Escape from Helm's Deep

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Legolas’s POV

            My mind spun as I lifted Saphira up into the air as gracefully as I could. She wasn’t that hard to lift really, I didn’t even have to try to lift her. She was a spirited dancer from what I had seen from the first few dances, and I knew I just had to get at least one dance with her before anyone else took her away. Her eyes met mine as we spun in harmony over the floor, our footwork was in sync and so delicate that I thought I was going soft for a moment. Saphira’s eyes looked truly amazing as she smiled at me and for once she wore a real genuine smile on her face. This day couldn’t have gotten better.

            Saphira’s POV

            It was Legolas. My heart had always belonged to Legolas. From the moment he had tackled me to the ground to him lifting me in the elven dance I knew it was him. Eomer was amazing as well, but he wasn’t the same as Legolas. Maybe it was because Legolas was older than him or something I really didn’t know, but I knew that my heart was really given to Legolas.

            The dance ended again and I saw Eomer conversing with Theoden at the table, not even watching the dance. I didn’t really mind now, because I was holding Legolas’s hand tightly in mine. We walked off and met up with Haldir, who just smiled coyly before walking off. Legolas turned to me and looked into my eyes with those captivating baby blue orbs of his.

            “Walk with me?” he asked, and without waiting for an answer he led me out to the courtyard.

            As we walked we got closer to each other until our shoulders were brushing constantly. I couldn’t see any of Legolas’s emotions because he hid them so well, but I knew he could read my face easily.

            “I’ve been meaning to ask Saphira, Haldir mentioned you were the heir of something. You don’t happen to know what do you?” he asked me with a slightly hopeful voice and I couldn’t help but cringe a little. Haldir had no business telling him this, even though it was Legolas.

            “I know, but I really don’t like talking about it, please don’t ask me.” I pleaded and my eyes said it all. He nodded briefly though I could tell he was disappointed.

            “You know Legolas, you’re a great dancer. You should dance more often.” I stated whilst staring up at the now starry sky. He chuckled and brought me in closer to him so I was now pressed up against his chest facing him.

            “I would, but I lack a dance partner.” He simply replied, and he brushed his nose against mine lightly, making me shiver. He had such an effect on me; it was only going to be a matter of time before I loose control.

            “There are plenty of dancing elves out there Legolas. Go find one, I’m sure that you will dance plenty more.” I whispered to him, as our faces were centimeters apart.

            He leaned in and before he closed the gap he answered, “I already found her.” And then our lips met.

            I felt so many emotions rush through my head as we kissed under the moon. My heart pounded so much as his arms found their way around my waist and I instantly brought my hands up into his hair. He let out a faint groan as I pressed my lips onto his again, and I could finally inhale him; all of him. He smelled of the forest, and a swirl of blackberries and fresh moss accompanied the other scents. He smelled like my home, he reminded me of Oakwood who was probably off herding trees somewhere in the Fangorn forest. I opened my eyes briefly for a second before realizing what I was doing. I couldn’t love him; he was the prince of Mirkwood! And me, I was just Princess of the White Wolves, a nearly extinct species! Plus, I am half human and half elf, I knew Thranduil his father from when I was younger. He had always looked down on me because I was half human and being a princess of a certain animal didn’t count in his book apparently. I couldn’t love Legolas without getting torn away from him, this wasn’t supposed to happen.

To Love an Endangered Princess [Legolas Greenleaf Love]Where stories live. Discover now