Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"Hi," I replied slowly. "How did you guys find where I live?" I leaned against the open door wondering whether to invite them in or not.

"Natalia," Damian said. He walked closer to the door and looked around at the door frame and down at the threshold.

"What are you doing here?" I asked them both.

Daniel handed a small device in a white case with graffiti designs to me. Still not much of a talker.

"My phone!" I squealed with pure joy. My whole life was in my phone and my thumb drive. If those were ever lost for good, I wouldn't know what to do. "Thank you. Where did you find it?" I queried.

"It was under your desk in Art History. I saw it when I was walking out. We knew it was yours so we thought we'd return it," Damian said shuffling his feet a little.

"Thanks," I said again looking down at the colorful case and clear, shiny screen.

"Umm... Someone named Louis kept calling. Boyfriend of yours?" Damian asked with a raised eyebrow and a look on his face that made me want to break out into a wide smile. He was teasing.

"Louis is my manager," I explained.

"Cool," they said in unison.

"Do you guys do that a lot?" I asked, referring to them talking at the same time.

"No," they said together.

"Are you sure about that?" I said, a smile tugging at my lips.

They looked at each other. "We're psychic," they said.

Damian rolled his eyes and pointed a thumb at his brother. "Call it twin telepathy if you will."

I couldn't keep myself from giggling.

"I think we should be going," Daniel said. "Umm... See you tomorrow, yeah?" he said.

"Maybe you should come with us. I'd like someone around who actually knows the place," Damian said. Daniel looked at him angrily and I just stood there awkwardly.

I looked at Daniel. I didn't think he'd want me to come along to wherever they were going. "I don't think so. I've got a lot of homework to deal with," I lied with a fake smile. I could also tell when I wasn't wanted.

"Okay," Damian said. Daniel started walking down the driveway and it made me wonder if they just walked through the gate instead of driving through. There was no other car around but mine and Leanne's. Damian held my wrist and leaned in close to my ear when he was passing. "I've got a special power you know. I can tell when someone is lying."

"I know when I'm not wanted," I leaned forward and said, nodding my head in Daniel's direction when he wasn't looking.

"On the contrary, little Nina, It's quite the opposite. He's just shy." Daniel whipped his head around as if he heard what Damian had just said and glared daggers into him.

At that time Cristóbal and Maria came towards the house with his overgrown hair being blown by the wind. Cristóbal hadn't spoken a word since he heard about our parents' death. The doctors said he was still in shock, suffering from moderate depression and possible PTSD. He didn't want to eat or go outside for a while. He still refused to even go to school.

In all truth, they weren't my real parents, but they were the ones who raised me. I didn't know how I came to be with them. They never wanted to speak about it, and after years of trying to get them to tell me, I gave up. Of course, this also meant that Cris wasn't my biological brother, but that didn't matter to either of us.

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