get away from that thing! It’s a freaking night wolf, those things are unstable!” he shouted, and I protectively shielded Saphira away from Legolas’s weapon.

“Nonsense, Thranduil gave her too me as a late wedding gift. She is perfectly normal, and not the least bit scary. Her name is…” I paused since I was trying to come up with something quickly but I got back on track quickly, “Shadow. Her name is shadow because of her pelt color. And she is going to stay here with us, and you will be nice too her; right?” I glanced at him using my little pleading look and he sighed before drawing the arrow out of the bow.

“If she causes any trouble this will be the end of her staying here and you will give it back to my father at once.”

Legolas’s POV
            Okay I really don’t think we can trust Shadow; I mean her name is Shadow after all. This wasn’t an ordinary wolf at all; out of all the wolf’s to adopt Vanya goes ahead and takes in the dark night one.

“Legolas you’re zoning out again.” Vanya’s voice interrupted my thoughts and brought my gaze down to the night wolf who was cautiously approaching my shoes. For a wolf she was pretty undersized, barely reaching my knee and I wasn’t the tallest elf around. Barely over 2 and half feet she could be classified as the runt of the litter; the unwanted one. Which is probably why Vanya took her in to begin with.

To Love an Endangered Princess [Legolas Greenleaf Love]Where stories live. Discover now